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Everything posted by worldexpress

  1. Not that simple and you have to dig a little deeper if you want to mount an argument. Without foreign companies and joint ventures, organic Thai firms are mostly in service, light manufacturing and food sectors and would only be a very small portion of the GDP. Thailand is a leading automobile exporter in the world and also contribute close to 15% of overall Thai economy but that's because the Japanese build them there. That's just one example. Thailand REALLY does and has been trying to "pivot" and wean off tourism but has not been able to for different reasons. In the mean time, tourism is an easy and significant revenue stream. As the OP's statement, as exaggerated as it might sound, is not too far off base.
  2. The recent weed law and now this. They just don't think through before they execute, do they?
  3. One has an authoritarian communist government, under which one has no fair due process rights. The point is, it's not always about the landscape or the price of beer. One can pay a steep price in other ways.
  4. I understand and fully sympathize with your sentiment about the ball-less stances of recent Thai governments on world issues but factually, your statements are completely incorrect. They were a major contributor and host to the American forces during the Vietnam War (Pattaya wouldn't be today's Pattaya without the U.S. G.I.s back then). A quick search on Wiki yielded: "About 40,000 Thai military would serve in South Vietnam, with 351 killed in action and 1,358 wounded." Also, "During the course of the Korean War, Thailand dispatched a total of 11,786 soldiers to Korea. It is recorded that 129 Thai soldiers lost their lives in the war, 1,139 were wounded, and five were missing in action (MIA)," also according to Wiki. It is true that the Kingdom "chose" to be neutral during WWII, on the surface politics, but their silent choice in reality was taking of the side on the Axis. Remember River Kwai? Japanese still came onto Thai soil to carry out their military objectives and commit atrocities against the Allied troops. I wholeheartedly agree with you, however, their stance and initial actions on the Russian invasion of Ukraine were disgusting.
  5. https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/2364261/rise-in-number-of-thais-seeking-work-in-south-korea.
  6. Central Planning Committee has spoken. End of discussion. Long live hammer & sickle. Now on to a more important matter of a joint air exercise with the motherland.
  7. Not a very credible report. There is no effin' way the US is third worst in this and I will bet my last dollar on it. You just need to visit a few countries to feel this in your guts.
  8. Meh. In a similar survey a few days ago, Kansas City was named #1 in the world, which is laughable at best. I don't put much stock in these worthless rankings. Best cities around the world to take a working vacation (cnbc.com)
  9. Wrong! Unless one has no situational awareness, a big sign that reads "Visa on Arrival" on the way to passport control cannot be missed.
  10. Are they going to be parading around with those sticks on their beat? The pinning ends of the sticks won't fit an average farang with beer bellies.
  11. So why stop at 45? 90 sounds like a good number to me, if we're going to be arbitrary.
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