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Everything posted by clivebaxter

  1. Hardly at an average of 93 cats and dogs a day, almost a waste of time. Then of course they are still a pest, just a few that cannot breed. The doggy people like to pretend what they are doing is a solution to the millions of strays on the streets, it's not.
  2. Phuket is an Island making it more effective, in the country as a whole the numbers speak for themselves- it's been a failure.
  3. 'CNVR is at the very forefront of Soi Dog’s operations and is proven to be the CNVR is at the very forefront of Soi Dog’s operations and is proven to be the most ethical and effective way of managing the street dog and cat populations.' Misinformation at best, all they are doing is reducing the population growth slightly, hardly controlling it and certainly not a long term solution as the numbers they get round to doing are relatively minuscule. They have steralised 650.000 since 2003, some of those would have been cats. That works out at 93 a day. Hundreds of strays must be born a day. They claim they are ending suffering, but that is another fantasy I think.
  4. Next will be facial recognition and social credit scores to keep the peasants obedient ????
  5. The 3 most dangerous things to do here are riding a bike, motorbike or driving a car. I have never done any of them. I do risk the zebra crossings from time to time though, that's bad enough.
  6. This case would not have even fooled the Thai Police, obvious one suspect murder. Why did he do it though?
  7. Went to city beach with a girl in 2000, The guy helping with the bags told her ' he was here with another woman two weeks ago' Never stayed there again!
  8. Why do people feel the need to share this goodbye I don't like most of you anyway and wont be posting again type of posts? OP has only been a member just over a year anyway.
  9. If it was that good people would not be talking it up all the time, sending you emails or messages on social media recommending it and telling you how much they made. Almost as boring as a ex drunk telling you the last time he had a drink. I'll continue to steer well clear of it.
  10. Start about 10 AM, it makes the day go quicker and drinking in the evening upsets my stomach.
  11. Where? Had one at Bangkok Hospital a few years back in Bkk, 11.500 baht inc being put under. Excellent Dr
  12. Depends on airline and where you are going. Thailand does not have any requirements as fa as I know. Some airlines want pcr test, some dont. Same with destination countries
  13. Just shows what a waste of time all this doggie do gooding is, 60 which can still attack and spread diseases. Only about another 4 million to go then
  14. Mrs says krung thep is not even Thai but khamin/paili
  15. Starts off well but soon goes into the diversity land fantasy which has become almost routine these days. First episode shows a black vicar and family with a young black girl going out with a white guy. In a rural English village, in the mid 50's? The young have been brainwashed to think this was normal, instead of what it really is which is re writing of reality, yes we know it's fiction so why never a black murderer, rapist or thief?
  16. Exposing what goes on in Mosques and madras 'schools' seem to have become a no go area after this one was aired many years ago!
  17. Well Kev had to get into reviewing tatty hotels and condos after he was taken to court by 2 Thai woman for uploading footage of them having a nasty argument. His shagwell Inn effort was one of his finest!, like most Thai vloggers an unpleasant know it all.
  18. Yes it really is that awful, many call it 'paradise' though ????
  19. No chance of doing it- constant 'download error'
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