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Liverpool Lou

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  1. If delivered via FedEx there will be VAT and their admin charge. How can the seller in China affect anything?
  2. Nothing will happen, you cannot be forced to pay. FedEx will keep the package, you get nothing, no skin off their nose.
  3. Perhaps you just need to have "a few choice words" with your wife?
  4. Show them your copy of the signed suspension request.
  5. Perhaps because you posted this... "50,000 baht seems a hell of a lot just to follow a gf around".
  6. She was offering the service, not buying it, as the full OP states. She was prosecuted, fined, jailed (suspended) and banned for working without a permit.
  7. He was a permanent resident, then? Not very likely as his soon-to-be deported wife wasn't quoted as having that privilege, lost in translation...'residency'/permission to stay...more likely.
  8. Does operating a noisy bike contravene visa/permission to stay conditions?
  9. You are obviously privy to more information than the rest of us. Kindly relate what you know that makes you believe that the person was an idiot. "Kindly relate what you know that makes you believe that the person was an idiot". He stepped off a moving bus, that's not exactly clever...as he proved.
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