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  1. The sheer quantity of material on the laptop. Im sorry, but anybody with the ability to think knew it was oh so real. Of course, having proof boy wonder was deeply corrupt after the clowns impeached Trump for suggesting it, well. The rest is history.
  2. FBI verified the laptop as genuine back in 2019. You know this. Next....
  3. An ex senator and VP had more right to retain classified documents than a President? Are you OK?
  4. This is a magical moment. While the left are in raptures about sending actual Nazis like Azov battalion and their mates in Ukraine hundreds of BILLIONS of $, the liberal hivemind get their knickers in a twist over an intentionally misleading photo of someone who is most certainly not a Nazi in any way, shape or form. Is this the peak democrat cult toxicity?
  5. Stephanopoulos got fined $15 million for making the same false claims you knowingly keep making. 😅 why would somebody keep making false and highly defamatory claims? Not rational behavior is it.
  6. There was no evidence. The letter was written by Michael Morell and Anthony Blinken to interfere with the 2020 election by intentionally misinforming low IQ voters. https://nypost.com/2023/05/07/ex-cia-chief-michael-morell-misled-signers-of-hunter-biden-spy-letter-by-saying-hed-clear-it-with-agency?utm_source=nypost&utm_campaign=android_nyp&utm_medium=social Btw, the same misinformed low IQ voters that still to this day are forced to deny Hunters laptop as its content shreds every single narrative/mantra they repeat endlessly.
  7. 555 dear oh dear, that was a long expired misdemeanor. Must try harder. Seeing as it is really important to you that Trump is a "convicted felon" you ought to understand what his crime was. The answer is nobody alive knows what underlying crime Trump is supposed to have comitted. The jury got a multiple choice and did not need to be unanimous on what this crime was. Never before happened in American law and no way to defend himself against the unnamed kangaroo court charges. As we all know, although some act dumb and pretend it was a real trial, the act of charging Trump with non existant crimes was the real crime. Remember? Elect me and Ill "Get Trump". How pathetic that nobody even knows what he was actually convicted of
  8. Thank goodness you guys lost. It really is possible at this stage to look on this divide as a clear case of good vs evil. I hope you will better inform yourself beyond the msm headlines which if the subject is Trump will be false or deliberately misleading.
  9. I'd agree, with the proviso that it is possible to name the crime the person comitted. Sound fair?
  10. Seeing as Biden has been confirmed mentally incompetent, by Hur and now his fellow party members(quelle surprise!!) It should be possible to reverse all these pardons and get them all in supermax. Or can mentally incompetent people make sound legal decisions? 😅 just cant put into words how badly the left have destroyed democracy due to their circle jerk of fake news against Trump. Shocking really. I want accountability.
  11. Destruction of exculpatory evidence proving Trump did NOT cause an insurrection for starters. My oh my the democrats have gone from a balmy uninformed cult to flat out evil. So much for the much repeated here mantra " nobody is above the law" !!! Gain of Fauci makes me sick with his lies. Is there nothing the law can do? He could have extincted humans with his shenannigans in that lab and following evil behavior.
  12. Confirming that they all did break the law! Yet another "conspiracy theory" turns true. Those 30,000 must have all proven true now, how did the left concoct so many false narratives then enforce them with iron fists? Muppets
  13. Another amazing list of misleading claims, taking his words out of context and outright lies. Whereever you copied this garbage from, please don't keep doing it. It is absolutely ridiculous. You guys lost, it's over. Its time for hope and positivity not this whole mean girls routine.
  14. Here we go again. Same old mendacity. Claim - Truth social is going bust. Reality. Its market cap is over $8 BILLION. claim ' twitter is dying , reality - its the worlds most used media platform. Now Trumps crypto coin is crashing. Lets have a quick look on coinmarketcap 24 hour performance UP 65% 7 day performance UP 815% Its an absolute rocket, if your investment goes up that much it is a great investment. More Art of the Deal in action. LOL at wildly false and emotional lefty economic claims.

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