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Everything posted by Kanchon

  1. I let them do it, so it’s up to them if something runs wrong. They really did a good and perfect work. Next time will let them fix it again.
  2. The most concerning parts are the microbiological test results, especially the high number of total coliform bacteria. Coliform bacteria will not likely cause illness. However, their presence in drinking water indicates that disease-causing organisms, pathogens, could be in the water system. Since coliform bacteria usually persist in water longer than most disease-causing organisms, the absence of coliform bacteria leads to the assumption that the water supply is microbiologically safe to drink. From the microbiological point of view the recommendation for sampling: "Buying drinking water bottles, then emptying them out and immediately refilling with water to be tested in their lab" is questionable. Basically for microbiological sampling always sterile containers should be used.
  3. I have in the past reported an obvious scam. A seller who has many positive reviews for a specific article, made by only two "buyers", all at the same day. Wrote a 1 star comment, which was cancelled after 1 week.
  4. What's with these two? Charming laugh.
  5. Had the same problem. I drove around in the area and asked people in local shops. Got a lot of interesting information. Found a house for rent and a plot to buy.
  6. Basically don't like aircon. Put it on to cool down to 28 °C, then fan day and night.
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