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Everything posted by BostonRob2

  1. I couldn't give a monkeys whether people get vaxxed or not. Just let all the children back in school. Pretty please.
  2. I don't usually eat or drink in regular shops. I'll leave that up to Pattaya types in thileir Singha singlets.
  3. Have you not thought you might be killing yourself? Please try to stop, or perhaps turn to a less harmful crutch.
  4. Fair play to the district chief but I'd be surprised if he is not called in for a spot of attitude adjustment, even if the marriage is not legally binding.
  5. Good luck with getting served anywhere in Bangkok if you didn't wear a mask.
  6. If you knew the story of Torapha and Toraphee that would explain the use of the word ungrateful. A perfect choice with a little extra by way of bathos.
  7. Why is it poor reporting when YOU don't know a perfectly reasonable US word?
  8. Most murders are in one place so not sprees. Spree is where the killer moves about in a calculating manner. This was one of the most extraordinary sprees of recent years. I should know, I write about them all.
  9. Qualifications are overrated; children are far better off in the hands of inspirational teachers.
  10. Thai school with quite a few good expatriate English teachers. Total fees for two kids per year with add ons about 150/160K. I don't consider that very much.
  11. To be fair, that looks more attractive than most of the ladies in Walking St.
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