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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. When I lived there in the 90s places stayed open till 7am. That's how Banglampoo and KSR Became so wealthy.
  2. Two might have bee injured Or even killed by a DRUNK DRIVER. 4 on a bike It's part of life here and accepted for poor families and they grow up with the skills and abilities- far more so than western drivers. But in this case A DRUNK DRIVER caused seriously injury to little children. Apparently posters on this forum would like to see the children punished for being poor.. personally I don't know who is more ghastly the self righteous or the drunk drivers.
  3. Poor families can't afford your justice or expensive cars.I hope the foreigner, notice the abscence of the term 'farang' gets a hefty prison sentence and has to pay compensation
  4. 'Some people are just worthless and should be avoided.' I thought you were talking about worthless foreign men!
  5. That's how Air BnB works! You don't see the place first just photos and videos.
  6. Supplying people with drugs who need drugs is a good service! It's not ruining there lives. Your comment indicates you know nothing about addiction and treatment for addiction. Bit you know about hate and punishment
  7. She's a survivor. She didn't let her gender and sex contradictions ruin her life. She's brave and hard working
  8. I don't believe someone didn't get a stamp on three separate occasions. It's more likely the passport carrier made a mistake.
  9. Nope. The moment you checked into a hotel they would notice
  10. The airports organise a wheelchair for you. You will also need a fit to fly certificate
  11. You have a very odd stereotype view of drug consumers. They include the wealthy middle classes however they dress. They attend music festivals where tickets cost hundreds of pounds. People enjoy the good life and good drugs are part of the good life amongst other sensual pleasures.
  12. They will say nothing until a senior Arab turns up and then they will be let go...They know this.
  13. How many were apprehended, or blood tested for amphetamines? These guys will get off even if the kill someone
  14. We know the origin of the term Swampy but its a silly nickname originally used by people to mock the airport, used by people who hoped it would fail - often anti Thaksin. People who promoted the idea the airport would be flooded or overrun with snakes...Its pathetic. No genuine travellers use the term 'Swampy ' except pretentious losers aspiring to a a familiarity and sophistication they clearly do not have.
  15. Whoever sold you the TV? Get them round to help you set it all up! Get your bird to ask!
  16. LT means long time What does the 'R' mean BTW Means By The Way. Have you ever been to Thailand? You started a thread asking for information about ladyboys. If you are trying to find out about relationships long term or otherwise, gay or otherwise yo0u should understand people who actually have relationships don't really talk about 'R'. That why I asked about your fantasise disguised as requests for information. Got for it mate but start with a short time first, then long time. Decide if your a giver or taker, ? You sound the passive taker type to me...but it's all about trust ...do you love him?
  17. Great thread great insight
  18. You need some friends mate OR You're using this thread as a mastubatory fantasy BTW What is LTR
  19. Ah Kuwaitis-high end wealthy tourists The police impounded the bikes but WOULD NOT DARE ARREST THE RIDERS . KUWAITIS ARE UNTOUCHABLE HERE AND THEY KNOW IT. Notice how the report was too frightened to even use the term ARAB to describe the people involved but called them 'foreigners'. ..that's how powerful Arabs are in Pattaya
  20. The worst symptoms that my friends recently reported were dreadful sore throat- broken glass feeling on top of the usual
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