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Everything posted by clivebaxter

  1. I used medconcult in BKK..adress..sukumvit 49/9..Cheap and fast..www.medconcultbangkok.com not been myself
  2. Fill out locator form 48 hours before and book and pay for a lateral flow test you can have delivered to your home address cost about 10 pounds, or 400 baht, that's it
  3. So why and whats the point if you can send multiple 50k one after another?
  4. There was a riot a few years ago inside the Mall Bang na between kids from different vocational colleges. The cops had all the confiscated weapons laid out, looked like a butchers shop had been raided. All that happened was lining the kids up and calling their parents to come and collect them after a telling off.
  5. If it were me to decide NOT to buy Chinese! Support Samsung or Nokia, if that one does not have Chinese ownership as well now.
  6. I just had a message from wise saying due to new regs I cannot send more than 50k at a time to Kasikorn, some banks you can others not. Anyone know what's behind this? Just tried could only transfer just over 1000k
  7. But that is not going to happen, the 1996 law to suppress prostitution is still the law
  8. Don't get that one, 2k fit to fly PCR test but only if you tested neg on an AKT test yourself, what's the point of that?
  9. same again for us today wonder what they are up to?
  10. Fully vaccinated + booster transiting Doha just to UK
  11. Foreign the only time they asked for passport was for stopping the tax on interest
  12. Krungsri never ask to see my passport if I go into my own branch, others do even another branch in the same Mall
  13. Not so much a trend more a business in certification, I have even seen water with that logo on it! Other sources say far less than 2 billion Muslims, and of course many are leaving and not all of them follow these restrictive practices anyway
  14. But if you are transiting then that surely applies as well? From today UK entry is only a lateral flow test. I will have to go into exchange tower and ask them, can't get manage my booking to work on their website or app anyway.
  15. Yes I tried reading that, not updated for from today when the entry changes apply from
  16. Not going for a few weeks, the Qatar website info has not been updated for the new UK entry requirements. Is it still necessary to get a test 2 days prior as transiting in the middle east from Bkk to UK?
  17. Ours has been on and off since 22 Dec, this week twice already all day. Sometimes get a warning sometimes not, this is Bkk. Sadly no tank, seems to be against the mrs beliefs!
  18. Started to learn in 1994, been to 2 language schools and bought the linguaphone course, tapes in those days. Did not get very far, hopeless with tomes which I cannot hear anyone using, even TV presenters, Found generally that Thais you need to communicate with such a shop workers, taxi drivers and waiters don't make an effort to try and understand, even giving over member numbers to cahiers often causes a problem. Gave up years ago- and the Mrs is a successful Thai language teacher, but not with me!. She says older western blokes are the worst learners, women are far better along with other Asians. Too much effort for little result IMO.
  19. I contacted a few including the one you see mentioned on here- they ALL said they could only get extensions from upcountry, KK and Nan were mentioned. If you think paying a bribe to an officer to 'legally' ignore the funding rule is legit why the need for an agent at all? Just go into your office tell them you have nothing in the bank and offer them 10k, -if it's legal surely they would agree? I was quoted 16k which is 8x the actual price of an extension.
  20. Yes that was interesting, not eaten any fish myself for 50 years
  21. Is there any point getting one if you have both the hospital paper and all the info on the Morprom app, inc passport number? Seems like duplication as they all prove what vax you had and when
  22. Pain in the bum when waiting and they turn up and queue jump holding 15 passports! lucky not had that for a when when I have been.
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