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Everything posted by clivebaxter

  1. Christ not having the best of it are you, hope nobody bought speakers on your account!
  2. Not just at my Bank then, usually head scratching and mai khow jai over anything above deposit and withdraw and even they are a problem at times. Recently nobody could tell me what one of their own codes in the bank book meant, immigration letter is always a puzzle even though I show then the copy of the one they did last year. New bank book needed- have to call manager for instructions how to do. They all act as if it's the first week on the job!
  3. Best to travel when there is about a month left on your permission to stay then it's around 4k
  4. Really, we go to the one on Rama 2, the bright center
  5. 65 baht at Foodland before 9AM
  6. Bond films were always rubbish, last one I paid to see was you only live twice in 1967, and the best thing about that was the song.
  7. I wish they would try a bit harder, give me a good excuse to get out- 'see dear it's not my fault'
  8. Often is here, one of the few genuine looking Wats I have seen was outside Udon Nong pah Pong I think it was, a few foreigners there, and the women in white. Only saw one collection box and that was covered over. Spotless, no strays, no daft statues, no amulet nonsense and no building going on. Compare the to Dharmakaya at Paknam where they had their hand out as soon as we got though the gate ????
  9. Very distressing had similar from house up the road 5 years ago, nothing you can do stops the bass, earplugs and noise cancelling headphones and you can still hear it. Woman next door to him moved out and never came back, still up for sale and the lady opposite has a nervous breakdown. Luckily these problems rarely last for ever, few make any money selling coffee although it will have a novelty effect for a time. If it lasts buying him out sounds the best plan. What music does he play?
  10. Or it being a vast area with most people apart from Bkk? Met a bargirl one time who had a degree who gave up a good job to work at the Pent club selling herself, she was from CM.
  11. It's a myth the customers like to continue with to justify the trade, it's the lazy, stupid and greedy ones who get into it. This old claim of it's the sex trade or starving up country does not wash these days. In my wife's very large Issan village only one girl we know of went to Pattaya to work as a prostitute, all the wifes schoolmates took advantage of education, some have govnt jobs and one a chain of 7/11's others sell food, rather than themselves!
  12. Quite ironic when you consider that Muhammad used to dress up in his wives' clothing. He even received revelations while dressed in his child bride Aisha's garments, making him the world's first and only cross-dressing prophet. !
  13. They often have to get such an extension from a province you do not live in, so that makes it not legit, even if they do it's still corruption
  14. Thailand is right not to bother with this nonsense, man made Co2 is not causing climate change and not responsible for global warming. Co2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere, man made is just 3% of that. If the carbon zealots were serious they would be concentrating on the Chinese output of Co2, Thailand's is a drop in the ocean.
  15. But it's not really Buddhism is it, amulets, superstition, fortune telling, statues of giant dogs, zebras and chickens etc Wats looking like theme parks and monks up to all sorts, including the ones I saw betting at a muay Thai match. Not a lot to respect really, and most of them could not tell you what the 4 noble truths are or the 8 fold path, they seem more interested in for ever building more and more onto Wats and giant statues.
  16. what's the point of the agent then? unless they are passing on a bribe
  17. Dear God can't they EVER get anything web based to work, filled it all in uploaded scans but not only do post and email not work, neither does bank payment. Only option to spend the day going to some far off office to pay cash and pick up, hopeless. That's applying for the international cert via mor prom
  18. I see he might go down well with the visually impaired then but I though it was about encouraging tourists?
  19. The 'talentless bimbo' who was the only one of thousands successful at interview in Thailand by YG entertainment when just 14, trained for 5 years then becoming a member of the most successful Asian girl group ever, much admired for her dancing, Her recent single got a record 73.6 million views in 24 hours and her album sold over 700k in Korea in a week and worth an estimated $10 million, not bad for a 'bimbo' !
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