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  1. Remove the seats, add more hanger straps, employ platform "pushers" and reduce trains ! Efficiency !
  2. Given the spooky coincidence often associated with the Thai Lottery and unfortunate connections to "Numbers" also associated with tragic news then is there a possibility 110 or variants will feature? 0 is one of those numbers .
  3. I agree that "simplification" is probably the singular "forte" of the vociferous clique that expound in massive volumes of verbage opinions of collective appeal to and for "virtual" high fives while ignoring the actuality of geopolitical complexity. Puerile attempts at deflection in support of simplistic opinion do nothing to offer content worthy of consideration. No more so than the equally puerile expressed opinions of fellows to the "ever so righteously politically correct club" who automatically and in virtual unison deign anyone who fails or questions their collective opinion to be sympathetic to Putin et al ! Defined ignorants ! There is no geopolitical simplification in the "situation" when and where the majority of Nations object to a minority assuming a mandate which in terms of global ramifications that minority has no right to inflict, never has, and now due to potential global armageddon continues to pursue . In reality is there one side in this conflict that can honestly claim innocence ? There is undeniably one side that unreserved in demonstrating inhumane acts . A remote faction of the "Other "side seems quite content to assist a prolonged contest .
  4. I wold not opt to comment on your English but your self interest is vary apparent !
  5. Perhaps. Or is he being willingly prepared to accept and announce his withdrawal from a role that has sufficiently acquired the aims of his sponsors in return for a final golden handshake?
  6. If instead of "super power" the terminology was capacity to wreak massive indiscriminate destruction regardless of target status then that is true. And yes NATO need be careful not to assume a generalized "right" to precipitate and provoke such that would be of greater global scale in impact! The massive percentage of Nations have expressed sympathy and horror at the rising evidence of humanitarian abuses in the Russia/Ukraine situation while for many that echoes the same same but marginally different demonstration of mafioso geopolitical attempt in domination that has disrupted any reasonable concept of a normal and peaceful life!. BUT yet have declined to condescend to total accord in condemnation of expressed motivation either way? Is it surprising that the representatives of independent Nations can express alternative opinion, interpretation, perception, geopolitical position ? Or is such a "democratic" ideal to be dismissed in deference to prescribed blind allegiance usually via temptation to accept devious personal advantages ? IMHO is that while many aspirants seeking political endorsement via "democratic" principles enforced by one method or another there is a steady devolution of socially driven reality towards non benevolent autocracy falsely sold ! Putin has embarked on a crusade that is being defended against by an equally disingenous misrepresentative manipulative antagonistic clique of the self interested.
  7. At this moment in weather time most apps which rely on computer predictions are wildly inaccurate. Most reliable indicator of imminent sustained heavy rain I have ever found has been sudden mass relocation of ant nests from ground level sites ! As yet have not observed.
  8. The problem is most likely to have been excessive addition of sodium nitrate as a preservative. "Pink Salt" as used to cure ham etc. The cheap meat products sold in many places are likely to have that or borax present which is why I never by them.
  9. In some aspects I could agree. But without access to the specific construction details and if they were actually adhered to, or if existing infrastructure was compromised permitting ingress of water , etc etc then other than a degree of concern for safety not much more can justifiably be said about this incident.
  10. As a favorite I hope his time as a politician has not made him forget the ever present possibility of a low blow !
  11. I believe that the statement was made in the context of countering any premature claims of lowered detections being used as a pretext to abandon current procedures. Personally I think any residual purposefulness in widespread testing etc will be eliminated by the songkran holiday dissemination that few will voluntarily acknowledge infection unless seriously unwell.
  12. The contents or the exterior ? Perhaps a dangerous allegation to make with identifiable brand name.
  13. Not so sure I can find it comical when a person dies in the process of doing major damage to someone's property.
  14. The event of hailstorms may only be a momentary matter of fascination to many bt to agricultural producers can be the death sentence on an annual crop and income. Snow would actually be kinder than the destruction hail can reap.

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