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  1. Think this must be a joke. Saying Hua Hin is all Thai is like saying Benidorm is all Spanish! 😁 Hua Hin is safe enough. Quieter than Pattaya or Phuket so less obnoxious drunks looking for fights but still a tourist town with the associated scams if you’re not careful.
  2. I certainly wasn’t pulled aside when I initially entered or re-entered. Sailed straight through with no questions and that seems to be the case with most people. Reports seem to indicate that getting a DTV in a regional embassy might make you more likely to be questioned vs obtaining in home country. No idea if any other factors in play: - Soft power vs remote worker - Length of time out of country - Previous visa history - IO having a bad day … I certainly hope I can jump in / out for the five years! I’m always a little sceptical about a vocal minority that have bad experiences: - Do they have connections to “safe entry” services? - Are they just bored and looking for reaction? - Are they jealous of remote workers because they had to work down a coal mine for 40 years?
  3. I don’t send food back but just wouldn’t go back. Not rocket science but I would try to avoid the situation coming up in the first place… 1) Unless you’re eating in a restaurant you know well / recommended, eat local food and stay away from burgers, steak, pizza or non-spicy curries - these aren’t natural to the Thai palette / aren’t cooked at home here. I normally find Thai food bland when I’m in the West so avoid it there and I mostly avoid non-trusted Western restaurants here. 2) If you’re eating in a “tourist” hub almost anywhere in the world the restaurants don’t rely on repeat business so often don’t care. Try to avoid eating anywhere near the “centre” or again rely on trusted places.
  4. Yes, letterhead doesn’t need to be anything fancy. My “logo” is the name of my business in one font / size / colour and a strap line in underneath it another. I use it on business cards for when I go to conferences or meet clients in person but equivalent could be created easily enough. I thought about including other documents but decided against it and in my instance they weren’t requested but have seen a few reports here saying people had follow-up requests by email. Really quick turnaround. Think I had the visa come through within about 5 days of applying. I’m sure others will be interested in your experience so please report back. I applied in August so things might have changed but most reports seem to indicate UK or home countries’ embassies are a bit more lenient than ones close to Thailand so think you’ll be ok.
  5. I was in exactly your situation and wrote my own Director’s letter to UK embassy and was approved. Not sure everything I did was required but details: - Used company letter headed paper with logo - Stated I was an employee and owner - Stated company was private limited, registered in UK and gave company number and registered address - Provided nature of my business and that it could be performed remotely - Signed it myself as director - Included one appendix with link to and screen shot from companies house website showing I was sole director - Included second appendix with portfolio of clients (various across multiple countries). This didn’t show revenue for each client but did summarise gross profit from latest financial year. I had other evidence available if requested (e.g. personal self-assessment tax return, company accounts, etc.) but they weren’t requested. Hope useful and good luck
  6. I knew “soft power” would mess up this visa. There is a difference between people attending “seminars” per this example, medical appointments, Muay Thai classes, etc. and people working remotely. Don’t deny that there are plenty of chancers that work remotely but at least in theory you’ve got an ongoing income. I said before, it should have been split into two visas: - Soft power for 1 year with renewable option IF reason ongoing and still have 500k available - Remote worker is fine for 5 years IF they have a minimum annual income I’ve been in, out and back in with no problems but reports of hostility are building.
  7. Was this directed at me? I’m certainly not naive enough to believe immigration have much integrity and wouldn’t deny entry / wouldn’t falsify records for their own reasons. I’m also not naive enough to believe every negative story on the internet about immigration. Authors may make things up for giggles or for example they may be connected to the assisted entry / border bounce companies. I apologised in advance to Briggsy if I’d misunderstood the apparent contradictions between their posts and the apology still stands if their account is genuine.
  8. Hmm, appreciate the reply but in the first entry you were denied and in second entry you say you were warned. If genuine then I apologise but something doesn’t add up! Are you telling a Christmas fairytale? 😉
  9. This is concerning. I’ve had a few METVs and no problems but moved to DTV now. On the other thread there is a video that shows the MFA consider the visa as just “initial screening” and IO get the final say on entry or extension. Would you mind sharing your history? - Do you just bounce in/out or have holidays? - Do you only go to low-cost neighbouring countries or trips to Singapore, Japan, Korea? - Do you go to and stay in home country? Sorry for the questions but I’m interested in possible reasons why IO would reject if you had a visa.
  10. I’ve been out and back-in. No comments or requests from immigration other than visa, passport and boarding card. Not sure if it makes a difference but hadn’t been in Thailand as long as you. Details: - originally arrived in October - went on a side trip for 2 weeks in November - flew back in to Chiang Mai Previous history: - had been in home country for about 4 months before coming to Thailand in October - had been using METVs for previous couple of years - side trips on METVs had mostly been genuine “holidays” for a week or two rather than just border bounces although had done a couple of border bounces - never previously been questioned / warned by immigration - no previous ED visas or volunteer visas or covid extensions that reports seem to indicate trigger problems No idea if any of that makes a difference!
  11. No, I’m a “remote worker” but don’t want to get caught in a crack down on soft power. Shared my experience in previous thread but in brief: - Own a UK business - Applied in UK - Provided statement from UK cash savings account - Provided utility bill from my UK property - Provided letter that: - Showed companies house record demonstrating I’m sole director - Showed client list (UK, US, Chinese, Canadian, French… clients) - Showed profit / loss for last financial year Had additional evidence available if required but wasn’t. I don’t actually work much in Thailand except to answer a few emails but lucky enough that working for 3 months in UK can more than pay for a 9 month stay in Thailand plus side trips.
  12. Agree. I’m on a DTV and it feels far too easy! I would expect 500k in bank and then either: - 5 year visa for remote working with proof of minimum income Or - 1 year visa for soft power with no proof of income I’ve said on a few threads that 500k wouldn’t last very long if you don’t have an income (e.g. gap year student, made redundant, etc.). If you come with no income and only 500k in bank but decide you want to stay longer than originally planned, this is where people will be tempted to try stealing, begging, selling drugs, scamming, working illegally, etc. End result will be to give everyone on a DTV a bad reputation.
  13. Maybe phrased poorly but wasn’t talking about professional criminals, as you say they have other options. More likely is someone who has 500k but no income (e.g. gap year student, person made redundant in home country, etc.). They come with intention of staying 6 months but decide to try a “side hustle” to prolong their stay. Removing the soft power options, requirement to maintain a balance to re-enter and / or ability to demonstrate a minimum (legitimate) income would reduce chance of this type of abuse. Ordinarily I wouldn’t care what people do but any reports of abuse of DTVs will give IO an excuse to deny entry or demand bribes - something I don’t want!
  14. This is the bit that seems strange to me and wondering if it could get tightened in the future - duration of visa shortened, amount increased, minimum income required or something? At the moment, there is no minimum income for remote working option and 5 years is a long time to survive on 500k so in theory you could book a cooking class and then try and “get-by” on the 500k with no other income for 5 years like the guy in the other forum trying to make 1 million baht last 14 years. Not exactly beneficial to Thailand if only living on 100k a year and almost green light for people who want to setup illegal businesses, work illegally, sell drugs, etc. Hope I’m wrong but like DrJack says it is a bit too easy at the moment!
  15. Multiple Entry Tourist Visa (METV) is designed for this I think. Did hear a few reports of people being questioned even when using one of these but I had a few for consecutive years and never had any problems personally.
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