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  1. Apparently of the Jewish persuasion
  2. Yes there is Usually a "Cause" of Death tho you Genius
  3. Yes but this time He's being directed by the Real President of USA Nethanyahu
  4. You took one soundbite from the Collective Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinian People and are trying to show that as proof??? The FACTS are that the Jews Murdered and Stole the Palestinians Land and Homes Committing Massacres against Unarmed Villagers Just google "Tantura" You will see the Jews gloat about the Massacres themselves and that is just ONE Example of the Heinous crimes they Committed
  5. Canadian then? The Natives can do what they want on their own Land, without the Europeans descending upon them and committing Genocide wouldn't you agree?
  6. What has Islam got to do with it?? Are you even aware that there is a Large Christian Population in Palestine??? They have been there since the time of Jesus Christ,it is the Holy Land. Secondly it should tell you all you need to know that when the Jews were persecuted in Europe it was the Palestinians who gave the Food and Shelter in return they were Murdered and had their houses stolen by the same Jews they helped. these are facts
  7. Many Races have lived there for over 3000 years,before Jews were invented, Egyptians,Greeks,Romans,Phoenicians if we are looking at ownership of land based on who was there first then Jews were not the first race of People there. It is a dangerous and ignorant argument to make,i'm assuming you're from the USA if that is the case the Native American Indians have every right to Ethnically Cleanse You and Steal your Home
  8. Yes it was do your Research, they welcomed the Jews who were fleeing persecution in Europe into their Homes,fed and Sheltered them and in Return they stole the Palestinians Homes and Murdered them
  9. Died? Looks too young to just Keel over and Die? How did he Die? Murder? Overdose?
  10. Greedy Cow, He left Her that luxury House in Hua Hin and she wants more??? she was probably living in a shed before she met him
  11. MAGA???? The Only State that will Benefit from Trumps Presidency will be Israel watch and see
  12. All the Weed Dealing Chavs from the UK are here to stay seems like..Get used to it everyone
  13. I Hate to say this but I've noticed a significant rise in "Chavs" from the UK in Thailand in all the major tourist areas,Phuket,Pattaya etc. and just from my own observation I think the abundant availability of Cannabis is a big draw..it's brought in a whole new group of tourists..not for the better if you ask Me..just My opinion
  14. The Way she's just Prodding that Vendors Injured Bandaged Head!! 😳😳😳
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