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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. Visa that lasts too long are subject to abuse and cease to be a holiday issue and become an immigration issue. Which in turn become a petty crime issue which turns into an organised crime issue. In Britain Albanians, Turks, Kurds Kosovans run prostitution, sex trafficking , women selling , target burglary, extortion etc. The Thai authorities are naturally cautious as are the authorities in the Middle East.
  2. Yes physical violence against children is abuse. Its cowardly bullying because the child is too small to fight back. The right to physically abuse children engenders corruption and possible pervsion in adults. We don't beat dogs, we don't lash prisoners, we don't beat women and we don't physically abuse children. Regarding classroom control - there is no simple answer to problem you describe. But sacking the teacher would be a good start! Caning, strapping beating children was made illegal years ago in most countries. A teacher who resorts to beating little boys and girls is lazy, incompetent and possibly sick and definitely a bully. The scenario you describe is prevented by many approaches including class size and selection, selective teaching methodology to meet students needs, appropriate teaching materials and resources, appropriate subjects taught in context, management response and parental liaison etc. It's called teaching. It's work. Using physical violence against little children is not just immoral but impractical as leads to inter child violence and bullying. I worked in South London, the Middle East and Asia. NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES would children be beaten, whipped, slapped, punched or caned.
  3. No places are refusing cash. Most shops offer to receive digital payments. Non of my Thai friends use cash they use an app in their phone.
  4. Physically abusing children corrupts the abuser and teaches kids to hit others.
  5. And the erroneous answers. This thread is about removals not ice. Anyway the information is nonesense. Bad ice is not an issue here in Thailand.
  6. Everybody needs a VPN but not everyone knows it. Even the best - EXPRESS VPN is only 60 quid a year or they come bundled with anti virus software.
  7. If they could kill a human they could kill and animal! We have electric fences all over Europe but they don't kill people.
  8. It was a tragic event- a massive explosion- it made international news
  9. Precisely- Opinions are cheap and useless. But might make the opinion giver feel superior. But they are not superior just stating the obvious. I was here in the autumn of 90 or spring 91 when there was a terrible gas explosion in Bangkok.
  10. Running from a ranting speed freak armed with knives- a wise decision
  11. I dealt with two agencies but used one. One offers overnight care, accompaniment for air travel etc.
  12. People with little or no travel experience visit Thailand because its a very easy place but then make the mistake of criticising it based on their own cultural and moral standards of the 'little englander' 'the ugly American ' etc. But few of these people have travelled in India, Africa or the Baltics. Fewer still have cast a critical eye on their own countries where poverty, child hunger and violence are commonplace in a way that would be unacceptable in Thailand where the street dogs get treated better than children in some first world countries. 40% of English children experience food poverty. American kids fear gun violence at school. But arrogant white foreign, uninvited visitors making no contribution to Thailand seem to think its ok to call Thais 'useless' because of the way they park their cars when taking their family to a public beach. I consider this just to be a form of crusading, racist arrogance.
  13. No. Of course not. You can keep your old [email protected] email service running And simultaneously create a new Google account JohnSmith@Gmail. com
  14. Actually I think I have noticed a difference here in parts of Pattaya too.
  15. Where are you? We have nearly a hundred here in Pattaya- There are plenty in Bangkok too. Also there are Indian shops where you can get all the ingredients to do home cooking.
  16. Why? Are you suggesting foreigners are superior to Thais? Or are you promoting the inferiority of Thais to white people? It's not funny- it's just a tired, clichéd racist trope.
  17. How many foreigners are using the Covid-19 medical emergency to scam the system?
  18. Will you buy them new vehicles? Will you pay for training?
  19. The democratically elected government came about by mass demonstrations. In the 70s the army labelled the young democracy activists 'communists ', hung them from lampposts and burned them to death.
  20. I find the title to this thread arrogant and judgemental. Is the OP suggesting he is superior to the locals? Nobody asked the OP to come and live here. If he doesn't like it here he should leave. Nobody likes whingers. I bet the OP can't afford a truck and doesn't have a family to take to the beach. Never in thirty years here has it occurred to me top be outraged at parking! To actually write about it as a valid complaint labelling men and a women as being selfish and useless might be considered a form of arrogance bordering mental illness.
  21. It's not fraud its the expense anyway there are no restaurants demanding digital payments only.
  22. Thats nothing! 50k baht is only just over a thousand quid! Wealthy Indians splash the cash.
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