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Everything posted by Nojohndoe

  1. Many years ago there was a similar problem in Bali. Many dogs, many mange ridden, miserable and starving and forming packs that at night would battle each other with incredible ferocity. Often in the morning there would be at least one ripped open and dying on the street. Many tourists were afraid to be on the street in the evenings. Hindu and Buddhists are not so far apart in religious reservations. But there was a sudden sweep of stray dogs in response to a major outbreak of rabies. The outcome over the years seems to have at least resulted in a greater measure of responsibility by acknowledged owners at least in the urban tourist areas. It was a horrific measure that to date has not been entirely effective in intent but measurably so in other benefits overall. https://www.smh.com.au/world/dog-culling-and-vaccination-are-the-front-line-in-balis-battle-against-rabies-20151007-gk3j7a.html
  2. These sorts of instances should be made the responsibility of the Government for costs and massive compensation given that they ignore the issue of uncontrolled dogs and the need for regulations other than abuse protection for the dogs !
  3. True. "safe" in the sense they are not deemed to be "worse" but safer than cigarettes at least.
  4. Important to realize bed bugs can travel slowly but steadily to a victim. There may be some in close proximity as in the crevices of the mattress and seams on pillows etc but they can also be living metres away. If confident the bed has been cleared a trick I have used is to put the bed legs in bowls with some vegetable oil mixed with a few drops of teatree oil. Liberal sprinkling of diatomaceous earth along skirtings etc helps for sure. I am wary of using chemicals in the room I spend hours sleeping in! And for the cynics who would like to jokingly infer some connection to China it is believed that indeed bats brought them into the habitats of humans long ago but from the Middle East originally.
  5. The original concept of nicotine vaping products which could be gradually decreased in content so as to wean off the addiction were deemed safe and certainly less harmful than conventional tobacco. Problems arose with the introduction of placebo flavored products which have been found to contain some very harmful ingredients. These are the ones teens often use for "image" purposes. If Thailand were to legalize but enforce penalties on dangerous product they would be more in step with many places.
  6. Keywords. Pandemic . Sars and MERS never progressed to same status. Malaria , Dengue etc are endemic but avoidable.
  7. I just hope that for the future sake of the teens of Thailand that this is not some undisclosed "trial" being inflicted on an uninformed sector of the population. Is there some surplus of Pfizer that has not been announced or is it a quiet experiment?
  8. So what happens if wealthy Indians do not present as salvation ? Hmmm. Lack of Westerners. Look to "Westernized" Chinese and Indians. No conundrom in that?
  9. Ok. Illegal activity. Against the law. In a "sealed off street"? Is that legal? I would prefer the police do something about the 2/3/4 up children of perhaps 7<10 year olds constantly cruising about on a daily basis. Barely capable of keeping the bike upright when stationary, wobbling about as pillion passengers lurch around behind them "checking" progress and giving unqualified advice. I honestly believe that the parents of these children need be prosecuted and sentenced to not less than 6 months as unpaid assistants in ER's or EMS vehicles!
  10. In any country I know of with half decent laws Police would arrest and charge any person who caused the death of another in any circumstances. If the Swiss man's story is accepted as true he would still be charged with manslaughter. In any eventual Court hearing if it was established it was unintentional and accidental manslaughter in the act of self defense against an armed intruder proper justice would see the charge dismissed without conviction. Unless the thot plickens it would be difficult to learn of a different outcome. I hope the Swiss Embassy is prepared to advocate for him given the apparent circumstances
  11. I find it interesting that in most of the debate about "the vaccines" it is mRNA vaccines or Pfizer that somehow has become a fixation. Indeed AZ seems to have escaped the initial inflated controversies and has continued to provide well accepted results. That is other than the somewhat ridiculous bickering over locations of production of a standardized product.
  12. Unavoidable . The Civil War you referenced is the unresolved political partisan divide that has forever undermined the concept of consensual democracy in the US.
  13. The thread title seems to suggest some surprise whereas the body of the item reads as a much more statement of historical evidenced fact.
  14. So you got burned but as a "professional expat father" with 40 <50 years soured experience you actually believe it qualifies you to Teach (take lessons from) ? Since the age of 21 I have been married 3 times with an unmarried intervening 7 year relationship with a much younger woman. The first lasted 19 years and ended due to gross infidelity, Then 7 years unmarried relationship which ended amicably. Next 3 years and ended due to presentation of financial manipulation on behalf of her extended family. That was in the Western arena. I then spent 5 years in various parts of Asia until I came to Thailand for a look see. It was then I met my Thai wife of now 20 years duration. Not always pure bliss but genuine. There is nothing about my experiences I could ever or would ever use to "educate" anyone other than to say "learn to live with your own choices" because work or fail you can not "own" a partner nor they you! If it is not mutual or ceases to be then so is the failure.
  15. Is that important to the context of the op?
  16. In the face of the general negativity I say good on you.
  17. It is quite intriguing how so many quote the success of Holland in it's relative historical success in reclaiming land from the sea. Unfortunately there is not so much information dispensed as the the cost of maintaining that and so the cost of the land in the Netherlands in total. The "technology" is less sophisticated than the mechanical viable capacity to defy the encroachment of the rising seas which when coupled with the ferocity of increasingly stormy weather creates an increasing threat. Bangkok and other places which have a recognized dual problem of subsidence and incremental increases in sea levels would IMO cease to contemplate any major investment in attempts to mitigate the reality and instead commit to sustained relocation of primary urban development. It need be remembered Bangkok was historically deemed the "Venice of Asia" when before automobiles changed the imperative for roads instead of canals which were filled in to become streets in accommodation to the "modern" way. Unfortunately development of the greater urban areas has ignored the fact Bangkok literally exists on tidal mud flats and the tide progressively is rising. Bangkok probably has longer than a decade to remain viable as it is but can expect increasing disruption due to flooding over that time. If predictions of the rise in sea levels are even half accurate there are many places that need to evaluate realistic impact . And in IMHO it need go beyond sea levels into the impact of climate change on agricultural viability. Urbanites might dismiss that factor because "food and materials" come from a shop. Hello?
  18. Over the years since string trimmer attachments became more available I have tried, tested and destroyed many ! So far the most durable one has been one I sourced from lazada but modified it a little to allow the nylon "string to be inserted via slots rather than the eyelets it came with. That and adding a stronger spring to the bump feed system. Overall it is the ones with a solid metallic bump button that have lasted longest even if the main body is tough plastic . At the end of the day it is probably more to do with the severity of use that makes the difference.
  19. Wow! Ever so sensitive! But where and when did I say I was against crypto? Or where I said fiat currency is not used for dodgy deals? Nice tho' that you inadvertently concede cryptocurrency can also be used for dodgy deals. However is it not so that fiat currency is minted and recorded on a ledger according to national treasuries providing comparative trading values whereas crypto can be "created" , "mined", in an electronic smokescreen yet is ultimately "valued" in fiat comparisons even to each other? I do believe that eventually "money" will eventually cease to physically exist in exchange for electronic accreditation of purchasing capacity or debit liability. All good until a major solar flare or nuclear war event ! Meanwhile be happy with your own convictions. oops!(convictions being in what you are convinced about, not the result of dodgy deals gone wrong ) ????
  20. Aha ! Crypto-currency ! The funny money for dodgy deals? If only I used Twitter! (dig dig)
  21. Ok. Was thinking they must be some special sort of pipe.
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