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Mai mee

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  1. Don't you have enough ex-wives already Simon? Last time I was in Myanmar was 2015 or so, spent about a month riding around on the slowest trains in the world 😉. Loved it then, wish I could check it out again now, but it seems FAR too dangerous at present. I've always thought the Burmese were the sweetest people you'd ever find. Their governments, not so much. Back here in Thailand, I've had to confront the psychological effects of my status change from "Handsum Man" to Papa... It happened seemingly quickly, but it's taken me probably 5 years to get over it and accept the reality of it all.... Time marches on and I'm ok with it now. At last years Songkran festivities a charming young lady was dispatched to usher me to a chair under the canopy in the "revered elders" section, hahaha. I politely thanked her and declined, but this year, I might just surrender. Hats off and Godspeed, Gordo HS0ZPC
  2. "Cheap as Chips" motorbike rentals in Patong, super legit, owner is a BM here, Briofoz.
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