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Everything posted by Nojohndoe

  1. And that is because there is this insidious degradation of the varyants of Englesh that must eventually akommidate the dictate of Merica kunt roll of lang wage and munikayshuns .
  2. Those too I guess but I was thinking the up market models.
  3. If they can justify taxing golf buggies then how about the many thousands of the rural converted vehicles running on single cylinder diesel engines ?
  4. In the past it worked that way for me ! Now I am constantly knackered so I sleep without !lol
  5. Ok. So a purely speculative high risk investment that has no actual productivity other than hollow profit? Apart from a pseudo electronic token that at end point in terms of value stays relative to fiat currency but appeals on the basis of bogus scarcity which has spawned the side industry of "mining" which in reality is the enhancement of fractionals in reality is little different to printing fiat currency in compensation for relative losses in inflationary dilution.
  6. Wow! Good size specimen! But funny how they drown quite easily but if you try to do it yourself they seem almost indestructible !
  7. Is there even one of the myriad of coins that has Not lost fiat currency value in the last month ?
  8. And usually very nice too ! Problem is it sticks to my top denture and is a buglar to get unstuck ! lol
  9. As maybe derived from previous comments it depends on situation and general needs. Twin tub machines may appeal to those who want to portray themselves as devoted to the use of minimalist technology but given they are also at best minimally less expensive than fully automatic machines personally make no practical sense beyond my closing comment . The average best choice in terms of initial cost is a top loader machine of reputed brand and claimed capacity which for sake of longevity probably should exceed actual need. Front load machines generally cost more for reasons possibly explicable by need for durable mechanical horizontally positioned components but which apparently do use less water per cycle etc. Unfortunately the concept of retaining a bench level machine means that if you are very tall, have a back pain problem etc, the usual domestic models are better suited to those who suffer dwarfism ! But whichever machine becomes an acquisition it need be noted that the electrical supply should be also providing at least voltage spike protection because as most appliances now do the electronics are susceptible. The exception is the twin tub continuance than uses mechanical switches and timers which provides a high level of immunity to the vagueries of electronic vulnerabilty.
  10. So what exactly are Palm Growers threatening to do?
  11. Best I have found is the LOBO brand sachet which has a simple recipe in English.
  12. For sure I would be looking at a flow restriction involving the water heater. Blocked filter/s either on inflow or at shower head. Have found one model had a tubular filter inserted in the control tap that was well concealed.
  13. Interesting you say that. I know many many Thai who say the "Doctor " said they have "high sugar". Maybe/probably they do but are they actually diabetic?
  14. But in time maybe tax the particulate content ? Where do you source "fresh air" ?
  15. I am curious to know which province /location you are in ? While overall local businesses in and around my location still open their doors daily I doubt it is in anticipation of genuinely viable profitable trade . Hiring workers is also currently NOT easy regardless of proffered pay. Perhaps 6 months ago there was a sudden proliferation of small roadside enterprises which could be accorded to the exodus of those previously involved in the more urban spin off of tourism. However as fast as they appeared they also have disappeared . Major market places have diminished attendance especially in terms of longevity in browsing . People come and buy what they need and leave quickly in abandonment of the previous normal extended social experience. A reasonable outcome of the expectations in compliance to reducing exposure but a negative impact to those who relied on previous casual consumerist trade in non essentials. Your business that you say has increased in inquiries? I find no surprise in that ! Many farmers involved directly or indirectly in grains production are being "squeezed " in almost all directions. Costs even on small scale have risen while returns on even small excess production have eliminated break-even input . Mechanization is rapidly replacing labour due to the absence of it and sadly despite the lesser efficiency of crop yield is economically more viable. The economic sense of that may have appeal but in the greater reality the spread of income is also rapidly destroying the social structure of communities. In addition to that there are those that have undertaken credit risks in purchasing harvesting machinery that has a very limited seasonal capacity for earnings in an environment for which it was not designed to operate in as it is too often required to do which causes large maintanence costs. IMO the declared pandemic has exacerbated the rate at which rural communities will become as much tenants as are the majority of urban dwellers.
  16. many variables in the whole scenario IMO. Political appeal, genuine need, surplus at point of origin. As increasingly obvious as fact that the virus of this ongoing declared pandemic is going to persist in some variant form or other in spite of vaccination programs that retain a core residual element in the form of young children is the other fact that the situation has provided an incredibly powerful utilization of "emergency" protocols and policies that if not already in existence have rapidly been invoked or created to the detriment of the majority and the benefit of a minority in extreme differentials ! Near two years on from the frightening realization of this unfolding reality of a new global pandemic that was stupidly diverted into the distraction of "blame" which interesting co incidentally and conveniently was aimed at a Nation that was presenting as serious competition to another Nation of indignant objection now the politicalization continues in a resort to the core motivation.....of that! Gone is the original appeal to the concepts of global humanitarian concern in the "war on the virus"! Genocidal ambitions of would be dictators in various locations are secondary to media hype about covid-19. Vaccine donations and/or developments related to the topic obfuscate accurate comprehension of that reality with "freedom of expression" conspiracy tales while in places such as Syria, Yemen, Libya etc etc thousands continue to die by a combination of factors in the activities of war that purportedly are assisted in terms of military aid or political approval to "save" them ! IMHO I can find little difference in the "war" against C-19.
  17. Maybe only one of the bikes shown bears any resemblance to those routinely ridden blatantly, noisily and dangerously in arrogant demonstrations of desperate appeals for attention 500 meters from the local Police Station. The uniform standard of "cool" requires an absence of at least 75% of plastic cowlings, an exhaust system devoid of baffles or better still a resonator megaphone attachment, no light fittings that are functional if they are actually still present, best done with no helmet, footwear, and of course the current obligatory multiple pointless multiple blips on the throttle between gear changes having convinced a moronic assistance pillion passenger to place his dumbass as far back as possible on the seat to achieve a momentary deluded version of a power wheel stand ! It is sad and IMO pathetic to witness so regularly when recalling same same but different behaviours I took part in when I was a teen ! lmao But at least we kept it quiet on back roads .
  18. Been there ,done that, twice. First time the extension was given to end date of passport and then transferred to new passport with extension extended to full 12months without any cost. Second time extension given to end date but a whole new application was needed for new passport for a further 12 months at standard cost. The only negative was it changed the previous more covenient date of further annual extension renewals .
  19. I wonder if the VAT take on the internal cash turnover exceeds the cost of this Domestic Tourism scheme?
  20. I would assume it means that on day 6 or 7 the app will send an alert? The actual day probably will relate to the timing of the original entry PCR test result being logged into the system.
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