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Everything posted by BostonRob2

  1. Sounds like you had a blast! I've loved the game since I could walk and managed to see hundreds of games across Europe before setting in Thailand in 1985. I keep meaning to buy an Argentinian jersey for special occasions. Thanks for reading, Rooster
  2. For me, the EPL is the real thing but I got very involved in the World Cup. I have always put club - Spurs - in front of country but I support England passionately in all their games. The defeat last week was upsetting and depressing. But my miserable mood has lifted seeing that final. I'd raced back to Bangkok on my motorbike from Korat where I got my rear end whupped in a Scrabble tournament. Arrived home well in time knackered but looking forward to the match that I watched alone - the family were done in after an energetic day. The match was so uplifting. But, yes, the EPL awaits on Monday and it's Spurs up first in the early match away to Brentford. Will Harry get a penalty I wonder.... Thanks for reading, Rooster
  3. Yes, I also thought the ref was excellent and the match played in a brilliant and competitive spirit. So good on so many levels. Rooster
  4. I think you mean asthma. MotoGP? Is that the one where the bike goes into the lead on the first lap and stays there for the next two hours until he falls off or wins, whichever comes sooner?
  5. The AN news team figured it was probably his mum, unless his mum IS Elton John. Rooster
  6. So Morocco progress. Now who would have predicted that...... Ronaldo on the bench. Could still be a late substitute hero. Rooster
  7. Interesting debate. This is worth a read: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1195909-10-alternatives-to-a-penalty-shootout#:~:text=ADG sees an attacker go,we go to sudden death. Rooster
  8. Baygon 89 baht. Regards, Rooster
  9. I've stayed at home for nearly three years and I'm a resident. Rooster
  10. I'm taking a short sojourn during the World Cup for which I am writing a daily blog. I hope to be back with the cockiest of Rooster crows come Christmas Eve. Rooster
  11. She got 1.2 million views for each one. Rooster
  12. I had a whinging expat part. All the guests came as themselves Rooster
  13. There once was a man called stoner, Who seemingly had a boner, But she took one look 'n said sling yer hook, So sadly he stays a loner. Rooster
  14. That's nothing - you should see what they do to parked cars in Liverpool on Anfield match days. Rooster
  15. The chip on your shoulder in this matter makes you sound less like OneMoreFarang and more like OneMoreManFarang. Rooster
  16. My mum and siblings supported Spurs, I followed suit. Now my kids follow me. Thanks for reading. Rooster
  17. One of the funniest moments in World Cup history was 1978 when the Scotch all sang "we want our money back!" BTW stay tuned during the tournament for news about the event on AN written by yours truly. I shall try to put aside my hatred for Catarrh. Rooster
  18. I did. It's called a translation , there was no other information. Rooster
  19. Try reading the article again. It should explain my stance. Rooster
  20. Two possible scenarios. 1. Chuwit's reveal all dossier was full of poop. 2. People have been paid. Take your pick, Rooster
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