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Everything posted by Nickelbeer

  1. I have watched the IO SHRED the copies I give them. This more or less PROVES that all the copies required is just another scam to provide revenue. I know that one person working in the Jomtien office actually OWNS one of the copy mills located outside the facility. I can't imagine all the photocopying ending, simply because they are no longer needed. ????. That's not the Thai way. ????
  2. Why do I stay? No place to go. Philippines is not open yet. Central and South America are too far away and, of course, money is always an issue. As usual, Thailand wants more than they deserve, but that attitude may adjust if too many expats leave. The hilarious emphasis on attracting millionaires is a real ribtickler. The wealthy go to countries where the red carpet is rolled out, not to countries where Immigration treats them as suspects. ????
  3. Here's a chance for anti vaxxers to be charged under the computer crimes act. Bravo.
  4. Good luck on that. The military has run Thailand since 1932 and I see no chance of that arrangement ending.. Thailand has no threat from nearby Asian countries, so they should follow the Costa Rica model and dissolve their military.
  5. I think their idea is that people hang around longer for a drinking session after they eat. I've never noticed this. Most have about two drinks with their meal, pay and leave.
  6. Prerequisite for a Prime Ministership should be experience owning a restaurant.
  7. Yes, but I could live a lot MORE comfortably if I didn't have a girlfriend. ????
  8. "Rubbish" until YOU become a victim. Then you will howl and cry and beg for mercy from those who HAVE no mercy. Kissing the backside of Thais gains you about five minutes of good will. The rest of the time, you are on THEIR turf and will be judged by THEIR rules.
  9. Obtuse only in your narrow mode of thought. Anyone who thinks that Thai institutions are fair and equitable, does not live in the real world. They are broken beyond repair.
  10. No, perhaps my USA physician got HIS training at a circus. He was the source of my information. I have been taking TRAMADOL sporadically for years and have never noticed any side effect except pain relief. I am quite comfortable with the expertise of my doctor and my own experience. The doctor DID warn me that drugs such as oxycodone were considered to be addictive, primarily because of their euphoric effect, and refused to prescribe them for that reason. The misinformation concerning Tramadol is widespread, but my Doc said it was safe if taken as directed.
  11. No expat can ever expect justice from a Thai court. He should have been smart enough to realize this. In Thailand, you will get exactly the amount of "justice" that you can BUY!!!!!
  12. Tramadol???? This pain reliever has no euphoric effects. Who the hell would use Tramadol to get "high". Can't be done.
  13. Sounds like you did a renewal of your extension of stay. 90 day reports require nothing but your passport, unless they've changed it in the last month.
  14. It's always amusing to see backwaters like Thailand, thinking that they will succeed where others failed. Prohibition was one of the biggest mistakes ever made by the USA, yet Thailand thinks they can make it work. ????????
  15. It's hard for me to complain about "corruption", when farangs benefit greatly from the ability to get things done by ponying up a little more cash. Western countries call it "bribery", Thailand calls it "business". If that arrangement ever changes, Thailand will have nothing to attract foreigners.
  16. It's Asia, not a first world country. I expect the right to buy my way out of trouble.
  17. The oldest law enforcement con in the world is the idea that children are being seduced by whatever the target is. There were never any verifiable cases of drug dealers selling heroin, pot, cocaine etc. to school children. This was made up entirely by the blue-nose community who are scared to death by the idea that someone, somewhere.....is having FUN!!!!!
  18. I was harassed into retiring one year early. I hated my boss for that, but after six years of retirement in Thailand, I realize that he did me a favor.
  19. Got the second Pfizer vaccination at Central Festival Mall on the 16th. It was managed by Bangkok Pattaya Hospital and was a bit more organized than the vaccinations on the 26th of last month. Got a certificate of vaccination with QR code at the completion of the jabs. All in, I feel good about the effort to vaccinate with Pfizer on a cost-free basis. Earlier, it had been predicted that most would not be vaccinated until October.
  20. I have to laugh, both at the outrage of mid and lower income retirees, and at the imperial hubris of the Thai government. They actually believe they are offering something special. I am reminded of Michael Corleone's "offer"..........."My offer is this..........NOTHING."
  21. If you doubt they exist, look at some of the comments, which attempt to frame heterosexuality as an aberration, rather than the norm. No one reproduces by homosexual contact.
  22. The first line of attack of a gay supremacist is to accuse their detractors af being closet gays. Some people just naturally hate anyone who doesn't look and behave exactly as they do. I see as much of this kind of thinking among gays, as any other group of people. I like folks who mind their own business. It's always kept me out of trouble. Homosexuals do not threaten me. We have absolutely nothing in common. I am quite willing to let everyone find their own path to happiness, as long as it's legal and moral. At age 71, I am unlikely to change my way of thinking. ????
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