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Posts posted by Kadafi

  1. What is the sense of an unhelpful comment like that???? does it make you feel good???

    In this market ,have you tried prayer?

    Does it make him feel good? I know not, but if it helps some poor schmuck not to be taken in by the various forms of shysters operating here in Pattaya,to hoodwink them that buying property here is a smart move ,then I would think yes prayer might well be the answer.

    In a market that is deader than dead,no hope whatever of resurrection,just a solid one hundered and one percent utter waste of time and of course money, then what course to take? con jobs that's what.

    The OP is more than aware of the sheer impossibility of selling his palatial dump in the sticks, his total waste of space he previously purchased, but now plays the village idiot as to ways of getting shut, playing the ever so innocent party of how to get rid of this lead weight attached to his neck. Not that he has tried every which way to get shut,but tries or attempts to by means displayed by the other low life web site that promotes property sellers advertising their overpriced crap heaps here in Pattaya to some poor sucker that cannot differentiate between night from day,swiftly followed up by a poser ever so eager to buy such a overpriced crap house

    Gone forever the days of happy buyers here in Pattaya,or you can pray for is some simpleton,mind befuddled by too much Leo. Now I will lead off with the prayers AMEN

    haha, so true :)

  2. Is this a joke? how would you be able to take 3 kids out of school in england for 6 months+ including a daughter who is nearly 15 and will have her GCSE's next year. Your telling me you would disrupt your whole family just so you can go and sit on a dirty beach in pattaya! You dont care your wife doesnt want to go, you dont care old falangs will be perving at your daughter, this cannot be for real.

  3. All you have to do is look around Pattaya to see the mass amount of accommodation for the size of the town. High rise condo blocks, hotels, guesthouses, houses etc everywhere. I would never invest into buying property in Pattaya when you can rent cheaply and move out when it suits you. When you need to sell you have to compete with all the others for sale and most people want to buy brand new. I have some friends who have bought in pattaya (think it was more of an imagine thing, just so they could say they own a house/condo in Thailand) but now they regret it.

  4. The immigration judge even lied in his refusal letter in what me and my partner apparently said at the tribunal, we recorded the tribunal on our mobiles phones so we have evidence of this.

    I don't know what the judge said or what you recorded; but I do know that you lied on her visit visa application and entry to the UK; because you admitted doing so several times in this topic

    Reason is in our visit application we stated i have an air conditioning work contract in england which will last between 3-4 months. I do not know the exact date the contract will finish so would rather book a one way ticket and sort out the return details in england nearer the time.........

    We stated on my (sic) visa application that i would be working in England for a period of 3-4 months until an air conditioning contract finished..........

    Well i booked then one way ticket and did get asked as we were boarding the plane, they just asked what our relationship was and why we didnt have a return ticket. I just replied that she was my gf and i would be purchasing a return ticket in england as im unsure of the exact date of return..........

    As i said i booked my gf on just a one way ticket and told immagration i would be buying the return ticket in england as its cheaper

    As I said to you here

    Comparing your OP and some of your previous posts it is now fairly obvious that there was no intention for her to leave the UK at the end of her visit visa. Had you been upfront about your intentions from the start, there are other types of entry clearance that, given the circumstances, she may have been entitled to which would have given her 12 months in the UK with the entitlement to extend her leave, or even apply for indefinite leave, at the end of that period.

    Whilst I have every sympathy for those genuine couples who have been victims of this bad regulation, lying on a visa application and to immigration officers is not the way to get around it!

    IMHO, all your difficulties stem from the fact that her original visit visa and entry to the UK was obtained by use of deception.

    where did i admit to lying on the application???

  5. If she goes through UK immigration using both her and her childs thai passports no questions will be asked, trust me! I left the UK with my son last month and no one blinked an eye lid.

    However this lady is still the mother of the child, he/she was born in Thailand so she has her rights to return there with him/her. Most courts will not separate a young child from there mother, you would need to put across a very strong case to stand any chance.

  6. if it is genuine a couple of years is not the end of the world is it?

    yes i believe a couple of years is the end of the world, how many strong relationships could handle being in separate Countries for 2 or more years? I met my girlfriend when she was 17, me 25 (now she is 20 and im 28) and lived together in Thailand for couple years before trying to obtain a visa in England as our son needed eye surgery. She has been refused 2 times already and we are currently going for a 3rd attempt (how can it be a forced marriage when we hadnt even got married???) Our son has been living with me in england since his mother was forced out of the UK, ive had to obtain flexible working hours due to picking and dropping my son of at nursery, take days off when hes sick, hospital appointments etc..you have no idea! but how would you as you had not had to experience it. The UKBA dont give a sh**t because we are just classed as 1 of the unlucky ones who have to be effected as long as they stick to there 21 rule and dont budge as they cannot be seen to favour one couple over another, its over 21 only with no exceptions!

    The refusal letters are just a joke, even though in the application we had doctors letters stating that our son requires 2 eye surgeries over the next few years, that i need to work in England to be able to provide the best possible care for our family they still just refuse the application and say we can all go and live in Thailand, ignoring doctors advice and the fact that where is the money going to come from if we are all living in thailand, where will i be gaining income? it is a clear breach of our human rights to not allow us a normal family life together and this is having a major effect on our son. The immigration judge even lied in his refusal letter in what me and my partner apparently said at the tribunal, we recorded the tribunal on our mobiles phones so we have evidence of this.

    Its even worse that this rule does not apply to members of the armed forces, its over 18 for them! how come??

  7. Great news, I have personally felt the effects of this stupid rule. Even with a young child (with a british passport) along with myself, my partner was refused to settle in the UK at 19 years old and the home office told us all to go and live together in Thailand. Not a forced marriage but they dont care, they just want to keep firm on the 21 age limit regardless of the situation and how many family lives they ruin in the meantime. They have been getting around the human rights act by using the same refusal, that the couple could continue family life with minimal hardship caused by living in the partners home Country (that is what they did to us).

  8. While me and the wife was visiting her cousin house in a small Buriram village (about 25km outside Buriram town), we were informed that 7 rai is available for 700,000 baht. Its farmland at the moment, has a good new road running at the front, with water and electric. My wife's Cousin house was built about year ago (falang husband) and there is currently one other falang house being built. Its a very quiet village with farmland as far as you can see outback.

    Is 100,000 baht per rai seem about right price? the wifes cousin has been constantly scouting the nearby area for land over the last couple of years and believes this is the Thai price. The peaceful surroundings and the fact that she has some family nearby draws us to this plot.

  9. its people like these two that make it difficult for genuine people to get visas!

    they come on a tourist visa when all the time they have no intention to leave...!

    go back to thailand and do it properly, like everyone else has to do!

    she is not on overstay we submitted for an extension until our sons second operation is carried out, if they were to serve a notice to leave with no appeal then we would have no choice...currently we have been given an option to appeal which means she is not on overstay and her visa is valid.

    If this is true, then you must appeal. I'd strongly suggest you take representation and ask them if it's possible to construct an Article 8 defence in your circumstances.

    I would have thought no judge in the land who would deny a young child access to their mother during hospital treatment.

    Why exactly was she refused? What type of visit visa does she have? How long was her initial entry clearance? How much entry clearance was left when you applied? Can you reproduce the refusal notice?

    She came in on a 6 month visit visa, after 4 months of being in england our son had his eye operation, afterwards we were told that a second operation would be required within the next 6 months and he would require hospital checkups every 6-8 weeks for the next 2 years.

    We applied for the extension with 1 month remaining on the visa as it states it could be refused if submitted before that date. We received a letter from the UK boarder agency 6 weeks after our application was submitted asking for more information from the surgeon. We sent the surgeons letter back via recorded mail but received no acknowledgment that they received it and when our documents were sent back this was not included! at the 4 month stage we received the letter refusing FLR.

    The refusal letter just states that my partner has more family ties back in Thailand and the friends/my family she has met in England she could keep in touch with via email/phone calls etc and visit again in the future. It then goes on to say our family unit (me,my partner and son) could continue family life back in Thailand with minimal hardship and do not need to be in England to continue our family life together.

    Currently we have a solicitor dealing with the case and believes we have grounds on humans rights.

  10. its people like these two that make it difficult for genuine people to get visas!

    they come on a tourist visa when all the time they have no intention to leave...!

    go back to thailand and do it properly, like everyone else has to do!

    she is not on overstay we submitted for an extension until our sons second operation is carried out, if they were to serve a notice to leave with no appeal then we would have no choice...currently we have been given an option to appeal which means she is not on overstay and her visa is valid.

  11. The refusal letter states we could easily continue our family life together back in Thailand, which is untrue as I work, own a property in England and thats the only way I can support them.

    How exactly does owning property in England make you less able to continue family life in Thailand than someone who doesn't?

    My property is what is giving us somewhere to live, something we wont have in Thailand if i was to quit my job and move over there.

  12. Kadafi's wife has already applied for an extension of her stay and been refused because she is in the UK as a visitor. From what he posted elsewhere she is under notice to leave.

    She has been given the right to appeal the decision, if a visit visa could not be extended then I guess they would have given no right to appeal. The refusal letter states we could easily continue our family life together back in Thailand, which is untrue as I work, own a property in England and thats the only way I can support them. Maybe your right and the appeal will get turned down but I believe theres hope yet.

  13. Im in a similar situation, my partner is under 21 and is here in the UK with our 2 year old son. We have decided to get a solicitor involved and if needed take our case to the high court to stop them separating our family by sending my sons mother back to Thailand.

    Good luck to you, the under 21 rule is unfair i know.

  14. Yes our son was receiving treatment in Thailand, for 18 months with no progress and no eye operation as they were seeing him at 3 month intervals. When we went to the UK we had no idea that he would require at least 2 operations and treatment for 2 years as the Thai doctors told us none this. At the start Moorfields were seeing him every 2 weeks and only was it then we started to understand his condition fully, Moorfields not agreeing with some of the information we had previously been given.

    If after his first operation in November he could have returned to Thailand with his mum for 6 months but he cant because of the second operation.

    Yes because of the under 21 rule she had limited visa options when entering the UK but it was Cititzens advice who suggested applying for FLR (0) based on the circumstances. It may look like we had no intentions of her going back but we did mention on her 6 month visa application about the eye condition and as mentioned before we didnt know the time scale of the surgery back then so it could have been possible for them both to had returned as planned.

  15. My girlfriend came into the UK on a 6 month visit visa (she is 20, im 28), we have been together just over 3 years and have a 2 year old son. We lived together in Thailand before coming to the UK in June, I have a house in the UK and got a job couple weeks after arriving in England.

    Our son is receiving treatment from Moorfields eye hospital and had his first operation in November to correct an eye problem, a second operation is required this year and he has to attend checkups every 6 weeks.

    We applied for FLR (O) under compassionate grounds in November, supplied letters from the Moorfields surgeon stating treatment will continue for 2 years and another operation is required this year, supporting letter from my local MP and family members as we felt our son cannot leave the UK while treatment is ongoing and it would be unfair to separate him from his mother.

    After 4 months of waiting we have received a letter back from UK Boarder agency rejecting her leave to remain and asking my girlfriend to leave the UK immediately, giving not strong enough grounds for compassionate leave and that she came in on a visit visa as the reasons for refusal. We can only appeal if there is other information to be given that we havent already stated, which there isnt.

    We feel that asking my girlfriend to leave the UK for a minimum of 6 months when she has not been apart from our son since birth shows no compassion from UK Border agency at all.

    I dont know where to go from here? as i work fall time and would need to get a fall time carer in while his mother is back in Thailand. I guess we need to legal advice, surely there some sorts of human rights to prevent families being split up like this?

  16. Yes im starting to think i should have gone in person, it was just paying the extra cash what put me off as the postal application was expensive enough.

    Hopefully we will hear back soon.

    Does anyone know, if we dont hear a response to the visa application by next month could we go in and pay the extra 300 pound and get the fast 24 hour service?

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