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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. Google change their algorithms regarding keywords so the 1990s / dreamweaver ideas you are outlining don't really work. Manual SEO is obviously limited and is now dominated by server side sophisticated scripting. Good luck but most of what you are talking about is what I taught school kids in England in the 90s. If you can get an online video to go viral you have a chance but with TT and YT you need big luck. Good luck.
  2. Grenfell tower - cladding corruption and death courtesy of Great Britain Ltd purveyors of cover ups, corruption and buck passing served with arrogance and smug complacency. No thanks. I'll trust Thai cement and glass construction over the UK.
  3. Most REAL liberals and socialists are classified as right wing these days in the face of viscous virtue signalling and woke idiocy and trans extremism..
  4. Backs being stabbed but not a knife fight?
  5. There is demand but BA and LHR can not meet demand. Too many passengers lol
  6. No- nothing like that at all. Gifts given as alms are not the same as bribes given to evade the law.
  7. A cheque! Lol..In the UK Passports are taking up to 3 months! IF IF you can get service And DRIVING LICENSES..forget it!!! Utilities- electricity- a disaster- Black cabs- only for millionaires! Water too much rain not enough rain etc. The UK is a miserable dump currently with rocketing prices fuel at two pounds a litre etc etc - terrible rising crime rates Airports floundering...thousands of stranded passengers and lost bags...
  8. From my observations very string marijuana in bud form is being now. Sold openly. There are stalls shops and cafes all selling potential Cannabis. It's grass not hash.
  9. No it's not. You appear to nothing about what is happening now or anything about Thailand at all.
  10. I always get a multiple every year. I can't see an agent charging you more than 500 plus the cost
  11. He'll probably die in ignominy, unloved- that's what he'll do.
  12. I haven't done any bit tormenting since discovering tinyzonetv.to And Fmovies.<deleted>
  13. Everything is so easy here. At one o'clock called a BOLT cab it came in minutes. Cheap as chips to Royal Garden Mall Applied for my 4th jab. From start to finish it took about 15 minutes. Very efficient and well organised and free. Called a BOLT taxi to take me to immigration. Found the 90 day report table outside, submitted passport received it back 30 minutes later. SWEET. Walked along beach rd until a baht bus picked me up and took me nearly to my door. Everything done easy fast and cheap unlike the UK. Amazing Thailand!
  14. Hasn't this been around the UK for months? About 3 weeks ago covid swept through parts of Pattaya- everyone assumed it was omnicrom.
  15. If you rented a car and trashed it you would be held to account. You basically abused somebody and their property - and you think boasting about it is normal?
  16. Are you saying that for racial or cultural reasons Thais have inferior social skills to westerners. You, as a westerner are better? Does this include your and all westerners language skills? From what I have observed the Thai check out staff are pleasant, polite and efficient in the face of boorish monolingual, western behavior.
  17. They monitor you daily in the UK with CCtv combined with gait and face recognition technology. You fail to see my point because you did not read what I wrote or you fail to understand the use of CCtv in UK or don't understand face and gait recognition technology and how it is far more intrusive than 90 reporting. Currently in the UK we have over thousands of illegal immigrants who are not monitored. I WISH WE HAD 90 DAY REPORTING IN THE UK. You say there is no 90 day reporting in the west so- go and live there if it bothers you so much...It does not bother me at all.
  18. I've lived all over the world - The UK monitors everyone with CCtv and face and gait recognition technology- in the MENA region all foreigners have their finger prints taken..report every 90 days does not bother me at all - we should do it in the UK too but the British are not efficient enough to organise it. The only people who moan about Thailand are provincals who have little or no travel experience- we used to be followed around in Russia by police..If you find it too difficult to cooperate with foreign laws best you stay in Britain.
  19. The usual scurrilous slander against a political opponent who fails to succumb to woke idiocy. She is not anti gay nor does she wish to reintroduced section 28. That hysteria. But she and other adults wish to limit wish give parents the right to examine the sex education curriculum which currently is promoting a hard line trans ideology. Kami Badenoch is a black woman who does not conform to the socialist idea of how a black woman should behave. She's BRILLIANT
  20. Why does it make you feel like a criminal? I just did my 90 day report today at Immigration not the police or prison and it was quick, easy and helpful with people chatting and laughing.
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