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  1. I think sir Kier is panicking as Trump will sure as sugar be asking why a conservative journalist got a long stretch in solitary for torpeedoing the woke states false narrative concerning a nasty scrote getting punched for doing horrible things.
  2. Because EVs the radical left forced on us keep self combusting, or because deranged lefties keep attacking them?
  3. Starmer snd Lammy are the ultimate lightweights. So out of their depth here. Are they thinking of sending their beloved dinghy sailors to fight the naughty Wussians to show their love and appreciation for the country that welcomed them to a life on bennies?
  4. Biden bros mocking Trump's cognitive state? I've seen it all now
  5. Is it just me or is it a total climbdown. Wasn't long ago you were banging on about him being literally Hitler, a rapist and a Nazi praiser. Now.... Well now he has bad skin and wears make-up. 😅🤣
  6. The sooner reeducation camps are opened to bring the woke cult back to earth with a bang the better. This mass delusion is a serious concern, as you have millions of people who swallowed false narratives hook, line and sinker and like a starving pittbull on a bone, they just can't let go.
  7. It's pretty much an intelligence test. How dumb or dishonest someone has to be to actually believe Musk is a Nazi and chose that moment as a dramatic coming out in front of a huge crowd and the worlds media. Not to forget the Nazi movement was EIGHTY years ago. Just an irrelevance, and way overused by dishonest lefties to try making political game. Proper cultlike behavior.
  8. I get as far as the 1st sentence and we immediately have a problem. Yes you can take a snapshot of his outstretched hand and lie by falsely calling it a "nazi salute". There is a famous pic/meme of Obama, Hillary and several prominent lefties doing the same. Fortunately conservatives show this meme as a joke. They are not so stupid as to think Hillary and co are literally throwing Nazi salutes. Pls lets deal with reality. These hoaxes only serve to ratchet up hatred by low info democrat fans. Pathetic really.
  9. Another one repeating false smears and lies. As Tommys ex wife stresses, he was never abusive and never violent. You need better sources for your "news" Im afraid. And where do you even get drug dealer from. Hilarious seeing Hunter and Joe Biden supporters going on the offensive against a poor guy on false claims about mistreating women, fraud and abusing drugs. You just couldnt make it up.
  10. Again and again. They were NOT lies. Tommy interviewed secretly school staff other pupils and discovered lo and behold the wonderful welsh choirboy was a vile bullying individual that got a smack for disgusting behavior. This EVIDENCE was not permitted by the court, so he was judged on 1 side of the story. No matter how much you swallowed the msm lies about him, that is not justice. 150m people have educated themselves by simply watching his documentary. Not many low info punters still believe the officisl narrative. Moreso after the southport govt disinfo and banging up factually correct social media posters. Starmer is on his way out.
  11. When I voted for the black guy I thought of and called him Obama. I literally can't remember hearing anyone call him "the black guy". When did the left decide it's kosher to call politicians by their color/skin tone? It almost seems racist?
  12. The left cheated in the 2020 election, and they got caught. This cheating swung enough low info voters ballots. Don't worry, all will come out in the wash. Kash, Dan and Pam will ensure even the most deranged and deluded leftie will understand it was an illegitimate presidency. https://www.wsj.com/articles/joe-biden-and-the-51-spies-of-2020-hunter-laptop-new-york-post-russia-disinformation-73072839
  13. Nobody claims Ashleys diary was fake. Ashley never denied it. No court heard claims it was fake, only that O'Keefe came into possession of it illegally ( like Maddow with Trumps tax returns but the left were happy with it then) It was like Omar marrying her brother. The only way to deal with stories like this, which every sentient being knew or suspected was true, was censorship and removal from the internet anybody brave enough to discuss the matter. These stories made Trumps grab'em comment a non story, I mean pedophilia trumps consensual activity with adults. And Omar's incest and immigration fraud blew the democrats silly "everyone is accountable under the law" out the water.
  14. It wasnt even a lie. He brought evidence proving it in his documentary "Silenced".
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