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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. Very little time? You mean years... And must speak English and must pass tests in British culture and not have NHS treatment.
  2. Vietnam, Lao Cambodia. Vietnam offers best food. Singapore is clean with great food and Thais love it. NOT Malaysia Japan could be very tiring. NOT China unless you can afford VIP tourist travel. No not china Hong Kong hectic city state. Singapore would be easiest and good for two weeks. Vietnam great service and nature and civilised opulence too
  3. The title is misleading. He was not attacked because of his nationality or gender but because he was a thief.
  4. He must have been really out of order and deserved it.
  5. Oh I read this in another paper and thought how brilliant. A typical combination of sincere serious intention combined with deadpan comedy. Amazing Thailand!
  6. Cheaper, quieter, no reception area with tourists coming and going with luggage, no communal activities like breakfasts. Do your own cooking and partying
  7. Agreeing to disagree is NOT debating! It's the opposite! What you refer to as bickering ie discussions you don't like is actually debating
  8. "An animal escape live drill in a zoo in Thailand led an employee to ran amok dressed as an ostrich, who was later pinned down with a giant fishing net." https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/southeast-asia/man-ostrich-thailand-zoo-animal-drill-b2153369.html
  9. Interesting overview. BTW Have you Christopher Moore on the nuances of Thai culture
  10. Good review
  11. Back up back up back up everything...assume they will check for Porno, KP especially and snide component ersatz bootlegged pirated parts software and in the process stuff might get lost. Plus the old knitting needle inside to check for contraband and maybe x-ray. Back up everything
  12. I'm very pleased with and can recommend a great Australian drama called The Twelve. It's a jury room and courtroom drama with additional narrative to the main story because the individual jurors have backstories running parallel to the main story which has both pdepth and darkness. It would be pretty good if it were an American or British production but it has a bit of an extra dimension due to its antipodean setting and characters. Ozzie villains are such fun and there is a special type of sleazy villain quite dissimilar to their British and American equivalents. This was a good gripping drama of 10 episodes. Not perfect but well worth checking out
  13. In 1977 at a London University my neighbour was doing her photography dissertation on Tattoos. It was an academic illustrated thesis that included, the historical, cultural, religious and semiotic significance of tattoos. That was 45 years ago. The OP has created a thread with a false premise by innacurate use of language 'fad' and by use of the modal verb 'might'. It might but it won't.
  14. The idiocy at the heart of our culture From a barbaric Bronze Age text known as the Old Testament, three anti-human religions have evolved -- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These are sky-god religions. They are, literally, patriarchal -- 2000 years of nonsense.
  15. The 'ME and MY maker syndrome used to lead me to ask:" Why did YOUR maker create childhood cancer? Not just cancer but a special gift from God to hurt kids?" BUT - then we have the arrogance of modesty - the homespun shucks me an my maker.....THUS "I suppose that one reason I have always detested religion is its sly tendency to insinuate the idea that the universe is designed with 'you' in mind or, even worse, that there is a divine plan into which one fits whether one knows it or not. This kind of modesty is too arrogant for me." Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir
  16. Im gonna track this down...looks good. Ouch! It's on ITV hub probably not on tinyzonetv.to
  17. Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom was a film by the political film maker Passolini. Its an examination of nature of fascism referencing the Nazi occupations and Salo but it cross references The Marquis De Sade and The Divine Comedy and other literary works. I saw it in 1978 but as it had been banned, even the censored version only academics at private cinemas could view it. The film involves horrible scenes of degradation and torture. We left the cinema in London, stunned and went for a meal in Chinatown but non of us could eat. It was Passolinis last movie. I have not seen it since but it came to mind when reading about Clockwork Orange here on this forum. Has anybody seen it- even the cut censored version?
  18. Yes it was great. I wish it lasted longer. And given the murders in Liverpool last week, very topical. She's a good actress
  19. I saw it at the films when it first came out. Thought it was silly and shallow. And not violent and not extreme. I subsequently read the book. The author went to my local school. So I find myself in the position of the boy and the emperor's new clothes. OFOTCN was a good interpretation of Kesey's (LSD Merry Prankster) book to which Burt Lancaster owned the rights. The making of the film was dependent on Lancaster playing the lead role. It cost a fortune to buy the rights of him to allow JN to play the lead role.
  20. The well spring of religion in the USA is Puritanism. The ones who set out in the Mayflower, and set out their path of genocidal savagery in name of God. But The Puritans left England for America not because they couldn't be Puritans in their mother country, but because they were not allowed to force others to become Puritans; in the New World, of course, they could and did. Gore Vidal
  21. I have done. Regarding God belief- an infantile fantasy that can be channelled into good or evil but utterly irrelevant to science.
  22. So dampen it down! Anyway just pay a local to sort it.
  23. Robbing a casino is like robbing a butcher's- The stakes are high! But you might end up with the chop!
  24. Yes and in another thread the issue of browser security and passwords is an issue.
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