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Everything posted by Nickelbeer

  1. Thailand has gasped its last. Long overdue. They have been aiming their guns at the very people who contribute a considerable sum of money to the country each year. The Philippines and Cambodia understand good public relations. Thailand understands racism, jealousy and a huge xenophobic chip on the shoulder, Open door policy for millionaires and a 100 thousand baht income requirement will not produce the results they think it will.
  2. The same genius who claimed that "caucasians" were spreading Covid. A totally credible source.
  3. The idea of a WORLD ECONOMY has not caught on with many companies. There is a list a mile long of banks that only accept USA Postal Codes. Morons.
  4. Chase and some other banks have cancelled accounts. I tried to make a 150 dollar purchase on three different credit cards today and all were turned down without explanation. I am not behind on any payments and my payments are made on time every month. The only advice I could get was to contact my "local" bank. NONE of these banks are "local", they are credit card accounts. If I need to go to the hospital, I am out of luck. No hospital will take me without assurance of payment. At 71 my chances for reasonable insurance are nearly impossible. I am not wealthy. I have no family to appeal to. Something is up and I don't believe that I am the only one who is going to suffer. Good luck to all. There are many who are going to need it.
  5. Two very bright and educated Thai women, told me today that since I have been vaccinated twice with Pfizer, that a booster would not be necessary. I feel sure that they are incorrect, so I felt I should bring it before the erudite collection of virologists on Asean Now. What say you? Serious comments appreciated.
  6. This is the kind of situation that warrants a government "extraction", but those are reserved for Diplomats and other useless elites.
  7. Benjamin Hart is not one for indulging in speculation. If he says it, there is usually a valid reason.
  8. As soon as all restrictions are lifted, I will be relocating to the Philippines. I'm tired of "whim of management" determining my living arrangements. I want to pay a flat fee and have the government out of my life. Jealousy and racial hatred are driving the broken-down old automobile, known as Thailand.
  9. I rather like Indians. They are certainly more polite than Han Chinese. True, they are notoriously cheap, but I would prefer them to the wealthy elites that the Thai government is trying to attract.
  10. What are the rules on "alternative" quarantine?. My girlfriend tested positive, though with few symptoms and was allowed to stay in the condo building next door and the 3000 baht cost was shared by another female. The condo was apparently owned by her Aunt. Getting this information was difficult because her English is almost non-existent, even using a phone translator. I would like to be tested, but I don't have huge sums of money to contribute to public officials. Comments?
  11. This is extortion on a level with the Philippines "bullet scam". At least, in the Phil, we can be fairly sure that it will never happen again. Not so with Thailand.
  12. Most ALL countries are "stolen" to some extent. Deeds and titles are fairly recent things. I came, I conquered and political correctness vilified me for it. ????
  13. One thing that hasn't been tried is giving people jobs with livable wages. It's proven that this impacts crime dramatically. Can't happen because of corporate greed, but it's worth a look. Besides, I'm a French Revolution admirer. Guillotine sweeps clean.
  14. Bureaucracy takes too long. Get a job in a penal colony where you can give full reign to your 17th century views on crime and punishment.
  15. You have obviously gone native, or perhaps you just have an extremely hard heart. Many people are desperate. Karma has your phone number.
  16. All that is wrong with Thailand is ALWAYS someone else's fault. Thais hold the crown for denying culpability. Even Donald Trump could not be more obtuse.
  17. Pay what they ask and stay cool. You cannot win.
  18. You really cannot win by assaulting police, but I understand his feelings. I have always stayed as far from the police as humanly possible.
  19. Anyone who thinks that IO CARES about safeguarding your passport details, is delusional. The situation you mention has outraged me for years. I certainly don't want copies of my passport ending up in someone else's hands. No possible remedy for this, either. Mention it to Immigration and there could be reprisals.
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