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  1. Yes, I was able to update a foreign mobile number in my Krungsri (Yellow) Bank account.
  2. Foreigners who hold Thai Permanent Residence Book can add their name in the Blue House Book (Tabien Baan)
  3. 31 Female candidates granted Thai nationality, RG publication on 11-DEC-24 53941.pdf
  4. www.QPassport.in.th
  5. If you have a valid Thai National ID card and a valid Thai passport, you are a Thai citizen. That is immaterial that you entered on a foreign passport. The rule was recently changed by the Ministry of interior, that Thai citizens entering Thailand on a foreign passport will not be charged overstay fee /deportation or any punishment. You don't have to exit Thailand or apply visa of any kind bcoz you're Thai. Simply show your Thai passport, foreign passport and Thai National ID card upon exit
  6. 29 Nov 2024, Thai Nationality Interview, congrats to all who were invited.
  7. Fixed Deposit have a mandatory 15 % WHT deducted when they pay your interest. There is no way of stopping it. You may claim it back from the Rev Dept, as outlined by the OP.
  8. They dont. Just speak English so fast, they will start <deleted>tin their pants, they will forget about the tax
  9. You are so very right, my good sir !
  10. Just visit the new branch and they will do it for you. SCB allows you to transfer account to any branch. I have done it several times, so I know first hand.

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