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Everything posted by Nojohndoe

  1. Neither are as insane as Ozzie Rules ! Constantly kicking a Kangaroo bladder about in a circular field?
  2. IMO this guy's account of his experiences and involvement is quite honest. He has no reason to refute the fact Thailand has had a sex industry predating the era of the Vietnam war because he was giving his definition of how it changed the style and presentation of it into what it has become. There is no tone of "blame" nor could he justify it if there was because it provided lucrative opportunity. It is likely that he was prompted into giving this personal account in recognition of the impact the pandemic has had and probably will never recover from due to the "industry" rapidly adopting and adapting to the use of the internet. That in itself has in a sense returned it to a more discreet activity but to the demise of many blatantly public venues.
  3. Those pollution levels also correspond closely to a concentration of Industries in the "Economic Corridor " . The pollution levels in BKK have an established measured content of between 25<35% from crop burn off. More Northern regions undeniably suffer much more burn off problems usually starting from January . It seems to me that at Government level they are content to allow blame almost entirely on the agricultural sector and saying "tut tut...we have tried to stop it" but rarely is there any expressed concern or publicity about the Industrial sector or emission control regulations imposed wherever they are surprisingly diversely located.
  4. General variation in reported effects seem same as AZ which I have had 2 of. First one mostly caused 2 days of feeling tired and aching joints.Second one a notably sore injection point, stiff back and neck and a mild headache gone after two days.
  5. Interesting ! Scomo had you tagged for something ? ???? Sorry. Your situation is not so funny.
  6. The only one from memory is +121# for remaining credit. But the others for online payment etc are supplied, in English, with the the SIM purchase
  7. Ok. A friend in OZ is with Commonwealth and he is never happy about them. I am with Westpac and once logged in can do pretty much anything except International transfers. I could if I were able to set it up in person but not from Thailand. I use Wise for that and to be honest I doubt that even minus the transfer charge from them is any less than if I used Westpac direct.
  8. An AIS prepay sim provides for your 1,2 ,3 list. Interestingly a relative of my wife just yesterday cancelled a TRUE contract after a few years of saying was great. Yet to learn why.
  9. So are you saying that to even to login to your Commonwealth accounts every time requires an sms verification code that you now never receive?
  10. So they provide the level of pollution but why do I never see any explanation of it? Thailand is still experiencing widespread rainfall which obviates specific blame on crop burn offs. If it is industrial in origin that should be easier to enforce regulation of but unlikely if the political vested interest is in reaping profit ahead of public health !
  11. I just checked my original information. Now different places have been "experimentally " releasing such . https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53856776
  12. Is a fact. Rendering sterility as the genetic modification is passed on. (As I understand it )
  13. There is a problem with your concept in differing realities. If circumstance were to be cave dwellers is it not likely that even without comprehension of cause that at least the remnants of a cave population would have abandoned a particular cave in realization of that location was somehow depleting viable existence and move as a preservation reaction ? Leap forward to the current reality of massive populations that are limited in alternatives to current residential placement due to the form and organization of human society and the inherent difficulty in simply moving camp. Retreat relatively little in time and comprehend the devastation on human populations by way of the Black Plague , Spanish Influenza etc . Now the ease and speed of global travel by comparison would likely have been catastrophic had it been possible back then and undeniably a factor in the current global pandemic. Even so the reactive response was attempts at isolation , social rejection and the formulation of the term "quarantine". Taking your example of 1 in 100 at worst case incidence of familial cross infection ignores the extrapolated risk of generating yet another more dangerous variant within society if simply ignored in favor a return to "normal" which does not yet exist (if it ever did but anyway!). With compliance to practical mitigation practices is the social risk 1 in 100? A lot of the emphasis on such a return to normality is argued as a "Social Community " concern from an economic position but is not balanced with countered " Community Risk". IMHO if there was a genuine concern by the global Haves for the global Have Nots there would have been a release of genetically modified mosquitoes that in time would decimate the variety that transmits many lethal diseases that annually kills millions. Why has it not ? The argument has been the unknown impact on the environment. Ha! Or is the truth of it that such mosquitoes are,as yet< not an infection problem in wealthy Western countries. Covid-19 presents differently so the emphasis has a different urgency. Invariably politicoeconomic !
  14. Ok if you are confident in the long term durability of the system on your bike but good auto maintenance advice is to perform a periodic flush bleed on new or old vehicles. On a motorcycle is not easy to resort to the handbrake ! lol
  15. In the schematic provided the bladder acts as a barrier to atmospheric water while accommodating the displacement/return flow of the master cylinder. In the event of a slow fluid leak at the slave end the reservoir stretched bladder can create a vacuum effect that can draw air past the open ended slave cylinder seals. If the system gets overheated the fluid expand back into the reservoir which if has been over filled the bladder prevents escape and effectively puts the brakes on ! No such thing as a perfect system !
  16. A sealed system makes it less vulnerable to external sources of contamination but as a total system using hydraulics to actuate mechanical parts does not remove a gradual degree of contamination from wear and tear of those mechanical parts. Bleed and flushing the system helps to remove wear aggravating particles from them. Evidence of it is often observable from the initial fluid emitting from the bleeder/s. I am a qualified Mechanical Engineer but not an Automotive Engineer.
  17. Perhaps so but if you bleed some fluid out the slave cylinders does it have the same color as the resevoir?
  18. Fuel contamination is no more of a problem than water content in vehicles that do many short runs. Very often people panic after performing a long distance trip in petrol vehicles where the sustained engine heat evaporates both the water and fuel and the oil level drops falsely causing concerns about excessive oil "burning " issues. To a lesser degree same for diesel engines. Recommendations for oil changes are mostly based on contamination levels, not any significant molecular deterioration of the oil itself. That is why recycled engine oil exists having been "re-refined" by filtration etc. It is simply minus contamination including the various additives which often include detergents to reduce sludging. Often that oil is reconstructed into "synthetic" motor oils that cost a lot more than the original mineral oil. Synthetic oils are claimed to provide better wear protection but at the end of the day are still equally subject to contamination.
  19. Exactly ! An important thing that when flushing old for new the system is bled out on all slaves. I have witnessed a lazy service center simply bleed out on the front right corner !
  20. Does the claim Covid-19 bounces off healthy young people hold true or is it that they have a greater capacity to be asymptomatic yet still potentially contagious? In the case of populations which achieve incrementally high vaccination levels there is and will be a corresponding decrease or relaxation of mitigating precautions and social attitude . That in turn increases the risk to those not yet vaccinated and re-exposure to those with fading vaccine protection to new variants. The UK is not alone in being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Medical Science generally advises action contrary to Economic reality. The only undeniable positive result is a massive win for "Big Pharma" !
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