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Everything posted by Nickelbeer

  1. Try Clonoril. It is klonopin or clonazopam and available at the pharmacy in Foodland on Pattaya Klang. The last known place that sold alprazolam was Walking Street Pharmacy, which is no longer in business. Clonoril is among the same family of pharmaceuticals as Xanax. Not as effective, in my opinion, but if you suffer from anxiety, it may be your only option. Doctors are increasingly resistant to prescribing drugs in the benzodiazepine family because they are highly addictive and increase your happiness. ????????
  2. Not a single change will be made. I feel confident about that much. Thais can be very obstinate about their cultural trappings.
  3. What??? Thailand never borrows from anybody. It’s the REST of the world that borrows from THEM. Yep, righto!!!
  4. I had her do one report for me and the receipt was not the same. They gave me an acknowledgement and that was all. I just felt more comfortable with the receipt I had always gotten when I reported in person. No big deal.
  5. Give me the Brits over the Russians any day of the week. The USA just followed them into empire after they abandoned it. Guess we found out how EXPENSIVE it is.
  6. Not sure about the US not providing any aid to military ruled countries. The figures I have seen show at least 17.7 billion dollars going to Thailand from the USA in 2019. That does not include aid for Covid.
  7. I omitted several items on my first submission, but it was still accepted. Since I was antsy about it, I went ahead and reported in person. By the time I arrived back home, I had a notice of acceptance from Immigration.
  8. It actually DOES seem to work as advertised. I still like to visit in person since I live so close. I am never kept waiting very long. My agent has offered to do it for free, but I like to get the standard receipt which tells me the exact date that I need to report again.
  9. Yes, I also overlooked the great “Sea of Myanmar” which separates them. The key word was “overseas”. Doesn’t qualify.
  10. I have never been shoved out of the way by an Indian in line at a 7-11 store. They are unfailingly polite. I can’t say the same for Chinese tourists unless they are from Hong Kong.
  11. I don’t understand the characterization of Biden as a “puppet”. He is certainly one of the most knowledgeable politicians in the last fifty years. Trump’s deficiency in policy areas was a huge handicap. Asking questions like “Why can’t we use nukes”. Dangerous.
  12. There now seem to be more Indian nationals than Chinese visiting Thailand. Just my observation, no stats to back it up.
  13. Why would ANYONE think this was going to change? The only change is to enable medicinal cannabis. Thailand will continue to keep the cash cow that prohibits recreational use.
  14. I have not found this to be the case. Many do not seem to want to wear them but they expect non-Thais to wear them religiously. No mystery as to why the Covid situation is still a problem. “Rules for thee but not for me”. ????
  15. Affordable health insurance is my number one priority. The Philippines appears to be the best in this respect, though I can’t get enough information about Indonesia to make a determination. At 72 and with cancer and brain surgery as pre-existing conditions, it does not appear that I have much of a chance. I’ve lived in Thailand for six years without an incident, but any long term care would destroy the “cost of living” advantage. I wish there were a clear source for good information on healthcare in Asia. I know the situation in Thailand and supposedly there is NOTHING in Cambodia or Laos. Plenty of information on the Philippines, but it appears you would need supplementary insurance in addition to PhilHealth, the government program. Too many questions and too few answers.
  16. Myanmar would never invade Thailand. The USA would get involved in that one and Burma would slide even farther back from where it is.
  17. Depends on what you deem as “socialist”. Australia has top quality universal health care. That's something that most Americans consider socialist. Curiously, even Trump complimented Australia’s healthcare system and said the US needed something similar. Of course, that’s just another example of Trump not knowing what, if any, position he was holding on the issue. On policy, he was the most ignorant President in history. His advisors constantly had to pull his chestnuts out of the fire.
  18. I keep hearing this, but I can’t stand Thai food. Pinoy food would probably be closer to something I could eat without getting sick.
  19. The system can never be changed. It has been one coup after another since 1932. Why spend money on elections when they can be swept out of the way on a whim?
  20. Many countries do not believe that the government has ANY responsibility to “look after” its citizens, whether they are old or young. Being an American, I am very sad to see this attitude very prevalent in my own country among those who deem themselves to be “conservatives”. The only thing they want to “conserve” is their own wealth and those who are unfortunate are just out of luck. ????. There is an added factor here in Thailand, that if you are in distress, that it is , somehow, their own fault. many Americans envy citizens of the UK with their access to NHS healthcare. There seems to be an endless supply of people who only care about their own patch of ground and the rest of the world can go straight to hell. This irresponsible attitude will eventually cause social problems and unrest that cannot be ameliorated by the methods that have worked in the past. I put myself in the place of many of the unfortunates I see on the street and I wonder how I would survive in the same circumstances. I can only help a few desperate people and even then, the help is not enough. A very disheartening situation as an expat in this country.
  21. This sounds very familiar to this American. Very Trump-like to blame social media for “stirring up trouble”. Just don’t discuss it and it will go away. Smart, Prayut, very smart.
  22. Four baht is not worth the fuss. Thai people don’t care whether they lose your business or not. There’s always another sucker ready to do business.????
  23. You can’t help but wonder what the REAL story is. I remember the “Uncle SMS” case where a 67 year old man died in prison for sending an SMS message when he denied even knowing how to send one. The Computer Crimes Law is among the most dangerous on earth.
  24. Consider the priorities that human beings get in Thai society and then ask yourself if an animal could expect even as much consideration. Oddly, some wealthy Thais treat their dogs much better than they do humans of the poorer classes. Don’t complain about the treatment of animals when you don’t even care enough about fellow humans to make sure that they eat.
  25. Various fanatics in the USA have been trying for years to criminalize going to Thailand for “Play for Pay”. I’m surprised they’ve never been successful. The US managed to push FBAR off on the Thai Banking System. Banks really hate those reporting requirements.
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