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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. https://www.thaienquirer.com/42617/leaked-papers-suggest-issue-of-prayuts-8-years-was-discussed-by-charter-drafting-committee-ahead-of-drafting/ Please excuse my use of capital letters for EMPHASIS not shouting. In future I shall underline when I work out how
  2. It's hardly disgusting it's actually mercy. The dogs like the air con. Anyway it's not the shop assistants' job to regulate street dogs. You do it if it upsets you so much!
  3. No but the starting date can be. If the most recent date is chosen he still has 5 years left. The other date would give him three years. On what day was he formally given the title Prime Minister?
  4. The photo you showed looks like very old technology used for selecting a lense. First they test your eyes. I reiterate my doubt that the Bangkok Hospital wouldn't have the best most modern equipment. Are you from England? If so that might explain that you're not used to seeing really modern equipment. BTW I have an astigmatism in both eyes and have had eye tests in England, Thailand, Vietnam, Kuwait and Saudi. Here in Thailand you get the best International modern quality treatment far better than UK. Certainly just as good. Many British people have never experienced top quality medical treatment so when they get it as you did in the Bangkok Hospital its confusing for them.
  5. There are threw possible dates. Which date will be determined as THE date?
  6. Every optician has signs in English.
  7. Did you go to the eye hospital? Every optician in Thailand has the device or more modern equivalent. I find it impossible to believe that Bangkok Hospital could not provide you with a modern eye examination.
  8. Ah-I see. Thanks. It's not a different show then.
  9. Thanks. I mentioned it last year but repeated my recommendation because I realised it is good quirky entertainment; a bit unusual; good music; some good plotting; excellent acting; criminal drama; comedy; great women characters - a bit of everything but potentially underrated cos it's NZ and not mainstream. I too am enjoying it but for the second time. Another excellent NZ production but serious not a comedy is TOTL Top of the lake.
  10. Some fad LOL https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_tattooing
  11. Rather like a cold sore- difficult to get rid off.
  12. They are not a fad anymore than clothing design. They are part of human culture. To compare voluntary body art with ripping the heart of a child is specious. It's not just a false analogy, it not false equivalence. It's not even a comparison. It's absurd. It's extremely absurd.
  13. Yes I agree bit I was just checking
  14. I think The subject of the thread is the whereabouts of a laundrette in soi Pothole not doing your own washing at home. I can't think of worse waste of time than sitting in a launderette or doing my own ironing especially in a service oriented country where getting such things done is just a touch of relaxed luxury. As for the whereabouts of launderette in Pattaya or doing your laundry at home. Why? It's cheap to get laundry done here but I guess some people are too broke or too cheap Charlie to pay to have their laundry done? Ironing is tedious and remains a women's job and as some places do excellent cheap work with creases like razors why bother doing it oneself? If someone has 'enough time' to do their own laundry carrying their dirty clothing through the streets to a public launderette, sort through their underwear in public, wait for the machines to go through their cycles, use a HOT-AIR dryer - then walk home......I feel sorry for such people. I get having a machine at home and using it occasionally but ironing or going out to a laundrette like Otteri...no way...Unless of course they offer a service wash and ironing!
  15. https://www.rw-3.com/blog/the-cross-cultural-implications-of-smiling
  16. One of the many tiny little every day things that make living in Thailand easy and simple- multiple choices of laundry services with ironing at cheap price. No need to hang around clamouring hot damp machinery mindlessly killing time watching the stains of your past rotate. What a waste if time in Pattaya of all places! I wish the OP would explain his motivation for doing his own laundry?
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/feb/21/neighbours-of-woman-found-dead-in-london-raised-concerns-for-two-years They left one woman 2 years just reported recently in the papers. Neighbours reported the smell for months. However, perhaps if the woman had been reported for hate (non) crime they might have been more active. Of if they had thought she was attractive she might have got a visit.
  18. He was never 'righteous' political or otherwise- he was never political- he's military and he helped to destroy not nurture democracy. Treason is not righteous.
  19. Excellent work by the Thai police. She would be dead if it had been left to the British police.
  20. Ask a Thai neighbour or motorbike guy
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