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Everything posted by Nickelbeer

  1. I'm really over Thailand. If I needed fascism, I would have voted for Trump. I have no interest in anyone else's sexual orientation. It doesn't concern me. What DOES concern me is the constantly shifting position of Thai Immigration. The government does not want farangs who are not independently wealthy. The fact that this country has NOTHING to attract those "golden gooses", is far above the ability of a Thai bureaucrat to understand.
  2. Thailand has traditionally been a retirement haven for those with modest retirement income. No truly wealthy individual would move here with all of the draconian laws aimed at curtailing what you can say, write or consume. The wealthy head for enlightened European destinations.
  3. Outdated laws based on the most boneheaded American legal insanity. All of this fueled by astronomical American financial aid to the police sector.
  4. Racism and xenophobia is part of the much vaunted "Thai culture". The official party line is "deal with it or get out."
  5. Better life for WHOM???? I would rather be dead. Celibacy is NOT a "choice" it is the END of normal life.
  6. I can't imagine causing a stink over ten baht, unless I were so skint that I only had that much. Many people make their own problems. I routinely get ripped off for twenty baht or so. I let it ride. Not worth getting my blood pressure up, or causing a Thai to attack me.
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