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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. If you know that about yourself you will pay up when asked I'm sure . Don't worry. Even if I was sure I had not eaten 50 baht of food I would pay anyway because know how poor these vendors are, how hard they work and how difficult the last two years have been. I would err on the side of mercy, be gracious and give her a tip. This farang didn't want to lose face BUT you gain face by yielding in Thailand.
  2. Too many farang don't want to lose face and think Asians are weak and mild mannered.
  3. Yes its about 4 or 5 hours. Us Pattaya millionaires get the airport bus from Thapraya- food mart to the Suvarnabhumi then get on the RTS to downtown Bangkok - fast- comfortable but you might find it expensive. Me, on all bus journeys I book two seats
  4. 2022Atrium International Buffet - Landmark Bangkok Hotel
  5. Bangkok Post Saturdays just check out the last couple of months up to present day. Absolutely fantastic, mouth-watering, beautifully illustrated reviews pages...including seafood buffets with lobster etc 2022Atrium International Buffet - Landmark Bangkok Hotel Just past Asoke around soi 25 is Toro a columbian/ argentine specialist beef place far superior to Gaucho
  6. Yes detol cream was withdrawn about 3 years ago. The Bepanthen cream I mentioned is good and cheap
  7. Spiked is libertarian contrarian as I am. You are trapped in solipsism- those who oppose you or Climate legislation are 'right wing' and 'right' is unethical, is wrong. But that is as silly as the performative activism of the pantomime character of Extinction Rebellion. Incidentally your position is supported by the Morning Star and SWP magazine and The Guardian. I bet your climate scientist are supported them too.
  8. You pre presume 'right bias' is both bad and measurable. The very idea that 'right' is presumed to be pejorative indicates bias. Given the extremist liberal bias of the Guardian et al and The BBC any view that does not conform to their world view will be dismissed.
  9. https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/08/30/the-green-roots-of-the-energy-crisis/ Epstein in an interview
  10. If you regard human kind as inherently bad and the earth as good - Gaia theory like many eco extremists who also don't know they are following Malthusian theory. Paris COP21, the climate-sceptic Schiller Institute argues: “The present push for a CO2 reduction program is deeply rooted in … Malthusian ideological motivation. But Malthus was wrong in the Eighteenth Century, and his followers are wrong today.”
  11. My question too- or Germolene. Basically Thailand does not really 'do' antiseptic cream. Antibiotic yes and anti bacterial yes. However I found this Bepanthen Antiseptic cream very similar to savlon.
  12. Good news but the real bottleneck for me is London Heathrow. To call Heathrow 3rd World is an insult to the developing world
  13. 40°C heatwave may have killed "May"..but cites drowning as a cause! But this winter due to lack of energy resources thousands are likely to die...
  14. Xanax why are using an emoji to say you are confused by my simple correct and truthful statement that: "Many drugs require a prescription."? What don't you understand?
  15. The meaning of face in Asia is much misunderstood by Westerners who confuse it with their idea of pride. But ideas of giving face and face as a communal concept don't even have words for these concepts in English. The Thai haters and bashers like to blame face for sensational arguments and violence but needless to say their grasp of social anthropology is limited but it seems their hate and contempt for Thais isn't.
  16. Nightlife hotspots? HIV aids spread from the gay communities in New York and San Francisco via Bathhouse scene and was linked to promiscuity and multiple partners then jumped to the hetro-normative groups via intravenous drug users and bisexual men. The origins and causes of AIDS was obfuscated in a very early example of medical science having to yield to ideology we now call W**ism.
  17. Is their any proof these anti viral work. Covid is still very active in parts of Thailand and other countries. Do these medicines work on the visious flu doing the rounds here in Thailand
  18. Not at all. Many drugs require a prescription.
  19. I think some hospitals will organise it for you or be very helpful. So discuss it with your medical team. Your issue is very common. Consider an agent.
  20. Mine cost 45k the same price as UK and Kuwait but it depends on your eye condition. Any optician can organise them from the famous chain with the pretty girls Top Charoen to major hospitals. I got mine made cheaper at an opticians in Pattaya. Some times like Specsavers you get a two for one deal.
  21. Yep. Scuba divers have quite different knives than woodsman. Fishermen too. There are lots of different styles of knives appropriate to their task and use.
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