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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. Are you Thai? I think that might be an advantage- as well as legal
  2. I couldn't stand GOT because I gave up on sword and sorcery when I was a teenager so I have no interest in Red Dragon. People with wings? I can't suspend my disbelief but for those who can it was compelling viewing just as Breaking Bad, The Wire and The Sopranos was for others. So I won't be watching it but will be following the debate and comparison with interest.
  3. Red Rose is a very successful BBC - Netflix co production related to the team that produced Sex Education. Red Rose, set in Greater Manchester, mainly in the town of Bolton is a mystery- horror - thriller in a style comparable to Black Mirror. It involves a bunch of teenagers just starting their summer holiday which goes frighteningly wrong. Interesting production team with a high percentage of women - produced by the 'Clarkson Twins' with a great cast of young northern actors and actresses. I would recommend this intriguing well written thriller and on the basis of 'Red Rose' I'll check out 'Sex Education ' which I had previously avoided because of its potential for glib wokeism.
  4. Blimey! Great info. Are they going bust then?
  5. If the OP has 4 million- OK. Come here and check insurance rates here. I had Thai insurance that was 25k a year at 63 and it covered me for Cambodia etc. But it only covered for for 1.5 mil. Next time I would pay more. That's still about 1500usd a year
  6. In Thailand you can get anything fixed anywhere. My motor sai work shop does lawn mowers, snake removals, belt buckle soldering, hammering things noisily
  7. Does the OP mean a Strimmer? Weed whacker or a lawn mowers? I would just pay a local man or woman to come round and do it- be some company for the Pa
  8. Legal smegal! Technically true but effectively nonsense. Misleading nonsense. Unhelpful nonsense. Because the OP could rent ABNB for 31 days! Currently there are great deals to be had. I am aware of the problems associated with antisocial ABNB renters. But the OP seems to suggest landlords are lying to him or rogue agents are deceiving him, which I doubt. But how much will he save? Only about 10 to 15k...
  9. No amount of medicals can predict your health, unfortunately. 4 million is only 80 thousand pounds. How much is a month in ICU + Medivac?
  10. Very sad. And possibly impossible to fix because it is an ideological issue but affordable health care works in France and Germany. The problem is that 'privatisation ' is a toxic word associated with the cruelest aspects of the American health care system. So you get local news? Im amazed at how many people have no idea about what is happening in the UK. I use a free website that has all the UK newspapers for free
  11. Thank you. In your opinion is it worth having as a back up? Is it easy? I've just checked it out..I'm sold! It look very useful
  12. Currently the NHS is in chaos with cancer referrals over a year behind. It's not fit for purpose. If you are British- all the more reason to have real medical coverage - to have good medical insurance. AnE waiting time is 4 hours if you're lucky. It's 4 minutes here and 30 minutes to see a specialist. Two to three months to see a specialist on the No Health Service Britain.
  13. Textiles. You can assume that as I used the word I do know its meaning.
  14. We do! Or find a 'partner' we actually love-which leads us to a question: do gays etc have the same issues with their Thai boyfriend or is payment less transactional?
  15. Scam waste of time. The only people who benefit financially from CCs are the credit card companies. Every single cent you claw back or redeem (buying things you didn't need) you could have bought cheaper with cash or debit card. Points! LOL
  16. When you get cancer of the bowel you might think differently about medical insurance.
  17. Nope. Cocaine is associated with middle classes for example You are confused. Poverty might be linked to certain crimes but lower socio economic is not linked to crime when the variables are sifted. In fact in traditional working class communites both politeness/ gratitude/ deference is prevalent- which is what this thread is about- gratitude. White collar crime is less policed. Academic studies examined the role if class in crime and the prosecution of crime in the 60s. (Wilmott and Young et) Rich people commit more crime and 'get off' with committing crimes and avoiding prosecution. This aberration reaches out into race and colour. President Bush was a cocaine abusing drunk driver- he was treated leniently. RED BULL ring a bell?
  18. I have had no problems with TRUE except with one UK bank SMS. Don't get spam, get excellent coverage. Always get helpful service.
  19. You are making problems where there are non. Bring the CASH equivalent of 20k baht. In mixed denominations. Can you spend a bank statement? Why would you carry one with you? Bring money. Change a minimum amount at the airport to cover taxis etc. Yes the taxis outside the airport are safe to use. Yes they do use a metre + 50 baht.
  20. I am with the program. Western women also change their name when they married. The OP is a westerner. My point is that the mechanism for changing names on passports and other documents exist as it is common. I bet your mother changed her name when she got married.
  21. Get insurance while you can. You can also get insurance here. There is no such thing a self insurance- it's just a fantasy. It's not just serious illness like a stroke or haemorrhage but minor illness that require treatment. If you have insurance you will look after yourself better
  22. Yes. I have a kitchen and can cook
  23. Not change at the airport unless there is a 'super rich ' exchange. Why change much money at the airport. The are bureaux de change all over Thai cities? Bring CC/DC for back up
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