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Everything posted by Nojohndoe

  1. While they are continued to be termed "Zoos's" I agree. I have been to a couple of places where the term zoo has been replaced with "sanctuary" and many animals have zero contact with humans. The concept does upset some who consider the land area a "waste" in place of potential development .(profit).
  2. Relativity ? To increase in total vehicles registered ? ( not moving on any of the 7 days not relative ! ) Creativity? Not limited to interpretation derived from reality. Optimistically? The question was never asked and so never answered but is it not very possible that the reference was to a 20% reduction in accidents (involving RTP vehicles ) ?
  3. Without agreeing to the actual numbers I do agree as to the typical straight road scenario after witnessing the usual suicidal "pull out and attempt to pass as many as possible" regardless of that is over a crest in the road with no visibility other than the no passing lines! Worse still is the RTP positioned to wave them back in rather than pull them in and issue a ticket! Although a friend reported about 5 kms away the RTP were pulling over noisy and smoke emitting vehicles using a spotter further back on a steep climb section of straight road ! I know particle emissions are vogue but why not Thai Vehicular Roulette ?
  4. In terms of legality the sidecar attachments are not legal but "tolerated" for carrying goods , not people. Back in the days of the Thai manufactured Tiger Motorcycles they actually marketed a model with factory made sidecar specifically for people that confused the whole issue and in a way legitimized the very common tack on units. I certainly agree they are not safe and I cringe at the sight of them at times with up to 5 or 6 people in traveling at speed enough to be lethal if the "engineering" fails. (Which I have seen with welding failures!)
  5. Reading the above it would seem like there are variations of the methods of testing . Any test that requires putting your face in contact with might be grounds for objection but that might also provide grounds to refuse you a renewal.
  6. Same as our 3BB. It is exterior cable with one strand being a high tensile suspension support wire.
  7. To a degree. It can be of two ways in my experience. Either a quite formal and deliberate "thank you" from newer or less familiar visitors or just a wai with smiles from frequent visitors . Outside of reasonable expectations of polite hospitality I have never succumbed to the status of being assumed involuntary benefactor. If that inhibits visitation to our household it is no problem .
  8. I recommend you take ( if you have any) some of the oldest rice to test in any of these machines. For the purpose of seeing how much it "breaks" the rice. Fresh rice is not so much of a problem. I bought one years ago but the percentage of broken rice was unacceptable. Knowing now what I did not know then I would buy a machine that "sandpapers" the grain although I do not know how reliable they are. They were more expensive I do remember. The advantage of having one to use the by products was half of the original interest.
  9. Similar emails purporting to be from Postal Services in various countries have been happening for quite a while. The "sender" address is usually the giveaway of them being bogus.
  10. So your problem/issue ATM scam has not occurred here in Thailand? Interesting !
  11. Perhaps Thailand's Sports" reputation is being tainted by failure to buy into the latest "chemical enhancements" that as yet are not on a list of banned substances ? It is getting close to the situation where the differentiation in recorded times etc are in excess of the capacity to determine ! Ridiculous but yet again a point not of pride as much as a claim to financial reward. In terms of "professional "sports and the bogus claims for inclusion in Olympic events is hilarious ! e.g Water Ballet? Will hormone enhancement to provide spleen enlargement as a facet in ability to hold the breath be outlawed or adopted ?
  12. Of course it should have and was ! You think I question that ????
  13. You are not wrong but you are not right. Parents do care if their child is injured by another. Injured by themself is less a concern. It would go a long way to satisfy many observers of the diligence with which members of the RTP perform duties outside the gates of many schools, despite the fact they are "protecting" children blatantly ignoring "law", who would prefer instead to see the RTP enforcing penalties . My personal observation of the situation is that while students indirectly acknowledge the "service " provided by the RTP in an appreciative manner, which may be as simple as not displaying heroic acts until at least well clear of the school gateways, regardless of seemingly apparent under age or multiples of passengers on a motorcycle then it is situation normal ! The social structure and the economics of I do believe shape many aspects of Thai culture in ways that can frustrate arguable objection when compared to another . Individual, social, cultural, administrative .........becoming sadly blurred in accountability !
  14. Regardless of what the minors were coerced into or how well they were "compensated" this was organized crime involving people in positions of wealth, thereby "power" .that was used for abuse of said "minors". I am without doubt that the scale of abuse extends far far beyond what has been revealed but will not be. Perhaps some satisfaction can be had from the fact that this "operation" has been shut down and although all the players have not been officially named they have at very least have been not only sidelined from further participation but are now socially suspect in "respected circles" !
  15. As a minimal percentage of potential passengers I doubt the trial considered oversized tourists in any assessment ! Perhaps they could donate a few electric golf carts for a comparison?
  16. The problem might be due to the ongoing regional issues with undersea internet cables . Seem like when one gets fixed another fails!
  17. This sounds a bit like a "data gathering" operation. Said data will later be fed into a cloud base maintained by those who will plan the next "Pandemic"? This worked. This did not work. Resistance levels averaged at point X of implementation .
  18. Consciously or subconsciously I have lived my life so far on the basis of survival at minimum and enjoyment of it as a bonus. One year rolls into another and waking up in any morning has as much significance as any single date on a calendar.
  19. Exactly that. I doubt he did not understand the expectations of complying to the process. Hotels do not "hold" a passport but do request a copy . His 1 night stay would have been prepaid, he was in possession of his passport, arrogantly decided to simply depart ahead of notification of test result, got snapped !
  20. And maybe he died of causes due to age and poor health? It does happen !
  21. I think he was not so naive or innocent. Why did he try to book into a Hotel but decline to present a passport which got him a refusal? If the Hotel was doing things correctly his presence would have been reported which would have helped locate him. Unfortunately his assumption that he would not test positive came back to bite him. It may be sad that it was a false positive but if was a genuine result then he potentially put at risk many people.
  22. What is and what was is not of general knowledge interest because so many have serious doubts about what is
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