Nothing strange about inconsistent treatment from the NHS. I follow the current NHS guidelines to get accurate information not hearsay and gossip especially about a sadly deceased you tuber who like the 'friend' you knew does not represent an overall view of NHS conditions. You seem to live in a news vacuum about the UK but the Guardian, the Mail, The Independent, The telegraph and other major newspapers are all free online. I wish you would aquaint yourself with relevant, accurate information before addressing me. I am at a loss to respond to someone who is so ignorant about a subject they wish to discuss. The NHS is in crisis and has been especially hit hard by the Covid crisis The crisis is in all areas of service from GPs to AnE to specialist in all fields to nursing provision, maternity, beds availability, surgery waiting times etc etc. How can you possibly think Kev in Thailand or your 'friend' has any bearing, any relevance to the reported reality of the NHS? Honestly you need to approach such serious subjects with more maturity.