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inThailand last won the day on September 22 2017

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  1. A little of the topic... Can you cross easily into Laos by motorcycle from Chong Mek? Get a Laos visa on arrival as well there?
  2. No drugs found. Just a normal Thai copper?
  3. So let the Thai elite government employees off for approving the filming and fine the falang film company 23 years later? Avoid the LOS Land Of Scams for now on? So short sighted they are?
  4. Do you have a US Will? Use that executor to carry out your Thai wishes. Give a copy of your Will to the Thai benefactors so they know money is coming there way. Specify in your Will monthly or yearly payouts. I agree, giving them a lump sum will be misspent before your cold in the ground. You are right not to trust the Thai legal system, Thai attorneys and Thai banks.
  5. Really? Guys here who bitch about an 60B beer and never tip sending money to a stranger?
  6. Great question. I have been trying to find out the process myself. Have met no falang who can clearly lay out the steps of this process, though some claim they have done it. Following and Good Luck!
  7. Yes, HW 9 West allows bikes because its not a tollway. It always seems slow but in reality it's just as quick as 9 East.
  8. Yes, supply has not yet exceeded demand, but it won't take long. And when it does prices will drop significantly. Simple economics will be at play.
  9. The cat is already out of the bag. Every farmer is already growing ganja. There is going to be a lot of weed here soon. They have jumped on the bangwagon for its going to be a cash cow. And cash is King here.
  10. If you file online or in person you get 90 days from that date. If you file after the due date in person you get the full 90 days. File early get penalized, file late get 90 days. Thai logic?
  11. The best JPM we ever had was not from a company but just the right lady we hired. And a lot cheaper.
  12. They say it is impractical to use duel pricing. This means they will be doing it, albeit quietly.
  13. I hope they raise hotel rates, and no one comes. Soom na na!
  14. If they are truly hired, ie paid, why give criminals a job when so many Thais are in need of work?
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