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Everything posted by Nickelbeer

  1. Couldn’t care less. A man’s gotta EAT!!! What business is it of mine how ASEAN NOW makes its money???
  2. I wasn’t around when the earth was created, so I don’t have a firm answer for you. Neither does anyone else. I just try to live the most moral life that I can and let religion alone. Needless to say, God does not seem to be very busy if he does exist.
  3. I’m certainly glad that Sheryl checked in on this subject. We have a few sour naysayers on board who want “proof” that Thai insurance companies are just playing games with us. Anyone who has ever dealt with a Thai insurance company tells the same story. Thanks, Sheryl, for setting the record straight.
  4. Pay up and consider this a lesson learned.
  5. An amazingly elitist comment. All employment does not guarantee you a luxury retirement. Many live paycheck to paycheck and have great difficulty saving anything. No one has control over the wages they earn, unless they are in a heavily unionized environment. Such a situation is rare in the United States and some other countries, as well. I had a plonker on the the internet tell me that if I had “worked a little harder”, I would have more money in retirement. These kinds of people must have existed in a public sector government job for their entire lives. In the REAL WORLD, hard work does not guarantee you anything but continued employment and sometimes not even that.
  6. This does not seem to be an issue with single-payer universal coverage.
  7. This is EXACTLY why Thailand needs a single-payer, universal health-care system. Expats could pay higher rates (though not the insane rates that insurance companies want) and Thai people would be protected with a lower premium rate. Indonesia does this and so do many countries in Central and South America who have a lower GDP than Thailand. If a government allows insurance companies to have a lock on healthcare, as they do in the USA, that is exactly why you can expect a huge pool of uninsured and potentially bankrupt citizens.
  8. Skyrocketing premiums from companies that usually fail to pay the coverage they agreed to. Insurance in Thailand is a massive scam.
  9. While there’s not much commonality between those two ideologies, in terms of the amount of evil generated, they are roughly on par. I have no sympathy with either Islamist or Confederate thinking.
  10. Most of us are quite happy with the status quo. I was brought up in the southern United States, but it was always obvious to me that the Confederate cause was entirely based on the slavery issue. When your whole reason for being is the “right” to OWN other human beings, you have lost the plot.
  11. This kind of rhetoric is what sparked the civil war back in the mid 1800’s. Those advocating “taking up arms against the government” should be rounded up and tried for treason. The level of insanity that it takes to contemplate such horror is palpable.
  12. The way that marijuana became illegal in the first place, was hysteria created by racists, who were convinced that pot smoking was causing white women to have sex with black men. The history of drug laws is filled with such poppycock.
  13. I knew this sounded too good to be true. Hysterics and “reefer madness” experts rule the rhetoric. There is always a way for Thailand to take two steps forward and five steps back.
  14. Some people have nothing else to do. Hating is their only hobby.
  15. None, that I know of. I just thought it was interesting. The deeper you look into Thai law, the more interesting things you find. The “theft by night” law, for instance.
  16. Not many people seem to know this, but the LM laws cover the Pope, as well as all other Monarchs worldwide. This seems to be mostly unknown, though it is plainly outlined in the law. Comments? I didn’t think so. ????
  17. This is exactly the kind of scenario I have been worried about, now that cannabis decriminalization is a reality. Many cops don’t care what the law is and some are not even aware of it.
  18. I had a similar incident transpire at MBK in Bangkok. I was in my fifties at the time and my companion was about 28. An American woman was shrieking about how I should be ASHAMED of myself, while her embarrassed husband tried to get her calmed down. My girlfriend could not understand what was going on. When I told her, she started to laugh and then said: “why does she CARE???” Good question, babe. ????
  19. EXACTLY my remedy for such defamatory conclusion jumping. I usually only get those accusations from punters on the internet who don’t have to worry about picking their teeth up off the ground after they make such comments. I almost never encounter people who are willing to suggest such a thing to my face. That said, I always refuse to talk with minors unless their parents are with them and even then, I don’t like to engage. I strictly do not photograph anything where kids are playing. You can’t be too careful when there are evil-minded chavs lurking around. A sick, perverted bunch, to be sure.????
  20. Yep, gels are messy and take too much time to apply properly. You have a point about the lack of swings from gel. I never noticed any. It took about a month before daily application of the gel resulted in the desired result, but it effectively brought back the dead. I just find the shots more convenient for me. When I first moved here, the gels were not available like they are now. My urologist put me on an “every three weeks” regimen. When I moved to Pattaya, I consulted a Swiss doctor, who seemed sold on Nebido. He told me that my levels were “too high” and said that would produce the opposite effect. he cut me back to once a month just before I stopped going to him because he wanted to switch me to Nebido. Lately, I am considering going back to the “every three weeks” routine. I think he is peddling what makes him more money, rather than something backed by hard science.
  21. According to my Urologist, Testosterone pills are nearly worthless. Injections or gel are what you need. The gels are a huge pain in the hindquarters. I get an injection once every three weeks. Testosterone Enanthate is what is normally prescribed. Vials have recently gone up to about 250 baht for a 250 milligram vial.
  22. I can’t imagine the miniscule amount of electricity this would use. Leaving an electric fan running will not result in appreciably higher electric bills,so I would think that using a radio app on your laptop would not put any kind of a dent in your power usage.
  23. There should be mandatory ouster from office for any politician who does not address the homeless problem in Thailand. Abhisit was right, Thailand should become a welfare state.
  24. Amazingly. The new system works well for me, but I live so close to Immigration that I prefer to go in person. I submitted my last 90 day report with some items missing, but they approved it and accepted it anyway and gave me a receipt stating the date of my next report.
  25. The idea that the government CARES what we think about the dual pricing, is rather naive. Thai law has always showed raw contempt for non-Thais visiting and living in Thailand. Xenophobia has always been off the chart here. Attempts to track your every move are much like the old Soviet Union or North Korea. The attitude has always been “If you don’t like the laws here, go back to where you came from.” I am amazed that some farangs think they can “negotiate” with Immigration and the Royal Thai Police. There is certainly no tolerance for the opinions of aliens in the USA or UK.
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