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Olav Seglem

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  1. And every "quality tourist" walk around with 120.000 in cash ?? Wonder about the origin of the money ?? 😉
  2. Why dont you want to contribute to the country where you live? Guess you are better off then the majority anyway. Isnt that quite egoistic ? (And forget the easy excuse that rich thai people cheats as well, an the corruption stuff) 🙂
  3. And he like buy Greenland-again. Stupid man..
  4. Do the Indians NEVER learn?? (Or isnt it like it seems-like much else in LOS)
  5. WHERE is the sharp curve ?? Driver tried answer mobile call from wife, maybe ??? 🙂
  6. How much did "little donnies" friends pay Melania to appear with him? "The world wonders" 🙂
  7. But also a system wrongdoing. There is a headmaster at the school. If its correct, certainly not first time he (and others) done like this. Still continued to go on. Until some parent have the courage to go against "authorities".
  8. Think remember he said something like "fight as hell"... For me thats far more than "partual" or "could be" .....
  9. And do you think thats special only for U. S.?? Same for cost of living- can i blame Biden for my increased cost of living in norway?? Its world economy..... And to blame is covid..
  10. Isnt that a constructed problem for 99.999% of the "normal" population ? 🙂 However, easy to see old people can have problems with "digital money".
  11. And Vance said he didnt belive his "boss" lost 2020 election....... (Or, more correct, refused answer a direct question on the issue) Show his real caracter....
  12. Dont forget we can blame "the yellow man" for the border caos, because he has fone his utmost to create it. (And also cost more us lives then the vietnam war due to his "covid handling"...)
  13. The real problem is the total failure of thai parents to teach their children how to behave. Not to excuse the teacher, but surely this is not s wellbehaved innocent boychild....
  14. Thats democracy and freedom of speech and opinion-isnt it ? 🙂 (Ability to think-questionable 🙂)

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