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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. I wish it was. But you are not articulate enough to explain why any part of my analysis is wrong. You can't. I state a simple observable truth
  2. Depending on how many cases they failed to take to trial. The DOJ LOL..Its an Orwellian euphemism. Them and the FBI are witchhunters for hire. Currently they are renting themselves out to Corrupt incompetent Democrats.
  3. The weird obsessive hatred of trump evervsince he announced that he was running for president is bizarre. Its not a political position its a form of neurosis. He turned out to be a pretty good president but the so called progressives denounced him because they were convinced they were ENTITLED to run the country. They weren't. They aren't. The febrile hatred of the woke, left liberal progressives for President Trump is only matched by their hatred of the white working classes and their loathing of free thinking POC who reject identitarian idiocy and woke bullying.
  4. But they have no monopoly on denial!
  5. "As a former case officer" LOL 555 Reams of meaningless speculation based on fantasy and wish fulfilment. And what is this nonesense with '45'?
  6. IF IF IF....BS More like
  7. Dodgy search warrant-flaky signatories- Biden has blown it by weaponising the DOJ
  8. Or Hilary Clinton's server!
  9. Nah..A few people because of their jobs were lucky enough to be prioritised and get vaccines before other people. I wish I could get the flu or pneumonia vaccine free and fast.
  10. USER ERROR! When 99% of people use a system successfully I would be embarrassed to publicly admit that I was one of the 1% who could not use it. 555
  11. It lessens the chance of death or hospitalisation hopefully reducing the severity of the symptoms. The annual UK flu vaccine is only 50% effective as medical authorities have to predict which variant will be circulating. But the prevalence of colds and flu have diminished due to mask use. Worryingly in the UK the dreaded polio is making a come back because of anti vaccine ignorance and superstition in certain 'diversity communities ' ...
  12. The first two were astra zeneca, the next two Pfizer and the next two will be Moderna by which time, 9 months hopefully there will be a broad-based, universal covid vaccine. The service here in Pattaya is excellent and well organised
  13. I don't like police or seatbelts but unfortunately seatbelts save lives. I usually wear one so I see no problem with this development
  14. Pity it's not protected it would be great to make an example of the muscle bound bully.
  15. A stupid, insensitive foreigner, possibly hunting illegal angers me not just Thais. The photo is revolting. A quite unacceptable, unnecessary large catch.
  16. They are interested in preserving their environment. Thailand has a middle class intelligentsia and many extremely active environmental groups.
  17. He looks Russian to me but wherever he's from ..KICK THE BEAST OUT!
  18. Bit defender- total security package- up to 5 'machines' for about 16£ per year. Its covers my android phones and Microsoft laptop
  19. Most green apples would be equally low in sugar. There is a very interesting charr listing all the major fruits and their sugar/ fibre content and importantly fruits which have special or unusual enzymes the so called super fruits
  20. I have just finished watching this an can highly recommend it. It's not just scarily topical but the suspense is pretty stressful. It's a great viewing experience despite the subtitles.
  21. Less waiting time, faster service, better environment, English language etc but the principal treatment will be the same I believe
  22. Good to know. Is there an equivalent place in Pattaya
  23. The faster you see a doctor the faster you get good pain relief. You can choose your doctor BTW. I changed my gastroenterologist at BH, nobody seemed surprised at my request- I was glad I did. Speak calmly and clearly to the doctor. Express your worries too him. Make your concerns clear so he can address them. Write stuff down if it helps you remember. Do uou have a Thai girlfriend to go with. Its a dread feeling a pain in the bolleaux because it hurts, can hurt massive! It's embarrassing and it's worrying. It will turn out to be nothing important but meanwhile STOP GOOGLING SYMPTONS and practice deep calm breathing to reduce panic and anxiety- just simple deep slow abdominal breathing. Tell the doc about your panic/ worry and consider a 5 day 2 mg course of Valium to break the panic cycle and stabilise breathing.
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