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Liverpool Lou

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  1. What makes you think that we're white? How could you "notice" that?
  2. ... and they could probably spell it properly. He did spell it correctly...if he was referring to their lying down, not telling untruths.
  3. Even worse than those just lying around, some are liars.
  4. "...she got a bad deal without knowing". ...due entirely to her lack of morals, common sense and discipline.
  5. 1333. They'll tell you. As long as you make it clear what you're asking (which you haven't been able to do here)! Or you could just refer to the glossary of transaction codes listed on the inside back cover of the BBL passbook.
  6. Last time everyone else checked, Britons were allowed into Australia.
  7. It was reported that he was observed doing so.
  8. Because he was a British tourist.
  9. Highly likely. AN is not universally recognised as the forum to go to apart from by the handful of usual suspects. Many people live here for years and have never heard of AN or TV or, if they have (and I'm not referring to you here) can't stand the barrage of nonsense (to put it very politely) that is sometimes posted so they stay clear of joining in!
  10. What makes you think that someone with a few hundred posts must have just arrived, cannot have been in Thailand as long as you have and cannot, therefore, have as much experience as you think you do?
  11. Look I found it, and have a purpose for it right away. 🤮 Brilliant, you attached it to your own comment!

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