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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. Nothing strange about inconsistent treatment from the NHS. I follow the current NHS guidelines to get accurate information not hearsay and gossip especially about a sadly deceased you tuber who like the 'friend' you knew does not represent an overall view of NHS conditions. You seem to live in a news vacuum about the UK but the Guardian, the Mail, The Independent, The telegraph and other major newspapers are all free online. I wish you would aquaint yourself with relevant, accurate information before addressing me. I am at a loss to respond to someone who is so ignorant about a subject they wish to discuss. The NHS is in crisis and has been especially hit hard by the Covid crisis The crisis is in all areas of service from GPs to AnE to specialist in all fields to nursing provision, maternity, beds availability, surgery waiting times etc etc. How can you possibly think Kev in Thailand or your 'friend' has any bearing, any relevance to the reported reality of the NHS? Honestly you need to approach such serious subjects with more maturity.
  2. All major agents are legal. They advertise on TV and the Internet. They have offices and websites. Have employees, translators, typists, photocopiers and they visit embassies, help with banks, passports, driving licences, visas etc. I use agents for dealing with all bureacracy here and in other countries too. Who cares what a discredited policeman may have said years ago? And to be honest who cares about mistaken opinions which keep on getting erroneously reported by HTT foreigners creating a loop of misinformation.
  3. In the past parcels to me got through but currently I'm waiting on two
  4. Go through the tinyzonetv.to lists FMOVIES.W # F
  5. The EF does not represent comedy- just woke, rainbow, identitarian, stuff that generates clapter not laughter
  6. No it does not make sense. Decide where you're gonna live then use a legal agent from the correct office.
  7. Nothing to do with tourists only- it's the thais who want late night life. Just look how <deleted>ty grim Chang mai is now. The locals hate it. In Pattaya the Thais flood WS AFTER Midnight
  8. Soi 13 - Soi Post Office Pattaya Klang. Soi 15 Soi Buakhao Some advertise on TV
  9. They are doing moderna at BPH
  10. Excellent review- you review drug dope was this before the changes in law? What's the girl P4P situation?
  11. What's the point? It's an endless merry go round. The only way to halt drug trafficking is legalised control and issuing meth, opiates etc via the government health service as they did in Britain and Iran. Once there is no more mega profits to be made the mafias lose interest and influence and the illegal markets shrivel. If the police succeed in lessening the amount of drugs on the street and creating a shortage- the price goes up-this incentivises more dealers to exploit the market to earn the greater profits- this in turn leads a larger market until the next big bust...and so on. The war on drugs is a war on the people
  12. Sounds dead boring.
  13. 'Hooker peroxide or streak dyed hair.....' Your describing punkettes- westernised girls- who originally were copying prostitute looks in the 70s along with ladders fish net stockings
  14. Tattoos are part of religion and culture here. So your comment reflects your ignorance of Thai and Khymer culture and your middle class western bias. The religious and Tatoo festivals are famous and have thousands attending around Thailand https://sea.mashable.com/article/2592/here-are-5-of-thailands-most-sacred-tattoos-and-the-ancient-meaning-behind-them
  15. Exactly- my joke with the girls is about being 'a good bad girl' or 'a bad good girl'
  16. Cosmetic surgery is a sign of wealth, success and achievement especially in a nation where beauty is valued
  17. Hummin if you had been to Thailand you would know about holy yak sant tattoos https://sea.mashable.com/article/2592/here-are-5-of-thailands-most-sacred-tattoos-and-the-ancient-meaning-behind-them
  18. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocodile_tears Crocodile tears, or superficial sympathy, is a false, insincere display of emotion such as a hypocrite crying fake tears of grief. The phrase derives from an ancient belief that crocodiles shed tears while consuming their prey, and as such is present in many modern languages, especially in Europe
  19. Check it out on Google Canada sam
  20. And possibly desirable for the OP! Lol
  21. Has the OP ever had a real sexual relationship? Had a girlfriend? Talked to a girl? Had a friend who was a girl? Know any bar girls? These threads are often for the purposes of vicarious pleasure. Anyway there is no such thing as a 'bad girl ' There are naughty girls.
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