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Posts posted by tutsiwarrior

  1. you can get most prepared stir fried vegetable dishes anywhere I've found...trouble is most are cooked in pork fat...which I don't particularly mind as I'm not a vegetarian meself...this and that with fresh tofu, etc...if ye know how to cook yer local fresh market has the ingredients to eat vegetarian every day including dried pulses (legumes, beans, etc)...a trip to the market is also a great leisure activity, I've found...




  2. easier to just remember that VN is an authoritarian country run by the VN CP...they fought long and hard to maintain their territorial integrity and to expel imperialist powers (including the chinese in 1979) at great cost and don't tolerate no criticism...whether or not they are marxist is another argument...





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  3. On 4/21/2019 at 6:13 AM, cooked said:

    Going off topic... Cream cheese is really easy to make and excellent for sauces. I take a 2 litre flask of full fat milk from Makro, bring it to a boil and add vinegar (or lemon juice) , 2-3 Tbsp, strain off the curds. Garlic, salt etc can be added.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


    indian cottage cheese is easy to make at home see recipe for paneer...pretty much just milk and vinegar as you described




    haven't been able to find western type cottage cheese anywhere...I would kill for a quart tub of Knudsen's full fat small curd with some corn tortillas and salsa...


    there is a 'Carolina' brand thai natural yogurt that ain't half bad...they also make a nice feta, good in salads...



  4. 1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

    Another great female artist.  A session with Lowell George, John Hammond & Dan Friedberg on Oct. 17, '72 doing a wonderful rendition of Steve Winwood's I Can't Find My Way Home.  Bonnie's voice sounds silkier and more sultry than usual.




    took them a while to tune for that one as Steve Winwood devised his own tuning for that song...pretty amazing and that established him as an all around musician and not just a keyboard man...a major talent...




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  5. 2 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

    Still hoping some knowledgable person can give me some idea of what to expect arriving and going through customs with personal belongings (all used and obviously only for personal use) like 32 inch computer monitor, bicycle ($3,000 racing bike), laptop, etc.

    from my understanding a few years ago all shipped personal belongings are taxed by customs 100% as if they were new and unused...most of the stuff that you bring in yer luggage should be OK...but as things continually change the 100% tax may not exist any longer...an associate wanted to ship a luxury motorbike (a big motoguzzi) from Malaysia in 2010 and was told that he'd havta pay the 100% tax...


    they got shipping agents in VN like everywhere else, best to see what they say...



  6. 12 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    Another hip tune.  Hey, man, they even have an old VW minibus.  Obviously in California.  I guess if you weren't around in the 60's you could always recreate it.  The dress ain't right, though.  No paisley shirts, tie-dyed tees, striped pants or fringed jackets.  No beads or rawhide necklaces with peace medallions. Hot pants would look good on the chicks, and a few flowers in their hair.  Campfires in the desert.  Wonder if they tried the group love thing.  Don't see a bong anywhere in the van, either.  :sad:  Tutsi and I could have helped them make the vid a bit more authentic.  Next time . . . 




    nah man, I thought all that tie dyed stuff was fer wannabes...me for t shirts, levis and work boots all the way...until the 70s when I ditched the levis and switched to baggy chinos, them SoCal mexican homeboys and their gear was where it was at...


    some of the desert stuff from the video looks familiar, high desert east of San Bernadino...my dad bought 5 acres of scrubland out there not far from Joshua Tree nat'l park in the late 50s, built a cabin and we useta go up there a lot when I was a kid...my mom was a country girl from Bolivia and didn't mind cooking over a fire and shittin' in the brush...they were some of the happiest times when I was a kid...


    I owned a '66 VW van (1500cc and rebuilt the engine myself twice during the 10 years I owned it) in the 70s, a sweet runner but could only do about 50mph...only had an AM radio but that was enough as we made our own music with our youthful exuberance...



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  7. 12 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    Here you go, tutsi.  Break out that old guitar and Dick'll show you how to pick it!



    well...I still got the yamaha dreadnought that I bought about 10 years ago in the 'featured products' area near the entrance of the big tescos in suphan town...the action needs some work as I tore up my fingers the last time I tried to play it...


    I put it down for good about 45 years ago (gave it to a teenaged quebecois runaway named Colette that wanted to learn to play and I was showing her some chords) and something died in me, it was sad but I was playing the same old shit and not going forward and the frustration became too much to bear...these days you can learn new licks from instructors on youtube everyday...




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  8. 4 minutes ago, jvs said:

    Thank you all for the responses,going to find an Omron.

    Do you all check the pressure everyday or once a week or so?

    I never had really high bp,but the last time i was in the clinic it was up a little bit,just want to keep an eye on it.

    Thanks again.



    I check BP usually to see how it's responding to the medication about 4 x per week...if I can keep things below 150/80 I reckon that I'm doing OK...I'm 68 y.o. and have been a type 2 diabetic for about 20 years...I've read that ye can't expect to maintain 120/70 when yer older...



  9. Omron is a good brand, available most everywhere, different models with different features, memory, etc...I would recommend the arm cuff arrangement as I have heard a lot of folks complain about the accuracy of wrist cuffs...I'm on my second Omron machine, the first one served well for about 7 years, packed it around to work assignments in the middle east and SE Asia...

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  10. windows and doors closed with heavy black out curtains in the bedroom with AC at full blast...tutsi is under the covers with his kindle and any unwanted intrusion insect human or otherwise is met with a flame thrower...very low tech but effective...


    the stepdaughter folds her arms and cocks her hip 'but tutsi I thought that yew liked them singin' 

    birds on the terrace outside yer window' and then tutsi gets all Ralph Kramden and sez 'better get outta here or I'll set yer fat ass aflame!!!'...'falang baa! my ass is not fat just generously proportioned...and btw we're gonna need some extra dinero/kotang fer this and that'





    • Haha 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, Naam said:

    all cajun dishes are delicious. but being addicted to endorphines i need 2-3 times daily something like this





    ah!...it's the fabulous cochabambinius chilepepperilius bolivianius otherwise known as 'locoto' in the local indigenous language in it's place of origin in the high andes...very addictive as is the derivative of the abundant coca leaves grown nearby in the Chapare district over the high pass ('la cumbre') to the jungle and the drainage to the mighty amazon...I knew it well back in the old days over 50 years ago...





    • Thanks 1
  12. went to the local tescos the other day and they had green beans! ('runner' beans for our non US speaking friends) most of the time they only got the long beans coiled up that are a bit too pulpy for what I like, first time I'd seen them...


    now, we got some tatties and a can of borlottis from the last trip to makro so whaddaya think I'm gonna do? eh? also clear out the veg bin in the fridge and grab the stuff that was forgotten about and about to go off, leafy greens and that, etc...


    chop an onion and a head of garlic and dice the tots... and then dump the lot into the soup pot with plenty of olive oil...saute a bit with a bit of dried red flaked chile (gotta watch that stuff or it'll burn ye a new one) then add the washed and sliced green beans and saute a bit more...add a stock cube dissolved with water from the kettle to cover and simmer for 15 - 20 mins until the tots mash easily with a fork...toss in the drained and rinsed borlottis, add more water from the kettle if necessary and simmer for about 10mins and then toss in the washed and chopped leafy veg then cover and turn off the heat...ready to go in 5mins...


    be nice to have some crusty bread to eat it with (as in a fresh VN baguette) and instead of looking at porn on the laptop I should be improving on the bread technique in the kitchen...it's nothing less than culinary blasphemy...so here I am with miserable buttered 'farmhouse' toast instead...


    de lawd he moves in mysterious ways...virtue is it's own reward and etc...




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  13. 40 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    Always loved Big Mama Thorton.  Her demise was sad, though.  Found dead in '84 in an L.A. boarding house.  She lost 355 lbs. in a short time due to her illnesses, going from 450 lbs. to 95 lbs.  Geez!!  Anyway, her music thankfully and appreciatively lives on.




    yeah, willie mae was a regular with the 'bottle gangs' in south central LA, passin' around a bottle of fortified white port gallo wine...she performed a lot at the Ash Grove on Melrose in LA where I saw her mostly drunk but she could get off a few good licks from time to time, her back up band kept things moving while she stumbled around the stage, this was in the early 70s and she musta weighed about 300lbs...a sad demise to one of the best woman blues singers/composers...


    saw Jimmy Reed and Big Joe Williams about the same time as they were on their way out and that stuck me to de blues forever and after...when I was in a band in the early 60s didn't know then that it was de blues that we were mostly playin'...I was just a young fool wid a guitar...





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  14. 8 hours ago, Mahseer said:

    For those with an eye on Nha Trang and fancy some seafood stay away from the places on the beach amongst the hotels and head north and over the bridge. First soi on your left is Thap Ba where you'll get far better value and you can get your selection priced straight out of the tanks. There are several restaurants there so take your pick and if you are happy with prices take a seat. Don't recommend the mantis shrimp which are a pain to open (even with scissors) and flesh isn't the greatest anyway but each to their own.


    If by chance you find yourself in Quy Nhon head 12kms north to Bai Xep where you can get decent sized live lobster for around 1,000baht. Wife devoured the lot and I got a sniff of the shell. Nice. Note Nha Trang has massive farmed lobster operations but we didn't try there so can't compare.


    up in Ha Tinh we went for lunch at a new resort just north of Ky Anh town and got lobster, shrimp and the nicest squid I'd ever had...didn't cost much as the whole meal for 6 adults was about $15 per head...talked to the chef (via my local pal) and asked where he got his fish and he said the boats come up to the beach early am outside as they head in to port and he gets first pick of the catch then they carry on to the market dock where they sell the rest...he's the biggest purchaser so he gets the cream...a memorable meal except they didn't have any bier Ha Noi which is my fave...that watery Saigon Beer seems to have captured the market these days...



  15. 9 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    Everyone knows Elvis' Hound Dog.


    But do you know the original?




    and let's not forget



    covered more famously by Janis and Big Brother...



    I always thought that Little red rooster was a big mama song but it was the fabulous Willie Dixon and the Stones put a marvelous spin on it with Brian Jones on bottleneck...





    • Thanks 1
  16. 9 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    How about foodcourts concept in shopping Malls does that exist in Vietnam?


    food courts in malls in Thailand are simply a collection of food stalls sorta like you useta find in the street and in traditional markets, etc...in my experience in VN there aren't many street food stalls and most prepared food outlets have a basic sit down premises, at the markets you may find a place where you can sit and get a bowl of noodles but that's about it...


    hence no food courts in VN shopping malls, plenty of restaurants however...a few weeks ago down in Ha Tinh city at the new Vincom mall got a fantastic korean BBQ lunch (pork and seafood) for about $10 per head incl self serve salads and sushi, cheap VN beer and soft drinks extra ...



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  17. 5 hours ago, baansgr said:

    Cant beat Lotus and Big C....great value, great food, same same all over Thailand


    +1 for lotus...whenever I gotta go to the suphan changwat for immigr business we always stop at the big lotus food hall...the kids and adults like it and although I can't find my favorite kweteo with muu daeng there's plenty of other stuff to eat...



  18. hey I wouldn't knock them little plastic yogurt spoons...they are recyclable and can be used for a number of purposes, I like to use them in my jars (recycled mustard and green stuffed olive jars) of ground spices for spooning purposes...


    tutsi saves the earth on a daily basis...



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