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Everything posted by Nickelbeer

  1. Racism in Thailand is infinitely variable. Some no longer accept it. Others are as bigoted as their parents. A very strange culture for an American, even a WHITE American. Discrimination here takes forms that are not easily quantifiable. Skin color is only part of the equation.
  2. Of course, the Thais INSIST that you "respect" their culture, which includes built-in racism.
  3. I am about as. white as I could possibly be and have a Master's Degree. I am STILL not considered equal to the poorest Thai person. It is a preferential culture. Japan is racist too, and China to some extent. Thailand is a country where they still sell Confederate flag t-shirts and Nazi regalia. Casual racism is certainly no surprise.
  4. I wish they would make up their minds on whether cannabis is legal or illegal in Cambodia. It has inhabited a gray area for many years where it is allowed as a garnish for food. This is the origin of the "Happy Pizza" places. In addition to the pizza I ordered, I was offered a bag of weed to smoke, but I didn't bite. Many cases of stuff being sold and then the buyer is arrested after he leaves the premises. If there is any jail worse than a Thai jail, it would have to be in Cambodia. I'll stick with the pizza.
  5. I will not keep a DIME in Thailand. I will pay corruption money to an agent and get a fair deal.
  6. They want us to keep all our money here and yet they refuse to protect us. What's the attraction?
  7. This is why I keep NO money in Thai banks. All my income is kept in an FDIC protected account in the USA. If you can't guarantee transparency, then you have no right to be in business.
  8. I find them at FoodMart. You may have to cut them to fit. They only come in one size.
  9. Not that I know of. I am from the USA. Very few such incidents. Draconian penalties.
  10. Hoping that an Israeli extraction squad will spring him. The world is tired of anti Jewish Asians and everyone knows that Thailand is the arch-antisemite regime in southeast Asia.
  11. I am being deadly serious, Judging by your response, we know where YOU stand. Another antisemite.
  12. Very few expats have enough to cover an emergency. This is not a new situation.
  13. Easy to keep Covid numbers low when you have next to no tourists. 2000 dollar "bond" will certainly keep us all away. All it takes is the willingness to destroy your economy.
  14. The worst honeymoon destination I can imagine. The new groom gets to see what he's missing by being married. Bad precedent.
  15. Amazing. Covid 19 sufferers now being treated like criminals. Not surprised that it was an Israeli. Cambodia is rife with anti-semites.
  16. International Living magazine touts Cambodia as now being the cheapest retirement destination in Asia. Well ahead of Thailand.
  17. How unfortunate. The Thai "Justice" system does nothing but create victims.
  18. This is what happens when the cops interpret the law. The status of Cannabis remains in a gray area. IT has never actually been "legal".
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