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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. I think anybody should be allowed to park anywhere as long as they are not endangering life or blocking access for more than a few minutes. I don't believe in parking laws at all. They are a money grabbing scam.
  2. Can you prove that? I'll don't believe you. Al company can not refuse to pay unless it has legal grounds not to.
  3. Old people complaining about the behaviour of young people!
  4. It's true. Teenagers experiment with drugs. It's a fact. AND It is non your business to sit in judgement over them or anybody else until we can sit in judgement over you. I know plenty of articulate, intelligent Teenagers who would mock the idea of your moral and ethical superiority based on your age or your nationality. You must come from a very sheltered background - please don't impose your limited experience onto other people. Young people have enough problems with nosy adults interfering in their lives. The two young people in this instance were smoking pot, not crack, not smack, not meth, not tobacco! Nor were they drinking alcohol!
  5. Low standards in parking! LOL You mean high standards of personal freedom. I think it's great that people aren't bullied and intimidated by thugs and revenue raisers like in Britain where parking rules are just part of the war on cars and car owners
  6. Yes its allowed but that does not make it laudable! Constantly finding fault is a sign of a deeper malaise - of unhappiness.
  7. Yes we have petty peeves but we don't expect other people to share them!
  8. It does not bother me in the slightest. And I don't know anybody it bothers in fact: quite the opposite.
  9. Most Western men are soft, entitled and privliged and pretty stupid. Most thai girls are tough and smart and having known poverty they work hard for themselves and their family.
  10. And how do they behave as adults compared to Americans? Please explain
  11. It's easy anytime, anywhere to get dope! Grow up! 16 years old is a young adult. And what 16 year old girls do is not your business is it?
  12. They were in a safe space. Good 16? 16 years old? Teenagers smoke dope, take acid, Es etc. And it's not your business. Better that they are smoking dope openly than hiding under a bridge. Anyway we have no evidence that the young adults in question were 16. But what if they were? It's no big deal. Just part of growing up.
  13. So they ordered soda not whisky - good. So they bought their dope openly and safely- good. So they they smoked the dope openly and safely- good. The reform is working- good.
  14. Perhaps 'Get a life' might have been appropriate
  15. ALWAYS have up yo date anti virus software on your phone. I use bit defender. AVG offers a free suite for android. Currently Bit defender is less than 25 dollars for 5 devices. Considering express VPN for extra security.
  16. Yes so always send a test payment first AND a number input should generate a concomitant ID , name etc
  17. Is it possible to get old fashioned style Thai sticks?
  18. The original kief was a morrocan mixture of leaf and tobacco or pollen and tobacco and very weak. The original Morrocan Drug Squad was pursuing tobacco I believe. The heavy morrocan hash was not invented until the 60/70s when pneumatic Presses were introduced by the mafia
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