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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. https://townhall.com/columnists/ianhaworth/2019/12/02/angela-merkel-and-german-freedom-of-speech-n2557309
  2. I am dreading returning to UK. I have enough money, nice place, a community but the daily news of filthy fecal polluted water, ferocious crime, energy bills, bent and useless police , the extreme woke politics silencing common sense and decency - and the weather. Thank goodness I can stay here indefinitely. I feel sorry for my friends and family I'm UK
  3. None of the above apart from booze worked for me.
  4. If you are not sleeping you don't need to sleep! Enjoy your freedom, go out, read a book, watch a TV series etc etc Enjoy yourself. Or try sleeping pills there are some strong non addictive anti histamines that knock you out
  5. Those who campaign on certain issues are sidelined, denigrated, banned, labelled and silenced and the best example of this is suppression of dissent and the discussion about Islamic immigration, misogyny, streetcrime, harassment and a whole host of ills. In particular the voice of German girls and women has been silenced.
  6. People wear masks in Asia especially inbthe Flu season so do smart foreigners. "The white is right" entitled white men shout loudest against local culture and customs so why not go back to home country and stop making problems here.
  7. I hope they close your account.
  8. Yeah but taboo to discuss on this forum. Good news only on home country forums so nothing to read there. LOL
  9. Yep - Broken Britain and its not just the Energy bills. The ferocious violence is so bad its an epidemic and have you read about all the human faeces being poured into rivers, lakes and the sea,? Its vile.
  10. 'this despite me having followed the original events quite closely. ' I don't understand.
  11. Try and campaign against immigration in Germany and see what happens
  12. Germany is riddled with political problems- let him go back there. No foreigners should get involved in politics in Thailand-
  13. There are lots of useful tips in the British Press where energy bills have increases by 400%. The choice for many in Britain is eating or heating. Old people have been advised to gather in libraries, museums or pubs but they are closing due to heating costs. Decide which items use most electricity and unplug them, fridge and washing machine, eat less and wash less. However bad it is here it's not as wretched as Britain but the the press is giving lots of handy hints and money-saving ideas.
  14. In all likelihood they were passed and driving drunk not caring about anyone...that's the 99% likely scenario.
  15. Passed up Brits driving drunk...A very common occurrence here. Just lucky they didn't kill anyone else
  16. As well as covid there is a dreadful flu going round Pattaya so I wear mask indoors in all public places. I don't need to be asked.
  17. INDUSTRY The best series I have seen in ages is a drama about the banking industry. The protagonists when not having sex, snorting coke, smoking meth, dropping pills, taking sex selfies, eating exquisite food in the lush Michelin guide restaurants of London - are working in a bank. Creating, selling, producing, complex financial instuments in million pound deals peddled on a word and handshake. They inhabit the world of old money aristocracy, the barrow boy bruiser, academia, high culture and the rough trade noveaux rich. BUT THIS IS NOT THE 80s when cocaine fueled the city. Its post 2008 and actual takes in the covid era. A brilliantly written script of arcane dialogue spoken by the drug fueled wheelers dealer characters who are foul mouthed, driven and troubled and sexualy promiscuous. One of the best, most addictive series I have watched in a long time. Great dialogue: ' As one trader speaks to his female colleague: "Listen you c**t I worry about you as much I worry about climate change." Brilliant!
  18. Was that the Brasstacks documentary about punk? Manning had a club in Lancs I think where I saw a cabaret soul band playing with keyboards player from Heron a 70s folk band. The drummer was Topper Headon before he changed his name.
  19. Let's hope BL2 is better than BL1. I fear not. One wonders if Mercurio has shot his wad and have we seen enough of James Nesbitt. Or people expect too much out of them
  20. Lucky the two possibly drunk farang didn't kill a couple of local kids. Do we have a moral obligation to report drunk drivers before they hurt themselves or others? Should bars report possible drunk drivers to police when they are leaving the bar? Is there an argument for curtailing the motor cycle rent business especially to foreigners often partying, drunk, drugged and on the wrong side of the road. Limit them to e scooters which are still fun but less dangerous and less machismo
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