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Posts posted by JimboB4

  1. 10 hours ago, Arkady said:

    The Cannabis and Hemp Bill seems to fill in a lot of the details of licensing, registration for home growers & etc.  Also the ban on sale to under 20s, pregnant and lactating women (how to know if they are in the early stages of pregnancy or lactating?).


    I read in one report that import of a small quantity for personal use carried on the person will be allowed.  It will be interesting to see if that makes it through parliament into the final version.


    It is quite common in Thai legislation for a law to be promulgated or amended with enabling legislation to follow.  That happens with every constitution with organic laws filling in the details later.  It has also happened with amendments to the Land Code, Working of Aliens Act and many other laws.  Sometimes this laws cannot be put into effect at all without the enabling legislation, e.g. the constitution.  In other cases they can.  The Working of Aliens Act stipulated that the list of reserved professions would be amended by a ministerial decree within 12 months but that amendment was never issued and the law was revoked and replaced by a Royal Decree without any revision to the list of reserved professions. 


    In this case one could argue it was inappropriate to amend the Narcotics Act by deleting cannabis except extracts over 0.2% from Category 5 without the enabling legislation. However, I think we can assume this was a case of political expediency.  Anutin had the power the amend the Narcotics Act with approval from the Narcotics Committee simply by issuing a one page ministerial order. The Cannabis and Hemp Bill had to be drafted at length, reviewed by the Juridicial Council and go through three House readings (it is has just passed the first reading).  With the government coming to the end of its term and with the risk of early elections, there was and still is no guarantee the Cannabis and Hemp Bill would be passed before the next elections.  Waiting for this Anutin would have risked going to the polls with his key election pledge unfulfilled. 


    Cannabis legalization must have been the main attraction of the MoPH to Anutin.   Who would have guessed back in 2019 he was going to have to deal with a pandemic? With the pandemic and vaccines starting to recede in the rear view mirror, at least for now, Anutin is coming through as a man who, for better or wore, delivers his promises which could put him in a good position to become a future PM.


    It’s totally allowed they’ve been selling it for a few years but now suddenly as of this month they’re openly selling flower actually in the shops and they have multiple strains like you’d find in California. He’s only talking about regulations to appease parliament and they are not really putting any rules on it that slows distribution. 

  2. No they did not make it a “regulated herb” they can’t I have sources where I live who grow it at home because it’s legal to. They only placed rules on regulated shops so they can only sell to people over 20 and not allowed to sell to pregnant or breast feeding women and supposedly you can’t buy more than a month’s supply per month supposedly but I wouldn’t want to buy that much at once anyway nor have I tried that’s a lot. They’re just treating it like alcohol in the states. 

  3. 8 hours ago, JimboB4 said:

    First of all everyone knows you can’t “overdose” on weed lol, TVF it’s a medical impossibility. You all are just tripping over this aren’t you. Gotta go it’s 420 time and yes it’s for medical usage I have the certificate from the doctor allowing me to possess this. 


    Ok yes strains do make a difference this new stuff is definitely more relaxing ready to sleep soon. No need for medication pills from a doctor ever again with this stuff!!! Amazing. 

  4. 6 hours ago, JimboB4 said:

    First of all everyone knows you can’t “overdose” on weed lol, TVF it’s a medical impossibility. You all are just tripping over this aren’t you. Gotta go it’s 420 time and yes it’s for medical usage I have the certificate from the doctor allowing me to possess this. 


    I wanted to smoke it right at 16:00 but I finally just now did. I smokes the free hash that I’m used to first by accident. I wanted to try the new stuff. It’s supposed to be more calming. I think it’s almost time to try it again the hash was pretty calming just tried it an hour ago. I was planning to smoke it sooner but I was busy with my project. Now it’s helping me take my mind off of my project. 

  5. Yes Thailand government please give the go ahead for tourism in cannabis and continue to make it more plentiful. Allowing people to grow it does that but make sure every shop has THC and CBD. Allow every shop to have both. Most already do and more are getting in on it but continue to relax it and it’ll be a GOLD MINE for the Thai economy and people!  And people will be healthier it’s not really that abusable.  Also I think it even makes people stop drinking I’ve helped someone in my wife’s family do it I think. Because you can’t really mix it with too much alcohol and I always warn them no alcohol or driving when I make brownies and I think that worked for someone who was used to be an alcoholic. But before I started trying it here a few years ago I knew nothing about it I used to think it was the same as crack or something lol. I know better now. Now I’m good at making really good edibles even. 

  6. On 3/3/2022 at 10:10 AM, Blumpie said:

    You have to be really really stoned to think that cannibis tourism profitable.  The first thing that you have to do is find people who want to go on holiday to get wasted.  I mean, who the hell does that.

    It's legal here and it's no big deal.  At all.  Nobody cares.  And there is no, I repeat no tourism from it.  

    Oh you’ll see in a few more years it’ll be Asian Amsterdam and it’s already happening.  

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