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Everything posted by Nickelbeer

  1. He CAN, unless he has fellow Thais who will prevent him from doing this. Reputable bars would have tossed him out. Don't sit by the side of the road, drinking beer, you are a target.
  2. He should have bought him a beer and immediately left the premises. I know trouble when I see it.
  3. Thailand needs open-minded leadership with new ideas. Anutin does not fit the description.
  4. ETHNIC Chinese. The homegrown ones are acceptably Thai. Also the CHinese from Hong Kong are much different than mainland Chinese.
  5. Having more Chinese here will contribute little to THailand. Most Thais don't like them because they push and shove and are too loud.
  6. This is probably your next Prime Minister. His thinking mirrors that of many Thai people. He obviously has an "in" with China.
  7. Life after death is my only option. Wish I could be more optimistic. ????
  8. This is NOT good news. Anutin is the same guy who was blaming "caucasians" for spreading Covid 19. His candidacy can only mean bad things for expats.
  9. Commies????? Where?????? Haven't seen one in years. ????
  10. It seems fairly obvious to most people that sexual orientation is genetic. I have not known that many gay people, but all of them seem to have had that orientation since very early childhood.
  11. It doesn't seem like it would be much of an issue here. Thailand is the most openly-gay country I have ever visited. Being gay or transgender does not seem to carry any negative connotations here. Just my unprofessional observation.
  12. Soapies were among the best things about the whole Thailand experience. They really believe that killing the "nightlife sector" will provide them with a better country. If they keep at it, North Korea will have a stronger economy.
  13. A casino (or several) in each province should be mandatory. It is a proven cash generator and could be used to fund many needed projects. A viable healthcare plan, such as the Philippines has. is probably impossible, but it should be tried.
  14. Any program using a Capcha Code,should be scrapped immediately and the staff reprimanded or terminated.
  15. Oh Dear God. This one is likely to be worse than the first one (though I don't see how. I appreciate efforts at improvement, but not when those who have nothing to lose are in charge.
  16. How vpiI'll bet immigration will fund the scheme. That way, they can let us all in free and do 90 day payouts to deserving farang. LOL. LOL. LOL. Actually, the 800k bank scam could be eliminated entirely, if they funded it. Cambodia already does this with minimal fees for those who want to live there. The Thais had better be ready for the influx of Chinese. No point in speculating, because NONE of this is going to happen.
  17. You seem to be using something called "logic". The word does not exist as a concept in this country.
  18. Close the whole damn thing down. You've ruined the economy, Finish the job. You've shown that you don't care anything about the people.
  19. Well, the two women WERE Registered Nurses. Perhaps I should have told them that their studies were not accepted by the University of Asian Now, medical credentials, notwithstanding. I always argue with the experts. Gains me tonnes of respect.
  20. Thailand: always concentrating on the IMPORTANT issues. ????
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