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Everything posted by Crok

  1. Tat seems to be dabbling too much in medicinal herbs. Are these numbers plucked from the air and the way to achieve them realistic? Perhaps TAT should talk to Immigration and request them to reinstate 40 day visas on arrival instead of having to go through the red tape in your country - except of course if you are Chinese or Indians and who knows about the Russians who are given 90 day visas to enable them to take Thai jobs.?
  2. Are the spokespeople using too much medicinal products to believe this??
  3. How clever is our PM. Invites a known criminal to Thailand and then has him arrested and he collects the reward. Or does he share it with the 90-day visa escapees avoiding conscription? Well done PM.
  4. Is this the start of the behavior of those who have fled their country to avoid conscription. With a 90 day visa will they have the funds to support themselves? Or will they take the jobs of struggling Thais. Have the implications of placing one group of escapees over Thais? I think those in power have been blindsided.
  5. There is so much misinformation being delivered to the media by TAT and the govt regarding tourism. Today I see that the govt is considering extending visas for Russians to 90 days while others have to go through a complicated process to just get a 30-day visa. Reintroduce the 40-day visa on arrivals for most other nationalities and watch the increase in tourism numbers grow. Importantly from countries whose nationals will spend money in the country and not take the jobs of Thais.
  6. Do I turn up for my second test tomorrow? Thailand needs to be consistent in kits requirements for international visitors.
  7. The Thia law states that if a foreigner purchases property by means of a Thai Company; if the Thai company was set up to overcome the ownership laws regarding land and has no other business it is illegal.
  8. The TAT officials seem that they would not be able to organise a dog fight. They surely do not understand what attracts tourists to a country. Let me give them a few clues: Ease of entry No discriminatory pricing Taxis using meters set to hours of operation Pleasant officials Restaurants with great food Evening entertainment A police force to help tourists and not see them as a source of easy money. I am sure other readers can add more to the list to help TAT prepare Thailand for tourists. Vietnam and Cambodia have taken many people who might have once visited Thailand.
  9. Why are they setting up a new system of entry? Why not revert to the original system before Covid and ask for a valid- not forged- certificate of vaccination at point of entry. If no certificate give the foreigner a choice of having a jab there and then or put him on the next plane back to where he came from. After all is this new procedure to protect the Thais from foreign carriers of Covid - or is it a money making exercise to enrich legal firms offering a service to arrange a visa for the gullible?
  10. Do these tourists get special visas to visit Thailand. With an Embassy taking 3 weeks to process a visa application how is it that 15,000 foreign tourists can get a visa and visit Thailand before the 5th November since the new visa regulations only commenced on November 1st?
  11. Do these tourists from Japan get special visas to visit Thailand. With an Embassy taking 3 weeks to process a visa application how is it that 15,000 Japanese can get a visa and visit Thailand before the 5th November?
  12. And why is only half of the population vaccinated? You do not have to look too far away to see the current provincial states with their policy of vaccinating only those born and living in their province are responsible. How are unvaccinated people able to travel to their home states to get vaccinated when there is a restriction on non vaccinated people from travelling?
  13. What about looking after those foreigners who have already bought condos? And as for transfer of money for condos sold by foreigners. Just the extra taxes paid and the need to send money out of Thailand and back in to buy another. Is a pain.
  14. When even the Thai embassy does not have current info of what is required for travelers to return to Thailand and the Thai govt has abolished CEO's but is still to replace it how can potential tourists make flight bookings to Thailand? Travel agents have been shifting consumer demand for travel to Thailand to other countries. There is no clear policy on entry requirements to Thailand - isolate for 7/14 or just one day depends on who you talk to and with airlines not refunding air fares if the Thai govt does not grant an entry permit why would people book flights to Thailand? Other SE Asia countries have easy to understand entry requirements.so why try to get to Thailand? The answer for me is because it was my home until I could not return because of Covid. Interestingly Thai airways is happy to sell air tickets to Thailand, levies onerous fees for cancellation or date changes and tells potential customers that it is the customer's responsibilities to ensure they have the correct documentation for entry to Thailand. What is the "correct documentation?" Thai airways cannot help! And as for insurance requirements. Thai insurance companies have unrealistic age caps on policies. Why not just sell policies that cover costs up to the value specified by the Thai govt and nothing else?
  15. Who took part in this survey? Obviously not anyone who has retired here. The Govt takes every step possible to make it difficult to retire in Thailand. Having gone through all the steps to retire in Thailand several years ago and was out of the country when the borders were closed because of Covid and not able to return I have found that my visas, permits, driving licence and other documentation have been cancelled and can only be renewed when I return to Thailand in three weeks time. I have to start all over again. But my tax file number is still operative.????
  16. I have several condos in Thailand and left for a trip outside Thailand in March2020 before borders closed. Have not been able to return, my visa has expired, driver’s licence expired and am paying tax.. Have been told by Thai embassy can only renew all in person in Thailand and now will have to start the process again. What about those former permanent residents??
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