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Liverpool Lou

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Liverpool Lou last won the day on April 4 2023

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  1. If my posts are bad why do they keep reading them? Where does he get 2000 from? Oh well. I won 15 days so most like them. If not who cares. Its a forum not cancer. We should all enjoy life. Not quite sure what you mean by that, I didn't say that your posts are bad, was referring to theshu25's posts, not yours.
  2. Why you guys so miserable? It's one of the forum rules, I think.
  3. Said the man, ironically, telling someone else to "get a life"!
  4. No wonder... Soi Cowboy is, literally, swimming in sh!t. Nana is, figuratively. swimming in sh!t.
  5. There's nothing much sadder than those who forensically analyse the posting activity of another member then comment about it in an unjustified, derogatory manner as though they are better than him! "...obviously 1999 of his posts were complete rubbish". Such hypocrisy. You may want to take a minute to look back on some of your own irrational and baseless posts about Trump when characterising other members' comments as "rubbish".
  6. The ladyboys will love you. Very useful, information, thanks for letting me know.
  7. No, most of us are positively off that scale.
  8. To be fair he was likely thrown only a few feet........ then fell 30 to the ground! To be fair, that's what I said.
  9. Where was it reported that he was on a motorway?
  10. Hardly any relevance...he was thrown 30 feet from an elevated road to the ground below.
  11. Only from AN posters. No indication at all that he was rear-ended.
  12. B0llocks, it's a long way short of attempted murder.
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