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Posts posted by Aurelien

  1. Light hearthed post... We all know the running joke of 'yes but my girl is different'...only to learn down the line that she wasn't that much different...so for experienced old geezers here, did you ever got a Thai girl who was really different ? And by different, i mean not obsessed with generating money, saving face, buying beauty products and whose conversation subjects weren't centered around food and gossips

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  2. Your post is either a troll, or you're being completely ignorant of the reality of how things work here. Maybe you're a newcomer. 


    First of all, you have to realize that most women open to date foreigners or 'farangs" are the girls that Thais don't want or are not attracting to anymore. Reason may be because they have darker skin, they have bigger shapes, they have a lot of tattoos or they have a child already. Thats it. So the 'hot, westernized' type of type girls you bang as a foreigner are the girls Thais don't want, and the girls know that. That's why they chose to actively date foreigners only.

    Those girls are also a very limited pool as well, constently dating the same transient foreigners and sometimes having several "sponsors" or daddies that fund their vaping lifestyles. 


    The second thing is that most people date inside their social circle and inside their own kind. Majority of Thais date Thais. That's it. There's no workaround around it. Sure, you might have the odd one 'trying out' a farang, but most Thais will always want Thai for obvious reasons (language, culture, etc...). Then you have like I said the limited pool of Thai girls who go for farangs only. And even then, in 2024, Western foreigners are in fierce competition with Koreans, Chinese and Japanese. Lots of Thai girls would prefer a handsome rich oppa rather than a broke Westerner that doesn't know how to dress and who smells bad.The paradigm has shifted in recent years.  


    Then, you say foreigners are taller, more handsome etc... than Thais. Where did you get this idea or why do you think being taller instantaneously means you're more attractive? You might be a novelty for a while but... you know, every white foreigner is handsum here. Almost every time i go out, someone will tell me 'you so handsome!' Learn to deal with it. It doesn't mean anything here. 

    Foreigners are not being perceived as 'more handsome' in the sense that you think, trust me. Thais are very popular as well. Look at the advertisement. Do you see any white guy? No. It's all white skinned Koreans or Chinese. That's the model. Foreigners have more money? Some do, for sure. Some have better wages than Thai people, overall. But do you want to be seen as a walking wallet? 

    • Like 1
  3. Hello all, 


    Very specific post but, I went to a doctor who prescribed a nose spray with mometasone ('Nasa spray', Berlin brand) some time ago. When i go shopping in pharmacies, they ever only have the Nasonex brand which is kind of (more) expensive. Wondering if any nose spray experts here know about a potential other 'Thai' brand that contains mometasone? I've been to at least 10 different pharmacies, big or small in Chiang Mai (Boots included)

  4. I will probably need to have a face CT scan (nose and ear) later this year, and I'm looking for the cheapest place that will do it in Chiang Mai. Yes, yes I know people don't like to hear the word 'cheap' but that's the way it is. Last time I asked the price at RAM, but i cannot remember the number they gave me. I just remember thinking 'i can't afford this'. Thank you 

  5. Especially nose and ear. I've been to RAM hospital and Rajvithi Clinic in old town already, but looking for alternate options.

    If you know of doctor that takes his time with the patient and listens to his issues and doesn't just prescribe over the counter antibiotics, that's a plus.

    Thank you !

  6. 20 hours ago, Gaccha said:

    This will really help you. Read it and then read it again.


    It seems you've tried the antibiotics but you have not really tried antibiotics which are ideal for sinus inflammation. So try those. See the link.


    Simultaneously, I would do the steam inhalation in case it is a virus infection.


    If none of that shows relief, and you still want to take the cheap route, you have to think about a couple of weeks course of antifungal medicine in case it is a fungal infection.


    I would also blast specialist saline solution up your nose. You can get this in 7-Eleven. Use 50 mls for each side of your nose. 


    I would be very reluctant with all the sprays since although they might work in the short term they often have their own side effects later on.



    Thank you for the very helpful post. This article is great. I don't have any idea about antifungal medicine tho. I'll have a look 

  7. On 11/3/2023 at 4:46 PM, charleskerins said:

    Same thing happens to me  ,do your eyes ache?   Any sores inside your mouth?    My Dentist in the States said it was a sinus infection. My eye doctor checked me for Glaucoma    .  How is your blood pressure?  Do you look at computer screen for hours?  If you find out what it is let us know. The Eucalyptus stuff does seem to work pretty well over here.   

    The issue is located on the right eye only and yes it ache, although not terribly bad. Some drops do the trick. But its a constant nuisance. I have no idea how to know how is my blood pressure honestly... but i do look at the computer for hours (because of my work), and it sure doesn't help. 

  8. On 11/2/2023 at 8:50 PM, Aurelien said:

    I use Unblock Origin and it works like a charm...for now. I had to disable my other adblockers tho. And enter a few 'code' lines in the filter options. 

    it sounds fancy but it took my exactly 3 minutes 

  9. 13 minutes ago, Airalee said:

    What was the diagnosis?  Do you have a sinus infection?  I would assume so as you mention pain above the eyes (you don’t say exactly where so I can’t determine if ethmoid or frontal.

    What did the scopes show?  Were they those old metal ones or the modern fiber optic endoscopes?


    Did you have a ct scan or mri done?


    Antibiotics and “sprays”…..what kind of sprays?  Am I correct in assuming fluticasone etc rather than oxymetazoline?


    I’ve been through the ENT merry-go-round more than once and rather than looking for the root cause and addressing that, I placed too much faith in ENTs.   2 surgeries later, I now have empty nose syndrome.


    Go see a functional practitioner before any kind of surgery.  They might seem “hokey” for those who only know allopathic medicine (which definitely has its time and place), but they will work with you to figure out the why.  Then, you can work on that.


    As far as different sprays etc.   nothing has been mentioned above that I haven’t already tried.  There are many other options both spray and rinse.  I prefer rinsing with a Neil-med type bottle as sprays don’t get into the sinuses well enough.  They (sprays) are ok for management if you have chronic issues or if you feel something coming on, but at the later stage (full blown infection) it’ll feel like it’s helping but any improvement will fizzle out. 

    One thing to address,  if it is an infection and has been going on for some time, is biofilms.

    Thank you for the detailed post. You seem quite knowledgeable. I will try to give you the details.


    I went to the Ram hospital a first time to see the eye doctor. After running tests, the doctor said that i had no glaucoma, and then advised me to see the throat doctor because she noticed i had a slight swelling and redness on the right cheek. The visit at the throat doctor was very quick, no endoscopy, he told me that i could get a CT scan if i wanted to. Unfortunately, my insurance at that time didn't cover the cost of it and since it was pretty expensive, I passed it on... I then looked for another ENT doctor, and got recommended a small clinic. 


    When i went to that doctor, at that point, i had mainly ear problems, not sinus problems yet, or very mild. He prescribed me Roxithromycin 150mg and a nose spray, Rhinocort (Budesonide). After that initial treatment, it was better, but the issues came back rather quickly. I then went for a second visit at that same doctor, more or less 1 month after the first one, and that time he suggested that my issue might be nose-related. I indeed noticed that might right nostril was clogged pretty much all the time but didn't worry much about it, as i experience regular allergies since i'm a kid, so i thought it would just go away as usual with antihistamine (which i take everyday ) But anyway, that time he did endoscopy. Which one, i'm not really sure so i don't want to take a guess, but i think it was a metal tube one. He said i had no tumor or anything related but saw an inflammation. He looked in both my nostrils and told me i had a slightly deviated septum in my left nostril, but my issue is only the right nostril. He also said i might have an inflated membrane (for a lack of better word since i'm not a specialist) deeper in my right nostril which may cause the issue. He prescribed me the same treatment as before, but this time i took the 300mg antibiotic. I then went for a 3rd follow-up visit at that same doctor, but he couldn't really tell me more than what he already told me. Upon my request he did an endoscopy again and saw that yes, i had some inflammation in the nose and ear. He said 'oh yes that disease can come and go' and mentioned doing surgery which I honestly don't think it would solve the problem and i don't wanna go down that route.... 

    My ear problems went away, but my nostril problems intensified accompanied by a frontal mild pain, which varies from day to day. 

    I then begin to look for alternate solutions, like inhalations and sprays. Upon reading this forum, people were advising against those 'Thai' sprays found in pharmacies and mentioned Flixonase or Beconase (which i use to take back in Belgium when i was younger). But apparently, you cannot find them in Thailand. Now, i don't use any sprays as i don't want to depend on them and create further complications. 

    I also saw some people mentioning Ephedra, which is a Chinese medicine, apparently. 

    You mention biofilms, but i'm not sure what are they? 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Furioso said:

    They are 2 separate things. The only way I can get my humidity below 50% is with a dehumidifier, otherwise it's always between 60%-80% which kills me. Lots of dehumidifiers on Lazada, they suck the water out of the air and fill it into a little reservoir which you have to dump out every day or two. I have two small ones, one for the bathroom and one for my living area. 

    Do you have names or advice for the best quality - price related ones i can find? I know Lazada is loaded with cheap crap...

  11. 5 minutes ago, Furioso said:

    1. An Air Purifier will remove dust particles from the air. I have a Xiaomi Air Purifier I bought on Lazada for about 40 Euros. The filter lasts anywhere from 6-12 months. 

    2. Before buying a humidifier or dehumidifier I'd buy a hygrometer to measure what the humidity % is in your residence.

    3. For people suffering with allergies/sinus problems the humidity should be anywhere from 30%-50%. Anything over 50% can certainly make your life miserable. Why? Because all the dust/dirt/mold particles thrive on high humidity. By forcing the humidity down, the mold cannot multiply as much, and the dust and dirt won't stick to everywhere/everyplace as much. 

    4. If your using the A/C a lot it needs to be cleaned at least twice a year as the blades can be coated with  dust/mold/mildew. I was shocked the first time I used a flashlight to look at my A/C blades!

    5. I pay Daikin 900 baht to do my A/C cleaning here in Pattaya they do excellent work. 

    Pro Tip: If you get your A/C cleaned AND keep your humidity below 50% all the time the A/C may stay cleaner much longer.




    Thank you, useful post. So that's what i was thinking: why would i want a humidifier to humidify the air which then makes mold thrive? Like you mention, i'd better need a dehumidifier. Or are they the same thing/object? I might be confused lol. I do experience mold in my condo, although the place has been completely renovated one year ago. Btw, i was also chocked when i took a look at my AC. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    If you get blocked when in AC all day, but not when you're out and about, you might get a humidifier. 

    Now that the weather gets colder over here, the AC is only on during the evening and night. I was thinking it was part of the issue so i got it cleaned recently. Also, what is the difference between a humidifier and an air purifier, and why one rather than the other? 

  13. 3 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

    Try a saline based solution to wash nose-eyes and general ENT wash solutions (ent in english = orl in your language).


    Could help. Avoid over heavy food and booze for a week as it works for me. If a smoker...well then it may be part of the issue. If in Bangkok, pollution does not help.


    If you pass through Europe or have anybody come to visit, try some homeopathic dilutions as they did work with me, no matter all the ranting you may hear against it.


    For nose issue I would try Alium Cepa or Kalium bichronicum in 9CH dosage granules (not the single dose), If the years hurt or tickle when you press then it's minor, If it hurts when you pull, then maybe a doctor would be better advice


    You sometimes need to try different dilutions or types to hit on the right homeopathic for you. At worst it won't work and it's harmless with no side effects. All the best and sorry if I offended any anti-homeopathic antipathics !!!

    Solid advice. Yes i come from Belgium. I have my mom coming at the end of the month, it might be a chance to ask her for homeopathic then. 


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  14. 6 minutes ago, RanongCat said:

    AS suggested  above. Also an Opthalmic test of ocular pressure.I lost vision due to not recognizing an acute pain in my right  eye was also associated  with  rapid  loss of peripheral  vision. Glaucoma  can onset rapidly . Self  check the range of peripheral vision  in one eye against the other.

    You might  be suffering  from a sinus issues  but  opthalmic issues  can impact them also.


    I did it already. I went to the eye doctor at RAM hospital and she said i don't have glaucoma. But i do take your advice into consideration 

    • Thanks 1
  15. Basically title. I've always had allergies to many things, but since I been living in Thailand, i never experienced a blocked nostril like i do now. 

    I've been through several treatments, been to several doctors, did endoscopies, all of them ended up prescribing me antibiotics that i could find over the counter anyway, as well as sh*t nose sprays found in pharmacies. The treatments were not completely useless, but they certainly not been sufficient, since i still experience the same symptoms as i did a few months back. 

    What seems to relieve the pain and the blockage is eucalyptus oil inhalations in hot water. I do practice sinus washing as well with sterile water, although not hot. 

    What bothers me the most is that i don't seem to find the cause of it. Some days i won't have anything and the next day boom, right nostril blocked and moderate headaches. Sometimes i'm thinking air quality, sometimes i'm thinking humidity, or bacterial infection, hell i'm even thinking food !  


    So I know that coming on the internet for medical advice is not clever, but at this point i don't even know where to go or who to consult, not to mention i saw a bunch of doctors already (ORL who were supposedly very good but ended up misdiagnosed me...) I guess what i'm looking for would be advice and experience from people who had the same thing or something similar, and what treatments worked for them. If you have a GOOD address, it is more than welcome. If you know of an efficient nose spray that is not crap, it is more than welcome as well. 


    Btw, i live in Chiang Mai. 

    Thank you ! 

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