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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. Widely reported in the world press the amazing recovery of the Great Barrier Reef is Great news for enviromntal activists.....or is it? https://dailysceptic.org/2022/08/04/massive-coral-growth-at-the-great-barrier-reef-continues-to-defy-all-the-fashionable-doomsday-climate-predictions/ https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/04/great-barrier-reef-areas-show-highest-coral-cover-seen-in-36-years.html
  2. Freed1948 why should a man be jealous of the attention a girly pop star is getting and look for reasons to deny her that attention?
  3. It does seem like cultural appropriation. Actually he has chosen the highest form of ceremonial robes which are definitely inappropriate.
  4. Jealous? Or bitter? About what?
  5. Cheap Charlie's The Robins nest The one opposite tree town Robin Hood Taven The Sportsman The Ipub LKK metro
  6. It's a dreadful event and I like big crowded events but since it started the police caused trouble and fights over marijuana which is stupid. The early riots were anti police riots but in the 80s anti what 'steamers' targeted white women and their handbags. The swrious crime then became more gang based and more violent. But a lot of the crime is ordinary people fighting- women are joining in an one girl received a bash for slapping a man. etc etc. Me an my mates had stopped going by the mid lane 80s because is awful, false, overcrowded, seeing the filth dancing was sickening. It's not ju that part of West London that's disrupted but south London, northwest London anywhere there are big Caribbean communities party all day and night Friday to Monday. And now with more DRILL RAP RAGGA and Reggaetón it's a hostile witches brew of simmering violence
  7. Waste of time. The war on drugs is a war on the people that corrupts the police and discredits the army all over the world.
  8. Well it can definitely be done in one way of another. I would be very careful about guitars as they are delicate. Books- you can get free digital versions of them. Regarding other stuff Thailand is Brilliant for shopping for modern Western stuff. Have you considered selling/ ebaying stuff. Leaving books with a friend or storage or just biting the bullet moving everything and forget an retirement discount. The alternative is just your music instrument and a few clothes. EVERYTHING you need you can get here. Retirement is start of a new life perhaps look at your shipping problems in a philosophical light- starting a new life with new stuff excluding instruments
  9. The rich and cultural elite want the poor to be poorer and promote their views openly in leftwing papers like the Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/30/this-age-of-abundance-must-come-to-an-end-to-save-the-planet
  10. It's a very common good luck fertility charm in Thailand. Often on a keyring
  11. All white clothing in Haitian and Caribbean culture is considered bad Ju Ju. Its taboo as its a sign of the Obeah Man for sure. Regarding a different pronunciation it's not vodon. It's Voudo. Regarding sicknesses spells they are various but blowing the ground up dried scabs of smallpox scabs into the face of victims was one way of inducing sickness
  12. I have witnessed strong weired stuff here one could describe as magic but it always has physical, emotional or psychological underpinning. Obviously it's not possible via Facebook. But she is a toxic influence on you. Cease all communications. Speak to a monk, a Dr and a priest. But better still stop dwelling on her. If she believes it she's off her head and deluded and I know from experience this kind of insanity is catching - a form of hysteria.
  13. If you are not retired here you can not get associated benefits. That information is correct and useful. With respect you asked for advice and you mentioned old pots and pans. I retired here and bought clothes and a couple of small rugs. You honestly won't need most of your stuff. To be honest your tone seems a bit off....a bit unfriendly. Good luck with your container
  14. 1981 - I remember it well- then there was Rock Hudson the first famous victim of aids- a famous closet homosexual. I have and more sadly had friends in the gay community one who died in 82 in London. But the media misinformation to cover up truth out of good Liberal intentions IS an early example of covering the truth or rather not admitting it.
  15. Because chocolate man is neither offensive or racist to them and anyway is usually said in English
  16. I'm disappointed that he does not have an exotic name: May I suggest 'Big Wad'
  17. Bring nothing. Just your 20/30 k allowance. Anyway! You haven't retired here yet so how can you claim retired status?!!! Old pots and pans?!!!!
  18. The Notting Hill Gate Carnival in London hosts over a million people in two days https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11159883/Notting-Hill-Carnage-Thug-punches-woman-face-shocking-video-carnival.html Bound to be bit of trouble. Its an end of summer ritual
  19. Show me 5 examples of BMs claiming to special services etc. Only you claim that BMs claim such things. "Coming the raw prawn" an expression made famous in a Barry Humphries Britishncartoon strip about 50 years ago is rarely used by Australians these days- not young ones - under 60. When Britain joined the EU and Australians' right of abode in UK diminished so did the spread and growth of Strine- it was dependent on the internationalism of Britain.
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