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Everything posted by Nickelbeer

  1. If that's the case, they ought to give ALL expats the option to pay 300 baht a month and have emergency hospital bills taken care of. The usual lack of thought and logic in Thai planning. Expats are not even an afterthought in their scheme of things.????
  2. If she was an attractive female, that's likely what made the difference. Expecting fairness in a job interview in Thailand is just asking for disappointment.
  3. Smart......really smart. Just one more indicator of the contempt for foreigners in Thailand. Keep pushing lads. Once you totally drive out the farangs, the economic advantage may become apparent.
  4. Meanwhile, ZERO concern for the poor and homeless. You have to admire the Thai propensity for ignoring big problems, while threatening legal action for relatively harmless activities.
  5. The insanity is palpable. Anutin is the biggest enemy of freedom in Thailand. A dangerous politician that needs to be discredited as soon as possible. He hates farang and distrusts democracy.
  6. I won't be working ever again. I am retired. Basically, what you are saying is that retired people cannot achieve PR.
  7. Still too many requirements. They need to declare Covid as endemic and revert to pre-Covid rules. Another reason for me to leave Thailand as soon as possible. They are running an outdoor prison.
  8. If working and paying taxes is a requirement. I will never get residency because I cannot work on a Non-O visa.
  9. An old expat told me that I could qualify for permanent residency in Thailand after I had been here for 10 years. whether or not I was a fluent Thai speaker. This conflicts with everything I have heard. but the expat is not known for giving out false information. Can anyone confirm the veracity of his claim? I have always been told that PR requires fluency in the language. impossible in my case. Comments welcome.
  10. A truly mystifying post. I live in Thailand because of the low cost of living and access to women young enough to be my daughter. Even a backwater like Alabama (my former home) is more expensive than Thailand and my modest retirement income is considered "well to do" in this country. I don't have any respect for the "culture" because they don't respect MY culture. Unlike much poorer countries such as the Philippines, Thailand STILL does not have a universal healthcare system. Buying insurance here would negate the cost of living advantage because of the outrageous premiums I have been quoted. The shocking racism and xenophobia on display here is certainly no selling point. The constant efforts of immigration aimed at making it more and more difficult for expats to stay here long-term, should concern anyone wanting to live here. It's obvious that the OP is quite charmed with Thailand, but I don't really share those sentiments. At 72, I am getting too old to move elsewhere, but the medical situation seems to point in the direction of the Philippines. I am now in my sixth year of living here and I certainly regret not going to Costa Rica, which was my early choice because of the advanced healthcare system, which is among the best in the world. Stuck here for the foreseeable future and I feel like I am walking a tightrope as a healthcare crisis is almost certain as I continue to get older. Now it's time to sit back and read the flames which will invite me to "<deleted> off" if I don't love everything about this sad little country.
  11. What if there's nothing positive to report? (There isn't). Should we start making up stories to make Thailand look good?
  12. No. It annoys me when they DO "obey" the rules. Example: idiot in the elevator trying to keep me out since there are already four people in there. I have to wait too long for an elevator as it is. I pushed this scumbag out of the way and barged inside. Don't mess with me when I am just trying to get to the ground floor. I have mask and am fully vaccinated.
  13. Old people (like me) and young people, do not generally like the same music. That seems obvious to most of us. I am perfectly willing to let the young have their music without judgement. If I were their age, I would be consuming the same kind of entertainment. I really have no patience with old people who complain about "these kids today". You sound like fossils.
  14. I solve that problem by living on the tenth floor. Very seldom do the security guards ascend this far up. Occasionally, I will leave my shoes outside in the hall, which is against the rules here. When I lived on the lower floors, I was hassled all the time about hanging things on the balcony outside and not bringing my shoes inside. Very irritating.
  15. Continental Bakery is a big favourite. Very good breakfasts. Theppraya Road.
  16. Might as well do that, since the military will ALWAYS be in charge as long as they are allowed to use a coup as the legitimate power in the land. In most any other country, the Junta members would be swinging from a scaffold. The unnecessary military is the fatal flaw in Thai government. Scap the army and institute a Universal Healthcare system that all residents can buy into.
  17. In other words, no grasp of reality. The only thing Thailand needs is about thirty to fifty years of brutal colonization. I am only here for the low cost of living, not their "culture".
  18. Without the stupid water and powder throwing, the country may collapse. Pre-Covid, I used to leave the country for Cambodia during Songkran. Zero tolerance for taking a shower with my clothes on.
  19. Another internet crusader steps up to the plate. Farangs are best served in Thailand by minding their own business.
  20. And then, you would have been charged by Thai police with "fighting back".
  21. Thailand needs sanctions to straighten them out. When you hit them in the pocketbook, that usually gets results. They have been ratcheting up the abuse for six years now and it's time that ended. Their ragged economy needs western cash to keep it solvent. Immigration does not recognize this simple economic fact. Immigration Nazis love to throw their weight around. You don't get this attitude in Cambodia or the Philippines.
  22. Tried out the new Online 90 Day Reporting system. I noticed that there were some items I forgot to fill in, so I decided to go in person since the Chonburi Immigration office is only two blocks away. After a two hour wait, I got my passport back and was on my way. When I got back home, there was a message in my inbox saying my TM47 had been approved. Fortunately, the next report date was the same as the one I had been given at Immigration. It looks like a few items that were not filled in, were not required. Next time, I will use the online system exclusively. A major step forward for Thai Immigration. I don't like to go anywhere that I have to wait in a queue, so this is very welcome.
  23. You could always hire another 14 year old Thai urchin to "explain" it to him. Or better yet, hire ten 14 year olds, which would make the encounter more traditionally Thai. ????
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