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Everything posted by Aleksey75

  1. And all 145 members of parliament from the former Move Forward, now People's Party, voted against her... + 2 members from some other parties . Totally, 147 votes against.
  2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.....
  3. Isn't it better to start the campaign to help those in needs so they won't go to the streets begging... It's rather stupid when the officials from several ministries will go around the streets persuading the public not to give money to beggers, isn't it?
  4. Tho clown will be dismissed himself soon. What words will we hear from him then?
  5. Even without war in this part of the world, people are going crazy... Why can they think that everything they want, can arrive at them immediately... No logic, no education...
  6. Romasco? What kind of "Russian" name is that?! In Russian passports the last name comes first, so, probably his last name is Romashko. In that, we follow the Asian style of writing the names... Anyway, another drunk Russian...
  7. Right. While reading the article and comments, I was thinking "and what about those taxi drivers urinated bihind their cars by the roads in the light of a day, being seen by lots of people - why doesn't it cause outrage among the Thai netizens?!"
  8. I am from that country and I have lived in different regions - not in Moscow or St. Petersburg - they're different from the rest of the territory. And I can see in the local Telegram channels what the people have become there. Even my friends and relatives are not the ones to me anymore with all their support to Putin and the war ..
  9. They don't know what real freedom is. The majority of coming here are just thugs, trying to avoid conscription or any responsibilities or consequences...
  10. Unfortunately, the majority of my counterparts are raised to be "chosen and unique", and "that everybody owes them in the world" - that's what Putin's propaganda does there. Moreover, they all still think that Asian countries are developing ones - the 3rd world - so, they (the Russians) know everything better. And nobody dares to learn any English... In my opinion, the more restrictions on those, the better...
  11. Well, Australia participates in Eurovision Song Contest, not being in Europe - why cannot the Atlantic find themselves here in the Pacific area?
  12. Well, Australia participates in Eurovision Song Contest, not being in Europe - why cannot the Atlantic find themselves here in the Pacific area?
  13. Well, Australia participates in Eurovision Song Contest, not being in Europe - why cannot the Atlantic find themselves here in the Pacific area?
  14. Even I still have a passport of that territory, I think the Russians should not be allowed anywhere in the civilized world... Moreover, as Mr. PU calls them "new Russian elite" - the former convict murderers, rapists and criminals - new "heros" - are coming back from the front being pardoned... You just cannot see that in the news what's going on there outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg...
  15. How is that related to the raised question and problem?!?! Just bla-bla-bla. Shouldn't he suggest one of the solutions?!
  16. Well, not only Phuket, Samui and Pattaya as well - known for Russians and their mafia there - I have witnessed it myself. Still holding a passport of that country, unfortunately...
  17. I don't understand many Russians: they hate Asians, they hate Thai food, they are disgusted by Asian boys or girls, at the same time they're still coming here - what for? Why?! And,also, expect that the whole world always owes them something...
  18. Sanctioned by who?! By Putin?!?! It looks similar like Maxim Galkin was not allowed to Bali, because it "was asked from Moscow"...
  19. The fact that he is a criminal is enough. The other sides may have their own versions or reasons, but they won't deny the existing fact.
  20. Look back at about 23 years ago... 2 Chechen wars, the "Kursk" submarine, the explosion of apartment buildings in different cities, including Moscow, the "Nord-Ost" theatre, Beslan school, Georgia, Crimea, Siria, Ukraine again... Between those "deeds", poisoning and killing of about 150 journalists and former FSB officers, who tried to speak up the truth about putin....
  21. Moscow is not Russia at all... Having seen Moscow, you haven't seen the real Russia. Toilets are outside, no running water, the only water pump for the whole street and disastrous living conditions for the majority of people outside of Moscow... Shut down schools, hospitals with no teachers or doctors... The list is neverending... I was born in the USSR and grew up in Siberia, so I know everything from the inside...
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