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  1. Good luck not today , if not they look like :Manchaster ,London or Bradfort All Bargirls are better english than any.... Give the Bargirls a Pension they build is up Pattaya ... since the Moneyelite invest in Pattaya it goes down the drain
  2. The best cancell all laws established since the 2000!! and the world would be better off# we could smoke , the financialsystem not in trouble,lesss woman libbers and and and 95% of all this laws passed are unnecesary or even harmful
  3. clever idea , but clever wealthy Thais ( or other nationals) , you not able, if they held assets in offshore companys instead of individual holders. even developed countrys are nearly not able to find them, or they just simply change their " homeadress" to a tax free country like malaysis or dubai or many other couuntrys (overseas income tax free)
  4. it make no sense to build in the city , as players cant reach their point with the car, in a matter of normal driving time . but there so much brainless decissonmakers, so all possible but however this is not my pattaya more , that i know far over 30 years
  5. ibet the new Casino, if it comes ...will have the following location the landspace next to Ocean Marina Yachting port , at direct acccess jomtien mortorway , just opposite. already here build new condos arround with price tags of a minimum at 120.000 ++ sqm, and that at the end of pattaya (banamphur)
  6. another russophobia man , whats about all of you leave ???
  7. what bull<deleted>,morning satire per excellence explanation so easy : China propery bubble, Ecoonomic difficult time = less money in pocketand it will not get better , thats sure ,not the next couple of years
  8. maybe 100 years ago...even a light not alloud in india. tryed hiding in any corner , over 20 flights they all find. tight security in india the guy was posting absolut bull<deleted>,youre right
  9. Air Asia i had never delays (more than 20 min)..happy with them,except the webpage now(never us it moresince the change) , over 50 flights.I resume only budgetairlines punctual are as well i fly over 20 times with them Vietjet,Tiger,indigo, worst with ever delays Pegasus
  10. Yes, thank you... you are right still the westerners thinking they are better and standing over the world. Arrogant, provoking behaviour and empty pockets too , can be seen in the same amount in westerners like in russians. the anitrussian sentiment from all this brainless people ,really piss me off Drunken sex tourist be happy they here, they leave a lot of money as long there not the " i want to be a sextourist on a 7/11 stonetable"
  11. i had more than 30 flights on air india and indigo. all goes normal ahead. flights from BAku/ or Bkk ,yes many indian sextourist on, and what ??? tolerance is the word ( 20yrs ago simmilar in all flights to bkk) delhi to alamati over the himalayas , all indians normal ones jump up to see a holy mountain, and what ?? i had flights with other airline for example aireurope where they even fighting ( flight BCn to BKK long ago), alitalia fighting , another time on alitalia ,at landing sombody boxing the stewardess and jump out of the emergency exit, and people screaming and standing in ilse many many time........all civillised eruopeans common, your perjurdices are great !!
  12. yes m, and since than , iwas never booking a ticket more on thei side. if air asia i book via other side. its not an airline side more, its a allround booking portal, strange and difficult to use too, last booking a year ago, i stopped , and booked with trip
  13. and maybe the wrong forum . i just have a question local airplanes, somehow the older airplanes sometime not sart counting row 1 ..they start saeting row 30.... only thai air have this( on the older planes up 10yr) i darkly remember about 20 +++ years ago , that at same time 2 flights was taking off at same destination with same route. was ist at this time the 1 aircraft counting 1-30 and the other 30-60 aprox ? i remember this darkly. i fly so many aircraft of same type 737/320 and everybody starts row 1 i am right with my guess??
  14. that cost the airline money , how you fill the buissenes class in such a short booking period ? thats essential for profit
  15. just payed for se..x, thats it..pay it this way or direct
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