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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. We don't need wiki to tell us thank you! Whether or not it's 'extracted' or how 'extraction' is defined is one issue. The active ingredients are concentrated in both pollen and charas models of hashish. As hashish is not native to Thailand it probably is illegal but with the current situation who knows?
  2. Is there any evidence of high ups warning the police?
  3. Why would a heroin enquiry be put on a dope thread? Try the Pai thread!
  4. Top admit to despising a random group of workers indicates an interesting personality trait.
  5. I watched it and probably mentioned it. Yes it's pretty good and short. It wasn't popular with the TV critics
  6. You used the word similar- not me. But indeed there is a shared human experience which transcends nation. If you could explain more clearly what your problem is perhaps I could help you. But you just seem to be attacking me or my very balanced, pertinent relevant comments. You are not a moderator on this forum.
  7. Malaysia hangs people for drugs too.
  8. Do you have any training or background in marketing? I was here 25 years and in Bangkok there were several restaurants but not as you suggest. BUT go ahead with your plans- why not- you know the risks? And you know how much you can afford to lose.
  9. Where is Jomtien beach gathering? It's a long beach! Thanks
  10. I think the last three will be more action packed
  11. No. Its a suggestion to avoid <deleted> puritanical countries who go seeking to prosecute people. Back in the day we travelled overland through Iran Afghanistan and India but we avoided signapore and Malaysia who killed drug users. Blood testing at borders is injustice and indicative of moral corruption
  12. My friend was in Wandsworth prison when they started testing for cannabis traces. To eliminate traces he and his fellow inmates drank copious amounts of water and exercised vigorously. BUT the main thing was they switched to smack which disappeared from the body quicker. Thus one of the unintended consequences of testing for cannabis in British jails was to increase the mount of herion addicts.
  13. Oh it does lol..the traces remain in your system for up to 90 days but the soporific effects a few hours including sleep.
  14. And their can be traces in your system which does not necessarily mean you are high or under the influence. Thus even the British police have a limit and a tolerated amount of traces.
  15. Nope. It was in their blood stream
  16. They did not break the law in Malaysia anyway the law is cruel and stupid and based in ignorance not justice. Even in Britain and Saudi Arabia presence in the blood stream is not counted as possession as their is no use able amount. This is terrible publicity for Malaysia and the Malaysian people. Its is taking their absurd legislation too far. Its unnecessarily intrusive.
  17. "There are many models out there but this one is the one I believe. And where I will put my money." Where? Sorry I missed it. Regarding China: it considers its population expendable. 30 million died between 1945 -1975 mainly of starvation.
  18. As opposed to what? Using smoke signals? The irony here is that YOU are bashing on a keyboard to express disapproval of something you have not read. If you were truly disinterested you would just ignore it and not comment on it. Or you would read it and make an 'informed' criticism of the content. Who knows? You might learn something lol
  19. You always have to give a reason for transferring any amount I think. Amounts larger than 50k just take longer.
  20. 30 to 90 days https://americanaddictioncenters.org/marijuana-rehab/how-long-system-body
  21. Only in the decadent West is diversity, about which the population have no choice considered an assett. Diversity was just a weak excuse caused by the negative impact of mass immigration to benefit big business and bring wages down. People who 'oppose' diversity in the west are castigated and called racist.
  22. No it's another reason for the ignorant Malaysian authorities to review their policies. Stop blood testing travellers which is absurd. And stop executing people for drug offences. They are a disgrace.
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