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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. The outrage looks fake in comparison to just ignoring the real chaos and destruction caused by other groups. It's a show trial designed to neutralise Trump whilst ignoring the the real damage to democracy carried out by mobs burning looting and destroying local government building and police stations. That's why it looks fake. The double standards stink. Its not a real trial- it's a one sided performance.
  2. Yes of course Thais get depressed!
  3. Organ donation is not just about transplants! It's about medical research thus the age of the donor is irrelevant. Research into dementia requires old people not babies!
  4. I did say I was referring to a hard working, responsible person. I take your observations on board but you have limited knowledge of the subject just the white male expat prejudices. You have no idea, zero idea of how many successful businesses that you deal with have ex bar girls involved. So I am actually looking for practical suggestions such as Hair salon, nail bars, coffee shop, laundry etc
  5. Online Pornography is dehumanising creating unrealistic expectations of what is normal sexual behaviour. Far worse than the humanity of service offered by sex workers. The Thai government are correct in their aims but it will be difficult
  6. They pay them! But that kind of sex service is rare here compared to the Philippines. Its just not the Thai way. Its not 'sanuk'..
  7. Well thanks for the response but I was hoping for something a bit more specific
  8. Correct. It's an indicator of youth to be left and liberal but also an indicator of growing up and maturing to become conservative.
  9. The benefit of having a Conservative government is we don't have Corbyn Starmer or Thornberry or Abbot anywhere near the levers of power!
  10. Why would you think that after 40 years of EU bureaucracy the process of withdrawal from the EU would be quick? Surely its a long term process? Perhaps you might like to focus on issues such as German energy and banking, Spanish youth employment, the strength of the Euro and a myriad of other issues. Because BREXIT IS A FACT. No amount of whining, whinging or naysaying can change that. There comes a point where the bitterness and hostility of the remainers appears to be a desire to see Britain fail. You all need to grow up because the votes who reject centralised and democracy technocrats and want representative democracy have not gone away.
  11. But will you? Or are you so innately superior that you have nothing to learn?
  12. The outrage and show trial all looks a bit fake. Honestly- you could expect similar violence in England when United play Liverpool away or the Derby between City and United. If this rowdy demonstration hadn't happened perhaps the Democrats would have to be explaining their support for ANTIFA and BLM who took over cities, burnt down buildings and created no go zones. Because if the Republicans had won this riotous attack on democracy would be the subject of a very different show trial. Any true Democrat would be embarrassed by the hypocrisy of this trial whilst ignoring the summer of destruction.
  13. I understand some elderly demonstrators died that day but I don't hear much about them. But a famous French revolutionary once said: "There go my people. I must follow them because I am there leader"
  14. What is a small business you could set up for a bar girl about to retire-assuming she's intelligent, hard working and reliable? I know salons often fail for lack of customers, a small laundry business would cost about 70k, a bar would be too expensive..any ideas or suggestions?
  15. This thread is very informative but If I want a sim card I go to the mall where all the service providers have shops and helpful staff. I have true sim for phone with Internet option but my main Internet is provided by 3BB.
  16. Hhhmmn..It might depend on the IO. They set the agenda and maybe its the nearest bank to the office!
  17. Much ado about nothing- it looks like a show trial to me. But it is a useful distraction from the failed Biden administration.
  18. "Its all fun with these apps until everyone uses it and it causes traffic jams right on the main road." The problem is not the App. The problem is that they haven't been welcomed by the Airport
  19. Hysteria - The sky should calm down.
  20. Anyway I do remember about 3 years ago in Pattaya our lake/ resovior dried up so the big rain was welcome. About 4 nights ago we had heavy rain that dragged in till the next day. I love it but don't have to deal with it.
  21. Duodart intillially prescribed by BPH now I buy the
  22. I don't believe this is true but it is the bank favoured by agents when they liase immigration department. BUT I would suggest that people who are not going the agent route to open a separate bank account for daily use separate from the retirement deposit account.
  23. The Bear is a great new Drama Series set primarily in a restaurant kitchen. It manages to capture the tension and drama of those reality TV restaurant shows interwoven with a good yarn and plot. I suspect it will generate a second series. It stars Jeremy Allen White.
  24. To get your IDP in UK you go to PO. Thailand is far more advanced than UK where driving licenses are taking up to six months and driving tests even longer. Anyway no foreigner for Thai needs to jump through all those hoops for anything. We use agents.
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